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      Criminal LawNationalismIndian Constitutional LawSedition
The imperfective aspect marker -unnu licenses a situation argument, which is the characteristic property of an episodic predicate. The generic reading of the -unnu construction is derived when the situation argument is bound by an... more
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Universities are o!en thought of as egalitarian spaces that foster free thought and expression, and our attention is being frequently drawn to the recent attacks on this freedom. The fact of the matter is that universities are hardly... more
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      Higher EducationEqualitySocial Justice in EducationFreedom of Speech
This is a talk delivered at an conference on 'State, citizenship and emancipation' organised by Students Islamic Organization, at Tirur on 27 November 2016.
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The Indian language policy is informed by a pull towards unilingual identity, inspired by the European model of nation state that is predicated on the homogeneity of its people. Language hegemony works at two tiers in India—at the state... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage and Education
The various struggles that the university space in India has been witnessing in the recent past have been unable to reconcile the issue of social inequality and exclusion. The struggle against a politics of exclusion within academic... more
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      Human RightsHigher EducationSocial ExclusionDemocratic Participation and Struggles
The imperfective aspect marker –unnu licenses a situation argument, which is the characteristic property of an episodic predicate. The generic reading of the –unnu construction is derived when the situation argument is bound by an... more
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This paper critically assesses the usefulness of the “new-Orientalism” thesis in understanding the discourses around the idea of “terrorism” and of “the terrorist”. It observes that critiques of “new Orientalism” provide important... more
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G N Saibaba, a faculty member of the department of English, Ram Lal Anand College, University of Delhi, was a victim of the Indian state’s policy of undermining all radical opposition as “guilty by association”.
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By PK Vijayan Asst Professor, Hindu College, Delhi A few days ago, former Delhi University ViceChancellor Deepak Pental remarked to a newspaper that "in the semester system, there is no room for strikes as there is a definite schedule.... more
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      Politics Of EducationCodes of Ethics