It me!

We’re writing up some mini-bios for the Zao blog. Here is mine.

End of an Era: Moving on from WebDevStudios

On my personal blog, I wrote about my decision to move on from WebDevStudios and freelance.

Loading the Optimal WordPress Object Cache Implementation

On the webdevstudios blog, I wrote about wrangling your object-cache.php file. Check it out.

Use CMB2 to Create a New Post Submission Form

On the WebDevStudios blog, I wrote a tutorial which provides a pretty in-depth walk-through to demonstrate using CMB2 to create a new post submission form. While the specific implementation is for new posts, the principles in the post can be applied to just about any kind of content in WordPress.

Use CMB2 to Create a New Post Submission Form

CMB2 WordPress Plugin: What is it good for? Absolutely everything!

From the WebDevStudios blog, a general overview of CMB2 and how it compares to the original library, Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress.

CMB2 WordPress Plugin: What is it good for? Absolutely everything!

Interview with Troy Dean on WP Elevation

Thanks to Lisa for suggesting he have me on, and thanks to Troy for taking her up on it! Check it out.

Two Three Great Posts for Open Source Software Maintainers

After maintaining CMB for some time, I’ve had to learn some of the principles in the following articles the hard way, and am planning on integrating those that I haven’t yet. “Merge pull request” Considered Harmful The ‘Merge Pull Request’ button, although… Read More

Custom Metaboxes and Fields 1.0.0 Released!

From the WebDevStudios blog, talks about a big release for Custom Metaboxes and Fields.

Custom Metaboxes and Fields 1.0.0 Released!

WordPress 3.5 admin columns for custom taxonomies