It me!

We’re writing up some mini-bios for the Zao blog. Here is mine.

“Is experience exactly the same as pessimism?”

This Dilbert strip is painfully accurate. (h/t @Rarst)

WooCommerce: Allow adding multiple products to the cart via the add-to-cart query string

If you’re not familiar, WooCommerce offers a way to link to the checkout/cart page and automatically add a product to the cart (h/t Justin). You can create a link like so: I recently (somewhat annoyingly) discovered that while that works fairly… Read More

Interview on WP Elevation

It’s been a year since this interview, and just now realizing I haven’t put it up on this site. In this interview, Troy Dean of WP Elevation interviews me on topics like WebDevStudios, WordPress and freelancing. Check it out!

Or watch it here:

End of an Era: Moving on from WebDevStudios

On my personal blog, I wrote about my decision to move on from WebDevStudios and freelance.

CMB to CMB2 – a migration tale

In her post, Mika Epstein (@Ipstenu) wrote about the process of porting some CMB code to CMB2.  I especially appreciate the last paragraph:

Simply put, CMB2 does it well, obviously, and simply. The code is easy to understand and implement. I wish it was in core. It’s around 3 megs, but 2 of them are from translations, so it’s really not as horrible as all that.

Thanks Mika! —

Don’t Repeat Yourself. Use WP Lib Loader instead!

I’m a huge fan of the DRY (Don’t repeat yourself) school of thought, and doing a thing once, and doing it well. Because of this, if I sense there’s any chance the code I’m writing is something that… Read More

What is the future of CMB2?

So recently the WordPress plugin review team, and the WordPress meta team (the team responsible for maintaining and tangential properties like the plugin repo) have been talking about and making some pretty big changes, and it looks… Read More

Loading the Optimal WordPress Object Cache Implementation

On the webdevstudios blog, I wrote about wrangling your object-cache.php file. Check it out.

Why you (we) should care about disabled Javascript

The conversation came up internally at WebDevStudios, and I knew I had seen Ethan Marcotte, and/or Mat Marquis rant on it a bit before (I mean that in the best way), so I hit them up on twitter: .@wilto… Read More