Papers by Dr Manish Kaithwas
Øe la / Serial No. : 169120 fMtkbu la-/ Design No. : 411444-001 rkjh[k / Date : 23/03/2024 ikjLif... more Øe la / Serial No. : 169120 fMtkbu la-/ Design No. : 411444-001 rkjh[k / Date : 23/03/2024 ikjLifjdrk rkjh[k / Reciprocity Date* : ns 'k / Country : ç fd;k tkrk gS fd la yXu çfr es a of.kZ r fMtkbu tks SEXUAL VIOLENCE REPORTING DEVICE ls la ca fèkr gS ] dk ia thdj.k] Js .kh 14-02 es a Dr Manish Kaithwas ds uke es a mi;Z q ä la [;k vkS j rkjh[k es a dj fy;k x;k gS A Certified that the design of which a copy is annexed hereto has been registered as of the number and date given above in class 14-02 in respect of the application of such design to SEXUAL VIOLENCE REPORTING DEVICE in the name of Dr Manish Kaithwas. fMtkbu vf/kfu;e] 2000 rFkk fMtkbu fu;e] 2001 ds v/;/khu çko/kkuks a ds vuq lj.k es a A In pursuance of and subject to the provisions of the Designs Act, 2000 and the Designs Rules, 2001.

SSRN Electronic Journal
Domestic violence is a very well known and most frequent towards women's in India. Domest... more Domestic violence is a very well known and most frequent towards women's in India. Domestic violence against women is understood as a situation supported and reinforced by gender norms and values that place women in a subordinate position in relation to men. This study reviles the presence of domestic violence in Indian women's. An interview schedule was prepared to assess the prevalence of domestic violence. 50 women's of lucknow were interviewed to get adequate result. The study showed that alcoholism of husbands is one of the main cause of domestic iolence against women's. The result showed that Domestic violence is still prevailing in the Indian society and women's are very less aware of the laws and organizations dealing with domestic violence. The study showed that alcoholism of husbands is one of the main cause of domestic violence against women's.

Social Work Chronicle , 2018
The offences of rape and the sexual violation have notoriously low reporting rate in India. Under... more The offences of rape and the sexual violation have notoriously low reporting rate in India. Underreported Crime is due to the reason of disbelief in police and investigation system. As patriarchal legacies among the whole system of Police and their attitude towards women especially in rape cases making it difficult for survivors to approach Police. Survivors are often reluctant to make police reports for various reasons-Undeniably fear of re-victimisation by criminal justice professionals, survivor fear they will be shamed, disbelieved, coerced, re-traumatized, or dismissed. In Research and media reports has shown that our police officers are not even aware of the current Rape law, which shows their incompetency but not a challenge. The police response to the issue of rape is stereotyped and patriarchal as they judge the women through traditional mindset. This paper reveals that Police officers skill in taking rape complaints is important, because it may affect the willingness of survivor to cooperate with criminal justice authorities, the quality of crime reports which result in the degree of secondary trauma experienced by survivors.

AbstrAct The offences of rape and the sexual violation have notoriously low reporting rate in Ind... more AbstrAct The offences of rape and the sexual violation have notoriously low reporting rate in India. Underreported Crime is due to the reason of disbelief in police and investigation system. As patriarchal legacies among the whole system of Police and their attitude towards women especially in rape cases making it difficult for survivors to approach Police. Survivors are often reluctant to make police reports for various reasons-Undeniably fear of re-victimisation by criminal justice professionals, survivor fear they will be shamed, disbelieved, coerced, re-traumatized, or dismissed. In Research and media reports has shown that our police officers are not even aware of the current Rape law, which shows their incompetency but not a challenge. The police response to the issue of rape is stereotyped and patriarchal as they judge the women through traditional mindset. This paper reveals that Police officers skill in taking rape complaints is important, because it may affect the willingness of survivor to cooperate with criminal justice authorities, the quality of crime reports which result in the degree of secondary trauma experienced by survivors.

Workplace harassment affects women in every walk of life, in every level of employment. The purpo... more Workplace harassment affects women in every walk of life, in every level of employment. The purpose of this research paper is to elucidate the awareness among working women regarding sexual harassment law procedure provide to them in the constitution. Moreover, efforts to implement the guidelines are also limited. Mechanisms for redress do not always function impartially and a few women are effectively able to translate the guidelines to make the workplace safer and gender equitable. Only few women seek redress and few receive swift action; responses have included non-action and even victimization of the complainant women. Most of the women don't complain because they fear of being blamed for provoking the incident or the loss of their reputation. The results from this research, however indicate that in Govt. Org sexual harassment is still prevalent in the workplace despite attempts to eradicate it.
Talks by Dr Manish Kaithwas

Different Truth, 2018
The incident of gruesome rape and murder of an eight-year old girl in Kathua, Jammu & Kashmir sho... more The incident of gruesome rape and murder of an eight-year old girl in Kathua, Jammu & Kashmir shook the entire nation. The incident remained a burning subject in print, electronic and social media as people from all walks of life presented their take on the matter. A section of population looked it from the communal lens as a biased crime against a Muslim tribe – Bakhrwals. It was asserted that the incident is a reflection of the aversion towards Muslims by hothead Hindu nationalists. The body of the girl was found in the forest, and according to the media she even dragged herself, and tried to seek help and in order to prevent her from doing so, she was murdered. This narrates the cruelty of the incidence. The seraphic face of the eight-year-old with beautiful large eyes shown in newspapers and TV screens, bled the hearts of millions of Indians. It shocked the soul of the people and the nation which erupted in continuous protests at every corner of the country.
Papers by Dr Manish Kaithwas
Talks by Dr Manish Kaithwas