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An extremely thermophilic, xylanolytic, spore-forming and strictly anaerobic bacterium, strain DTU01T, was isolated from a continuously stirred tank reactor fed with xylose and household waste. Cells stained Gram-negative and were... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMicrobiologyMedical MicrobiologyBiology
An extreme thermophilic ethanol-producing strain was isolated from an ethanol high-yielding mixed culture, originally isolated from a hydrogen producing reactor operated at 70 W C. Ethanol yields were assessed with increasing... more
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      ChemistryFood ScienceWaterRenewable Energy
The detailed composition of wastewater has significant impact on the biological wastewater treatment processes. The carbon sources present govern the oxygen uptake rate, the rate of denitrifica
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    • Water Science and Technology
I de senere år er interessen for at spare på grundvandsressourcen steget. Der er også et ønske blandt myndigheder og græsrødder om at finde metoder til i større omfang at håndtere spildevand lokalt. Det er derfor af stor interesse at... more
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The Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) presents a model for biological phosphorus removal with simultaneous nitrification-denitrification in activated sludge systems. ASM2d is based on ASM2 and is expanded to include the denitrifying... more
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      MultidisciplinaryWater ScienceWater Science and Technology
In activated sludge processes an increased sludge age is associated with a decreased sludge production. This phenomenon is generally interpreted as a result of endogenous respiration processes. In the activated sludge models cell lysis... more
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      MultidisciplinaryWater Science and Technology
The paper examines the present trends within wastewater handling and treatment. The trend is towards the extremes, either local low-tech treatment or centralized advanced treatment plants. The composition of the wastewater will change and... more
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      MultidisciplinaryWater Science and Technology
The Activated Sludge Model No. 2 is introduced as a further development of Activated Sludge Model No. 1. Model No. 2 introduces phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAO) and allows us to simulate the behaviour of biological nutrient removal... more
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      MultidisciplinaryWater ScienceWater Science and Technology
In this study, the metabolism of glycogen storage and consumption in mixed cultures under aerobic conditions is described. The experimental results are used to calibrate a metabolic model, which as sole stoichiometric variables has the... more
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      BiotechnologyBiomassMultidisciplinaryEnergy Metabolism
This review paper focuses on modelling of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). White-box modelling is widely applied in this field, with learning, design and process optimisation as the main applications. The introduction of the ASM model... more
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      Learning DesignSupervisory ControlActivated SludgeKnowledge Representation
Reliable performance evaluation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) can be done by simulating the plant behavior over a wide range of influent disturbances, including series of rain events with different intensity and duration,... more
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      Time SeriesMultidisciplinaryPerformance EvaluationSeasonality
An experimental procedure was developed for the respirometric determination of bacterial storage yield as defined in the Activated Sludge Model No. 3. The proposed approach is based on the oxygen utilization rate ͑OUR͒ profile obtained... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
Quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and the combination of FISH with microautoradiography (MAR) were used in order to study the long-term population dynamics (2.5 years) and the in situ physiology in two parallel... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyMicrobiologyActivated SludgeFungi
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      WaterWater PurificationMultidisciplinaryAdsorption
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      WaterActivated SludgeMultidisciplinary
Respirometric analysis of domestic sewage together with textile, dairy, meat processing, tannery and confectionery wastewaters were carried out for the experimental assessment of the readily biodegradable COD. The accuracy and the... more
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      WaterKineticsActivated SludgeMultidisciplinary
A Model Parameter estimation Wastewater Xenobiotic organic compound a b s t r a c t The perspective of this work is to develop a model, which can be used to better understand and optimize wastewater treatment plants that are able to... more
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      WaterWastewater TreatmentActivated SludgeMultidisciplinary
Wastewater from the fertiliser industry is characterised by high chloride concentration, normally varying between 60 and 76 g/ l. Experiments with biological denitrification were performed in laboratory-scale 'fill and draw' reactors with... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesEnvironmental SciencesWater SA
The U.S. EPA QUAL2 model is currently the standard for river water quality modelling. While QUAL2 is adequate for the regulatory situation for which it was developed (the U.S. wasteload allocation process), there is a need for a more... more
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      MultidisciplinaryWater ScienceNonpoint Source PollutionModel Calibration