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This document brings together materials produced for and during the one-day PhD by Design Satellite Session taking place as part of DRS2018 on June 25, as well as the remaining DRS conference running June 26-28, 2018, Limerick, Ireland.... more
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      Design ResearchPractice-Based ResearchResearch Through DesignPhD design education
This paper explores different approaches taken when 'wearing two hats'; that of academic researcher and the industry entrepreneur. It considers the barriers and opportunities in combining these two roles in order to acquire new knowledge.... more
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Purpose: The aim of this research paper is to provide new insights from the Prato recycling model for woollen materials. Specifically, to examine the barriers presented but also opportunities that wool recycling might offer for future... more
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Einstein is famously quoted saying "I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn". This paper explores the conditions and adaptive methods used by practice design researchers to enable circular... more
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      Design educationSustainble design and apparelEducational Theory and Practice
Textile recycling and the Circular Economy Don't be nervous. Circularity is the captain and she is picking her players-nobody wants to be picked last. We are consistently reminded that Chemical Recycling, although appearing to be the best... more
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    • Textile Recycling
The problem of difficult-to-recycle textile waste is usually laid at the designer’s door. However, the strategy ‘Design for Recycling’ is not only underexplored in the field of textile design, but the solutions offered are oversimplified... more
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      Textile RecyclingSortingCascadingBlending
Models such as the circular economy, offer guidance to actors from the fashion and textile industry on how to navigate the negative environmental, ethical, and social impacts of the sector's current and historic practices. The principles... more
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      Biomimicrybiomimetics DesignBiomimicry - Sustainable Design - Environmental DesignBioinspired Materials
This paper builds on traditional portfolio annotation to aid the design researcher to capture and interpret practice-based research through design. Going beyond an object to understand the researcher's observing, designing and making... more
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      Design MethodsPortfolio
is famously quoted saying "I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn". This paper explores the conditions and adaptive methods used by practice design researchers to enable circular design... more
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      Design educationSustainble design and apparelEducational Theory and Practice
Background: The problem of difficult-to-recycle textile waste is an ongoing challenge.  One of the issues is the lack of exchange between the recovery sector and design/manufacture of recycled materials. This paper seeks to addresses the... more
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Nobody is an island. As Reverend John Donne said, we are all a piece or a part of the main. Therefore, in order to avoid isolation, we need to connect to those around us. Design is a rather young discipline that, while small, is fl... more
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      Design educationDesign ResearchKnowledge ExchangeLifecycle Thinking
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