Papers by Rajni Palriwala

Development and Change, 2011
This article explores the political and social economy of care in India through a focus on childc... more This article explores the political and social economy of care in India through a focus on childcare practices, from the viewpoint of the care givera perspective frequently ignored or touched on only generally in earlier discussions on development or social policy. It is argued that the care regime is an ad hoc summation of informal, stratified practices. It is shaped by the institutional context, in particular the economic and social inequalities of work and livelihoods, as well as trends and absences in state economic and social policy. Central to the dynamics of care practices in India is the ideology of gendered familialism in public discourse and policy, which reiterates care as a familial and female responsibility and works to devalue and diminish the dimensions of care. By delineating the range of institutions through which everyday childcare practices are organized, this contribution draws out the differentiations and actualities of stratified familialism and care. At one end of the spectrum are those who have the possibility to retain familial carers at home and supplement them with paid and other institutional carers; at the other are those who are neither able to retain family members at home nor fill the care gap through formal institutions.
South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, Aug 18, 2020
American Journal of Sociology, May 1, 2006
American Journal of Sociology
Economic and Political Weekly, 1991
... Case Study of a Rajasthan Village Rajni Pairiwala Few studies have indicated that women'... more ... Case Study of a Rajasthan Village Rajni Pairiwala Few studies have indicated that women's residence practice and the dimensions of this practice are in fact much more varied and complex than allowed for by accepted knowledge which focused on the rules as lived by men. ...

Development and Change, 2011
This article explores the political and social economy of care in India through a focus on childc... more This article explores the political and social economy of care in India through a focus on childcare practices, from the viewpoint of the care giver — a perspective frequently ignored or touched on only generally in earlier discussions on development or social policy. It is argued that the care regime is an ad hoc summation of informal, stratified practices. It is shaped by the institutional context, in particular the economic and social inequalities of work and livelihoods, as well as trends and absences in state economic and social policy. Central to the dynamics of care practices in India is the ideology of gendered familialism in public discourse and policy, which reiterates care as a familial and female responsibility and works to devalue and diminish the dimensions of care. By delineating the range of institutions through which everyday childcare practices are organized, this contribution draws out the differentiations and actualities of stratified familialism and care. At one end of the spectrum are those who have the possibility to retain familial carers at home and supplement them with paid and other institutional carers; at the other are those who are neither able to retain family members at home nor fill the care gap through formal institutions.
1 We would like to thank Subhadeepta Ray, Jyoti Sapru, and various friends for their assistance i... more 1 We would like to thank Subhadeepta Ray, Jyoti Sapru, and various friends for their assistance in finding and collecting the data and documents on which this chapter is based.

Wie wirken sich Migrationsprozesse auf die scheinbar unausweichliche Vergeschlechtlichung von Car... more Wie wirken sich Migrationsprozesse auf die scheinbar unausweichliche Vergeschlechtlichung von Care-Arbeit aus und werden von ihr gepragt – uber die vielen Unterschiede und Hierarchien zwischen Frauen in unterschiedlichen Kontexten hinweg? Wie konnen wir Migration, Geschlecht und bezahlte Arbeit mit den Relationen und der Gemeinsamkeit des Seins, die in der Care-Arbeit notwendig und erwunscht sind, in Beziehung setzen? Ein Grosteil der Diskussion uber Geschlecht, Care-Arbeit und Migration hat sich auf internationale Care-Migrantinnen konzentriert. Die grose Zahl der Binnenmigrantinnen und die Vielfalt ihrer Arbeit wird in dieser Literatur kaum gewurdigt. Die Literatur uber Binnenmigration wiederum tendiert dazu, die Komplexitat von Geschlecht und Arbeit von mobilen Menschen nicht zu berucksichtigen. Dieser Beitrag denkt den Nexus von Geschlecht und Care innerhalb von drei Stromen der Binnenmigration in Indien neu und nutzt dafur ein breites Spektrum ethnografischer Studien. Sie werd...
ActionAid works with poor and excluded people in 24 states in India and over 40 countries worldwi... more ActionAid works with poor and excluded people in 24 states in India and over 40 countries worldwide to end poverty and injustice. Together we claim legal, constitutional and moral rights to food and livelihood, shelter, education, healthcare, dignity and a voice in decisions that affect their lives. IDRC is a Canadian Crown corporation that works in close collaboration with researchers from the developing world in their search for the means to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies.

Foreword - Judith Mbula Bahemuka Shifting Circles of Support - Carla Risseeuw and Rajni Palriwala... more Foreword - Judith Mbula Bahemuka Shifting Circles of Support - Carla Risseeuw and Rajni Palriwala PART ONE: CHANGING MARRIAGE AND KINSHIP RELATIONS UNDER COLONIALISM Marriage - From Rule to Rarity? Changing Gender Relations in Botswana - Francien Van Driel State Formation and Transformation in Gender Relations and Kinship - Carla Risseeuw The Case of Colonial Sri Lanka Gender, Kinship and the Control of Resources in Colonial Southern Ghana - Dzodzi Tsikata Women's Rights and the Decline of Matriliny in Kerala, India - K Saradamoni PART TWO: NEGOTIATING INSECURITY Who Gains from Matriliny? Men, Women and Change in a Lakshadweep Island - Leela Dube Negotiating Patriliny - Rajni Palriwala Intra-Household Consumption and Authrority in Rajasthan Women's Position and Fertility - Parveen Walji Moloo The Case of the Asians in Kenya PART THREE: THE ARTICULATION OF LEGAL SYSTEMS AND THE FAMILY Family Rights in Kenya - Kivutha Kibwana A Preliminary Examination of the Legal Framework St...
... Klaas van der Veen, who steered the previous 1dpad project on the welfare state, for visiting... more ... Klaas van der Veen, who steered the previous 1dpad project on the welfare state, for visiting us at an early stage, instilling confidence and sharing the unpublished papers from his project. Jan Breman (casa) for the initial encouragement to the idea of this project. ...
Indian economic review, 1993
Book Review of Gupta, S. P., The Agrarian System of Eastern Rajasthan, Delhi: Manohar, 1986, Rs.185
Book Review of Wignaraja Ponna, Women, Poverty and Resources, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1990,... more Book Review of Wignaraja Ponna, Women, Poverty and Resources, New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1990, Rs. 185
Papers by Rajni Palriwala