BackgroundIn India, alternative and complementary therapies (AYUSH medicines) are utilized in COV... more BackgroundIn India, alternative and complementary therapies (AYUSH medicines) are utilized in COVID-19 management extensively. This study was planned to assess the prophylactic and therapeutic effectiveness of AYUSH interventions on COVID-19 through a living systematic review and meta-analysis approach.MethodsDifferent databases like Pubmed; the Cochrane central register of controlled trials; WHO COVID-19 database; the central trial registry - India; Digital Helpline for Ayurveda Research Articles and AYUSH research portal, and pre-print repositories were searched with appropriate search strategies from 1st December 2019 to 1st April 2021. Randomized clinical trials, Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions conducted on the AYUSH system of medicine aimed at either prevention or treatment were included. Clinical improvement, WHO ordinal scale, viral clearance, incidences of COVID-19 infection, and mortality will be considered as primary outcomes. Secondary outcomes will be the use of ...
International Education and Research Journal, 2017
Emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health or life. Emergency medicine is a ... more Emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health or life. Emergency medicine is a medical specialty involving care for patient with acute illness of injuries which requires immediate medical attention. Angina Pectoris is such an emergency condition with risk for life, if there is no treatment immediately provided. It is chest pain due to ischemia of the heart muscle generally due to obstruction or spasm of coronary artery mainly coronary artery disease. It may occur whenever there is an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand. The pain is felt retrosternal to the left of the sternum or left or right shoulder and characteristically varing intensity with movement and the phase of the respiration.In Ayurveda we can co relate angina with Hridshoola . Sushruta has mentioned that vitiated Dosha settles into heart and also vitiate Rasa Dhatu and generate pain in heart. In our classics symptoms resembling to Angina Pectoris are mentioned by Aacharya , like M...
Ayu (an International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2009
Vicharchika, a Kshudra Kushtha though involves only epidermis, its tendency of recurrences contin... more Vicharchika, a Kshudra Kushtha though involves only epidermis, its tendency of recurrences continues to pose problems to the physician. In allopathic medicine, it can be co-related to Eczema, a disease which is resultant of delayed type hypersensitivity mediated by memory T lymphocytes in the skin and the clinical lesions may be acute (wet and edematous) or chronic (dry, thickened, and scaly), depending on the persistence of the insult . In this study, out of 46 patients registered, 33 completed the treatment. These patients were treated with : Shirishadi Decoction (30 ml) twice daily along with the local application of Snuhyadi Lepa for the duration of 60 days. Results of the study revealed that Shirishadi Decoction and Snuhyadi Lepa provides significant relief in the signs and symptoms as well as eosinophil count of the patients of eczema.
BACKGROUND: Proper functioning of locomotor system is essential for movement of body parts at dif... more BACKGROUND: Proper functioning of locomotor system is essential for movement of body parts at different level in order to meet and sustain daily life activities. During Jaraavastha (old age) due to wear and tear phenomenon of joint ligaments and muscles, the frequency of osteoarthritis is pronounced. Osteoarthritis may be regarded as a reward of longevity, which can be equated to Sandhigatavata described in Ayurveda which is a silent enemy of the physical ability of humanity. The diseases is produced by morbid Vatadosha, which takes shelter in the Sandhi (joint) and the affected Sandhi resembles a bag filled with air resulting in Shotha (oedema) with difficult and painful flexion and extension. Ayurveda defines Chikitsa (treatment) as Samprapti Vighatana (breaking the pathogenesis), hence in the present instance the treatment is aimed at breaking the pathology which causes morbidity of Vatadosha. AIMS: To assess the efficacy of Nirgundi Taila in Sandhigatavata. MATERIALS & METHODS: In the present study 21 patients aged between 40 to 80 years, irrespective of their sex and socio-economical status fulfilling inclusion criteria of Sandhigatavata were selected from the OPD of dept. of Kayachikitsa, in I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. Patients were treated with external application of Nirgundi Taila on affected joints for 20 minutes twice a day for 60 days. RESULTS: After the course of therapy for 2 months, symptomatic improvement was observed in Joint pain, Swelling, Range of joint movements, Walking and Climbing tests. CONCLUSION: Sandhigatavata is a multi-factorial chronic progressive degenerative disease that directly hampers individuals quality of life. Overall effect of therapy suggests that Nirgundi Taila locally provided mild improvement in maximum subjects.
Samsakara (transformation) and Samyoga (combination) play major role in pharmaceutics. Samsakara ... more Samsakara (transformation) and Samyoga (combination) play major role in pharmaceutics. Samsakara is defined as Gunantaradhanam (transformation). Swedana is Agni Sannikarsha Samsakara. The changes in finished product because of Swedana Samsakara with two different media Jala and Gomutra can be perceived at pharmacognostical and phytochemical levels. Aims: To compare role of Swedana Samsakara with two different media Jala and Gomutra on basis of phyto-pharmacognostical, HPTLC and UV-VIS-NIR Reflectance (180-2500nm) study. Materials and Methods: In the present study, 3 samples were prepared viz. Haritaki Churna (Powder) (GH-1), Gomutra Swedita Haritaki(GH-3) and Jala Swedita Haritaki (GH-5), to compare role of Swedana Samsakara on basis of Pharmacognostical (powder microscopy), Pharmaceutical, HPTLC densitogram and UV-VIS-NIR reflectance (180-2500nm) study. Results: The samples prepared with different media showed difference in pharmacognostical, pharmaceutical, HPTLC and UV-VIS-NIR fi...
Introduction: Almost 30% of cases of infertility will have a male factor attached to it, though i... more Introduction: Almost 30% of cases of infertility will have a male factor attached to it, though in the society there are many misconceptions and wrong ideas regarding the cause and occurrence of infertility in men. A low sperm count is in no way related to weakness or one being abnormal, hence the semen count needs to be assessed and the cause for it being low should be determined as timely treatment can not only prevent it from falling further but counts may improve. Aims & Objectives: To compare the clinical efficacy of Ashvatha Phala Churna and Shveta Palandu Svarasa Bhavita Yavani Vati after performing Virechana Karma on Ksheena Shukra (Oligozoospermia). Materials and methods: For the clinical study, 40 male patients complaining of symptoms and features of oligozoospermia or suffering from primary or secondary infertility for more than one year and having sperm count less than 15 million/ml were selected irrespective of religion, caste. Before administrating of Shveta Palandu Sv...
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2016
Dyslipidemia is primarily Santarpanajanya Vyadhi. So, Chikitsa aims towards Apatarpana Upakrama. ... more Dyslipidemia is primarily Santarpanajanya Vyadhi. So, Chikitsa aims towards Apatarpana Upakrama. Present clinical trial aimed to compare the clinical effect of Gomutra Haritaki with and without Langhana and Pachana in the management of Dyslipidemia. 153 patients with abnormal lipid profile were selected and randomly divided in two Groups. In Group A, 76 patients were registered and 70 patients completed the treatment. In Group B, 77 patients were registered and 68 patients could complete the treatment. In Group A, Langhana in the form of one-time regular diet and Green gram soup was given for 4 days followed by 200 ml Dhanyaka Shunthi Siddha Jala twice daily for 10 days while in Group B, placebo capsules were given for initial 14 days. After 14 days of Langhana and Pachana or placebo treatment, Gomutra Haritaki, 2 tablets (500 mg each) thrice daily before meal for 8 weeks was administered in both Groups. Lipid profile was significantly reduced after Langhana and Pachana treatment in Group A while no change was found with placebo treatment in Group B. After completion of the treatment; in Group A, S. Cholesterol (8.59%), S. Triglyceride (8.72%), S.LDL (11.45%), S.VLDL (10.76%) reduced while in Group B, S. Cholesterol (9.51%), S. Triglyceride (7.91%), S.LDL (13.14%), S.VLDL (7.63%) decreased which was statistically significant. Langhana and Pachana with Dhanyaka Shunthi Siddha Jala is more effective to reduce fluctuate lipids like S. Triglyceride and S. VLDL. As Gomutra Haritaki is itself Dipana and Pachana drug, so it can reduce serum lipids significantly. However, Langhana and Pachana followed by Gomutra Haritaki is more effective in patients with poor liver and renal function.
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2012
Snuhyadi Lepa applied externally in the management of the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema). This ... more Snuhyadi Lepa applied externally in the management of the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema). This combination provided complete remission to 18.2% patients, marked improvement to 42.4% patients and moderate improvement to 36.4% patients, but with high recurrence rate of 80%. To overcome the problem of high rate of recurrence, Mandip and Chandola (2010) [6] added Rasayana powder comprising of Guduchi (Tinospora cardifolia) and Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) to the above regimen which was administered after performing Koshtha Shuddhi (drug given for mild purgation) with Aragvadha (Cassia fistula) and Hima (cold infusion). The results of that study showed that addition of Rasayana drugs provided complete remission to 22.6% and checked the recurrences of the disease in the 89.5% patients of Vicharchika (Eczema). However, there was not much difference in cure rate. Hence, it was thought to give Virechana to the patients of Vicharchika, prior to the administration of Shamana and Rasayana drugs to see whether Virechana enhances the cure rate to the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) and checks its recurrences. Hence, present study was carried out to ascertain whether performing Virechana Karma instead of Koshtha Shuddhi enhances the cure rate of the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema), keeping the other modalities same.
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2012
impaired β-cell function, including glucose toxicity and lipotoxicity and potentially contribute ... more impaired β-cell function, including glucose toxicity and lipotoxicity and potentially contribute to β-cell loss. [2] Type-2 diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent life style disorders in today's era. [3] Ayurveda, the science of life mentions Apathyanimittaja Prameha [4] which resembles type-2 diabetes mellitus in terms of etiology, pathogenesis and presentation of the disease. Therefore, the treatment regime prescribed in Ayurveda for Apathyanimittaja Parmeha has been adopted in the present study, aiming to counteract the complex metabolic derangement of type-2 diabetes mellitus and to explore the potential of a new Ayurvedic compound drug formulation to provide safe and cost effective treatment for type-2 diabetes mellitus. Aims and Objectives The present research was aimed to study the anti-diabetic potential of Saptarangyadi Ghanavati in newly detected cases of type-2 diabetes mellitus and in chronic uncontrolled cases
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2010
Generally, skin diseases run a chronic course and the recurrence is very common. Mandip and Chand... more Generally, skin diseases run a chronic course and the recurrence is very common. Mandip and Chandola (2009) reported that Shirishadi Decoction administered orally and simultaneously Snuhyadi Lepa applied externally to the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) provided complete remission to 18.2% patients, marked improvement to 42.4% patients and moderate improvement to 36.4% patients but the recurrence rate was very high i.e. 80%. Charaka, in the context of the treatment of Apasmara mentions that in all the chronic diseases, Rasayana drugs should be prescribed. As eczema is a chronic disease and its recurrences are very common, therefore, it was thought desirable to evaluate the role of the Rasayana drugs in the cure and prevention of the recurrence of Vicharchika (Eczema). In this study, total 38 patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) were registered, among which 31 patients completed the full course of treatment. These patients were first subjected to Koshtha Shuddhi done with Aragvadha (Cassia fistula) Hima administered orally at bedtime for initial eight days. Thereafter 30 ml of Shirishadi Decoction and 6 gm of Guduchi (Tinospora cardifolia) and Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) powder was given with Ghrita. Both the drugs were given twice daily after meals orally. Simultaneously, Snuhyadi Lepa was applied on the eczematous lesions. Results of the study showed that addition of Rasayana drugs provided complete remission to 22.6% and checked the recurrence of the disease in the 89.5% patients of Vicharchika (Eczema).
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2013
Agnimanthadi compound was formulated. In clinical practice, it is observed that Agnimantha produc... more Agnimanthadi compound was formulated. In clinical practice, it is observed that Agnimantha produces burning sensation, hence, Eranda (Ricinus communis Linn.) Patra Kshara was added in the compound, which is reported to have fat reducing with digestion, and metabolism stimulating actions. [4] In the other group, Vashpa Svedana (VS) Karma was selected to assess its role in the management of obesity. Svedana (sudation) possesses both Vata and Kapha pacifying properties [5] Medohara (fat reducing) and Srotoshodhana (channel cleaning action). [6] Care has to be taken that the patient may not develop dehydration due to excessive sweating, which might have been one of the reasons for not prescribing Svedana in obese patients in classics. Further, if sudation is given in the form of Vashpa Svedana then it may provide relief to the patient but may not cause dehydration because moisture of steaming may help in preventing of any complication due to excessive sudation. Taking all these points, the present clinical trial was planned with an aim to evaluate the efficacy of Agnimanthadi compound and Vashpa Svedana in the management of Sthaulya and to compare the effects of the above two therapies and to ascertain which is a better option for the management of Sthaulya.
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2015
Aim of the study was conducted with an objective of evaluating the role of Triphaladi granules in... more Aim of the study was conducted with an objective of evaluating the role of Triphaladi granules in clinically diagnosed cases of Apathyanimittaja Prameha which was confirmed by laboratory investigations. The 51 registered patients were administered with Triphaladi granules in a dose of 5 gm twice a day with lukewarm water before meals for duration of two months in 2 Groups; Group A (Triphaladi granules) and Group B (ongoing oral hypoglycemic agent with Triphaladi granules). Statistically highly significant improvement was observed in subjective criteria like Prabhutmutrata, Kshudhadhikya, Trishnadhikya, Daurbalya and Pindikodweshtana; where as in objective criteria significant results were obtained in FBS in both the Groups, Group A showed significant results in PPBS and Serum Triglyceride and Group B showed significant result in Serum HbA1c after completion of treatment. In Group-A moderate improvement was observed in 37.5% of cases, 50% cases showed mild improvement in diseased condition and 12.5% cases obtained grade-unchanged. In Group-B, 16% of cases showed moderate improvement and 56% were categorized as mildly improved after the treatment. The 28% patients were under grade unchanged. Based on results, it has been concluded that Triphaladi granules is effective in management of uncomplicated cases of Apathyanimittaja Prameha.
Premature ejaculation is thought to affect as many as one in three in worldwide men ages 18-59 ab... more Premature ejaculation is thought to affect as many as one in three in worldwide men ages 18-59 about twice as many as those who suffer from erectile dysfunction. Ayurveda mentions Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya as the tripods of life. Sex is a basic instinct, but sexual behaviour is a learned ability. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are among the four Purusharthas, objectives of life mentioned in Ayurveda. The achievement of each of these is the basic need of every individual. The concept of Kama reveals that the recreational aspects like pleasure are equally important to its procreation aspects. In Ayurveda the problem is discussed under Shukragata Vata. Functional approximation Shukra, Manah and Vata are quite evident in Ayurvedic principles. The problem is caused by a vitiated Vata causing hyper stimulation of Manah and lack of control over ejaculation. Before administration of Vajikarana drugs Shodhana is necessary. Shodhana therapy not only increases the bioavailability of the drug, but also cures the ailments. The role of Shodhana procedures as preoperative regimens before the administration of medicine is adequately substantiated by Acharya Charaka. By Shodhana Therapy occluded channels clear off and it enhances the bio-availability of drugs in body. So here attempt is made to collect the results which were achieved through Shodhana therapy and to discuss the mode of action of Shodhana in Premature ejaculation.
Though the awareness about Health in community is raising, changes in dietary habits and lifestyl... more Though the awareness about Health in community is raising, changes in dietary habits and lifestyle of people from all age groups has resulted emergence of various non communicable diseases. Among these non communicable diseases diabetes tops the list and has overtaken communicable diseases with respect to overall mortality, even in developing countries like India. Quassia amara Linn. an ethno medicinal plant finds no direct reference in Ayurvedic classics, Quassin constituent of Quassia amra in it is one of the bitterest substances found in nature. The bitters plants are generally showing anti-diabetic and tonic action. For this clinical study, 58 cases of recently diagnosed, mild to moderate cases of type 2 diabetes were administered capsules filled with heartwood powder of Quassia amara Linn., 3 capsules (500mg each) twice daily before food with lukewarm water along with controlled diet for 60 days. To assess the effect of trial drug fasting Blood sugar, post parandial blood sugar, lipid profile and BMI were done before and after the completion of 60 days of the treatment. It was observed that treatment with cap. Quassia amara provided statistically highly significant reduction of 19.33% in fasting blood sugar level and of 22.05% in Post Prandial Blood Sugar levels. Similarly, significant decrease of 9.95% in serum Cholesterol level and that of 13.63 % in S. Triglyceride level and 1.52% decrease in BMI was found. It showed the potential of Quassia amara Linn. heartwood powder as single herb therapy in patients of type 2 diabetes.
BackgroundIn India, alternative and complementary therapies (AYUSH medicines) are utilized in COV... more BackgroundIn India, alternative and complementary therapies (AYUSH medicines) are utilized in COVID-19 management extensively. This study was planned to assess the prophylactic and therapeutic effectiveness of AYUSH interventions on COVID-19 through a living systematic review and meta-analysis approach.MethodsDifferent databases like Pubmed; the Cochrane central register of controlled trials; WHO COVID-19 database; the central trial registry - India; Digital Helpline for Ayurveda Research Articles and AYUSH research portal, and pre-print repositories were searched with appropriate search strategies from 1st December 2019 to 1st April 2021. Randomized clinical trials, Non-Randomized Studies of Interventions conducted on the AYUSH system of medicine aimed at either prevention or treatment were included. Clinical improvement, WHO ordinal scale, viral clearance, incidences of COVID-19 infection, and mortality will be considered as primary outcomes. Secondary outcomes will be the use of ...
International Education and Research Journal, 2017
Emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health or life. Emergency medicine is a ... more Emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health or life. Emergency medicine is a medical specialty involving care for patient with acute illness of injuries which requires immediate medical attention. Angina Pectoris is such an emergency condition with risk for life, if there is no treatment immediately provided. It is chest pain due to ischemia of the heart muscle generally due to obstruction or spasm of coronary artery mainly coronary artery disease. It may occur whenever there is an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand. The pain is felt retrosternal to the left of the sternum or left or right shoulder and characteristically varing intensity with movement and the phase of the respiration.In Ayurveda we can co relate angina with Hridshoola . Sushruta has mentioned that vitiated Dosha settles into heart and also vitiate Rasa Dhatu and generate pain in heart. In our classics symptoms resembling to Angina Pectoris are mentioned by Aacharya , like M...
Ayu (an International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2009
Vicharchika, a Kshudra Kushtha though involves only epidermis, its tendency of recurrences contin... more Vicharchika, a Kshudra Kushtha though involves only epidermis, its tendency of recurrences continues to pose problems to the physician. In allopathic medicine, it can be co-related to Eczema, a disease which is resultant of delayed type hypersensitivity mediated by memory T lymphocytes in the skin and the clinical lesions may be acute (wet and edematous) or chronic (dry, thickened, and scaly), depending on the persistence of the insult . In this study, out of 46 patients registered, 33 completed the treatment. These patients were treated with : Shirishadi Decoction (30 ml) twice daily along with the local application of Snuhyadi Lepa for the duration of 60 days. Results of the study revealed that Shirishadi Decoction and Snuhyadi Lepa provides significant relief in the signs and symptoms as well as eosinophil count of the patients of eczema.
BACKGROUND: Proper functioning of locomotor system is essential for movement of body parts at dif... more BACKGROUND: Proper functioning of locomotor system is essential for movement of body parts at different level in order to meet and sustain daily life activities. During Jaraavastha (old age) due to wear and tear phenomenon of joint ligaments and muscles, the frequency of osteoarthritis is pronounced. Osteoarthritis may be regarded as a reward of longevity, which can be equated to Sandhigatavata described in Ayurveda which is a silent enemy of the physical ability of humanity. The diseases is produced by morbid Vatadosha, which takes shelter in the Sandhi (joint) and the affected Sandhi resembles a bag filled with air resulting in Shotha (oedema) with difficult and painful flexion and extension. Ayurveda defines Chikitsa (treatment) as Samprapti Vighatana (breaking the pathogenesis), hence in the present instance the treatment is aimed at breaking the pathology which causes morbidity of Vatadosha. AIMS: To assess the efficacy of Nirgundi Taila in Sandhigatavata. MATERIALS & METHODS: In the present study 21 patients aged between 40 to 80 years, irrespective of their sex and socio-economical status fulfilling inclusion criteria of Sandhigatavata were selected from the OPD of dept. of Kayachikitsa, in I.P.G.T. & R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar. Patients were treated with external application of Nirgundi Taila on affected joints for 20 minutes twice a day for 60 days. RESULTS: After the course of therapy for 2 months, symptomatic improvement was observed in Joint pain, Swelling, Range of joint movements, Walking and Climbing tests. CONCLUSION: Sandhigatavata is a multi-factorial chronic progressive degenerative disease that directly hampers individuals quality of life. Overall effect of therapy suggests that Nirgundi Taila locally provided mild improvement in maximum subjects.
Samsakara (transformation) and Samyoga (combination) play major role in pharmaceutics. Samsakara ... more Samsakara (transformation) and Samyoga (combination) play major role in pharmaceutics. Samsakara is defined as Gunantaradhanam (transformation). Swedana is Agni Sannikarsha Samsakara. The changes in finished product because of Swedana Samsakara with two different media Jala and Gomutra can be perceived at pharmacognostical and phytochemical levels. Aims: To compare role of Swedana Samsakara with two different media Jala and Gomutra on basis of phyto-pharmacognostical, HPTLC and UV-VIS-NIR Reflectance (180-2500nm) study. Materials and Methods: In the present study, 3 samples were prepared viz. Haritaki Churna (Powder) (GH-1), Gomutra Swedita Haritaki(GH-3) and Jala Swedita Haritaki (GH-5), to compare role of Swedana Samsakara on basis of Pharmacognostical (powder microscopy), Pharmaceutical, HPTLC densitogram and UV-VIS-NIR reflectance (180-2500nm) study. Results: The samples prepared with different media showed difference in pharmacognostical, pharmaceutical, HPTLC and UV-VIS-NIR fi...
Introduction: Almost 30% of cases of infertility will have a male factor attached to it, though i... more Introduction: Almost 30% of cases of infertility will have a male factor attached to it, though in the society there are many misconceptions and wrong ideas regarding the cause and occurrence of infertility in men. A low sperm count is in no way related to weakness or one being abnormal, hence the semen count needs to be assessed and the cause for it being low should be determined as timely treatment can not only prevent it from falling further but counts may improve. Aims & Objectives: To compare the clinical efficacy of Ashvatha Phala Churna and Shveta Palandu Svarasa Bhavita Yavani Vati after performing Virechana Karma on Ksheena Shukra (Oligozoospermia). Materials and methods: For the clinical study, 40 male patients complaining of symptoms and features of oligozoospermia or suffering from primary or secondary infertility for more than one year and having sperm count less than 15 million/ml were selected irrespective of religion, caste. Before administrating of Shveta Palandu Sv...
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2016
Dyslipidemia is primarily Santarpanajanya Vyadhi. So, Chikitsa aims towards Apatarpana Upakrama. ... more Dyslipidemia is primarily Santarpanajanya Vyadhi. So, Chikitsa aims towards Apatarpana Upakrama. Present clinical trial aimed to compare the clinical effect of Gomutra Haritaki with and without Langhana and Pachana in the management of Dyslipidemia. 153 patients with abnormal lipid profile were selected and randomly divided in two Groups. In Group A, 76 patients were registered and 70 patients completed the treatment. In Group B, 77 patients were registered and 68 patients could complete the treatment. In Group A, Langhana in the form of one-time regular diet and Green gram soup was given for 4 days followed by 200 ml Dhanyaka Shunthi Siddha Jala twice daily for 10 days while in Group B, placebo capsules were given for initial 14 days. After 14 days of Langhana and Pachana or placebo treatment, Gomutra Haritaki, 2 tablets (500 mg each) thrice daily before meal for 8 weeks was administered in both Groups. Lipid profile was significantly reduced after Langhana and Pachana treatment in Group A while no change was found with placebo treatment in Group B. After completion of the treatment; in Group A, S. Cholesterol (8.59%), S. Triglyceride (8.72%), S.LDL (11.45%), S.VLDL (10.76%) reduced while in Group B, S. Cholesterol (9.51%), S. Triglyceride (7.91%), S.LDL (13.14%), S.VLDL (7.63%) decreased which was statistically significant. Langhana and Pachana with Dhanyaka Shunthi Siddha Jala is more effective to reduce fluctuate lipids like S. Triglyceride and S. VLDL. As Gomutra Haritaki is itself Dipana and Pachana drug, so it can reduce serum lipids significantly. However, Langhana and Pachana followed by Gomutra Haritaki is more effective in patients with poor liver and renal function.
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2012
Snuhyadi Lepa applied externally in the management of the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema). This ... more Snuhyadi Lepa applied externally in the management of the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema). This combination provided complete remission to 18.2% patients, marked improvement to 42.4% patients and moderate improvement to 36.4% patients, but with high recurrence rate of 80%. To overcome the problem of high rate of recurrence, Mandip and Chandola (2010) [6] added Rasayana powder comprising of Guduchi (Tinospora cardifolia) and Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) to the above regimen which was administered after performing Koshtha Shuddhi (drug given for mild purgation) with Aragvadha (Cassia fistula) and Hima (cold infusion). The results of that study showed that addition of Rasayana drugs provided complete remission to 22.6% and checked the recurrences of the disease in the 89.5% patients of Vicharchika (Eczema). However, there was not much difference in cure rate. Hence, it was thought to give Virechana to the patients of Vicharchika, prior to the administration of Shamana and Rasayana drugs to see whether Virechana enhances the cure rate to the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) and checks its recurrences. Hence, present study was carried out to ascertain whether performing Virechana Karma instead of Koshtha Shuddhi enhances the cure rate of the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema), keeping the other modalities same.
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2012
impaired β-cell function, including glucose toxicity and lipotoxicity and potentially contribute ... more impaired β-cell function, including glucose toxicity and lipotoxicity and potentially contribute to β-cell loss. [2] Type-2 diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent life style disorders in today's era. [3] Ayurveda, the science of life mentions Apathyanimittaja Prameha [4] which resembles type-2 diabetes mellitus in terms of etiology, pathogenesis and presentation of the disease. Therefore, the treatment regime prescribed in Ayurveda for Apathyanimittaja Parmeha has been adopted in the present study, aiming to counteract the complex metabolic derangement of type-2 diabetes mellitus and to explore the potential of a new Ayurvedic compound drug formulation to provide safe and cost effective treatment for type-2 diabetes mellitus. Aims and Objectives The present research was aimed to study the anti-diabetic potential of Saptarangyadi Ghanavati in newly detected cases of type-2 diabetes mellitus and in chronic uncontrolled cases
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2010
Generally, skin diseases run a chronic course and the recurrence is very common. Mandip and Chand... more Generally, skin diseases run a chronic course and the recurrence is very common. Mandip and Chandola (2009) reported that Shirishadi Decoction administered orally and simultaneously Snuhyadi Lepa applied externally to the patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) provided complete remission to 18.2% patients, marked improvement to 42.4% patients and moderate improvement to 36.4% patients but the recurrence rate was very high i.e. 80%. Charaka, in the context of the treatment of Apasmara mentions that in all the chronic diseases, Rasayana drugs should be prescribed. As eczema is a chronic disease and its recurrences are very common, therefore, it was thought desirable to evaluate the role of the Rasayana drugs in the cure and prevention of the recurrence of Vicharchika (Eczema). In this study, total 38 patients of Vicharchika (Eczema) were registered, among which 31 patients completed the full course of treatment. These patients were first subjected to Koshtha Shuddhi done with Aragvadha (Cassia fistula) Hima administered orally at bedtime for initial eight days. Thereafter 30 ml of Shirishadi Decoction and 6 gm of Guduchi (Tinospora cardifolia) and Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) powder was given with Ghrita. Both the drugs were given twice daily after meals orally. Simultaneously, Snuhyadi Lepa was applied on the eczematous lesions. Results of the study showed that addition of Rasayana drugs provided complete remission to 22.6% and checked the recurrence of the disease in the 89.5% patients of Vicharchika (Eczema).
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2013
Agnimanthadi compound was formulated. In clinical practice, it is observed that Agnimantha produc... more Agnimanthadi compound was formulated. In clinical practice, it is observed that Agnimantha produces burning sensation, hence, Eranda (Ricinus communis Linn.) Patra Kshara was added in the compound, which is reported to have fat reducing with digestion, and metabolism stimulating actions. [4] In the other group, Vashpa Svedana (VS) Karma was selected to assess its role in the management of obesity. Svedana (sudation) possesses both Vata and Kapha pacifying properties [5] Medohara (fat reducing) and Srotoshodhana (channel cleaning action). [6] Care has to be taken that the patient may not develop dehydration due to excessive sweating, which might have been one of the reasons for not prescribing Svedana in obese patients in classics. Further, if sudation is given in the form of Vashpa Svedana then it may provide relief to the patient but may not cause dehydration because moisture of steaming may help in preventing of any complication due to excessive sudation. Taking all these points, the present clinical trial was planned with an aim to evaluate the efficacy of Agnimanthadi compound and Vashpa Svedana in the management of Sthaulya and to compare the effects of the above two therapies and to ascertain which is a better option for the management of Sthaulya.
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2015
Aim of the study was conducted with an objective of evaluating the role of Triphaladi granules in... more Aim of the study was conducted with an objective of evaluating the role of Triphaladi granules in clinically diagnosed cases of Apathyanimittaja Prameha which was confirmed by laboratory investigations. The 51 registered patients were administered with Triphaladi granules in a dose of 5 gm twice a day with lukewarm water before meals for duration of two months in 2 Groups; Group A (Triphaladi granules) and Group B (ongoing oral hypoglycemic agent with Triphaladi granules). Statistically highly significant improvement was observed in subjective criteria like Prabhutmutrata, Kshudhadhikya, Trishnadhikya, Daurbalya and Pindikodweshtana; where as in objective criteria significant results were obtained in FBS in both the Groups, Group A showed significant results in PPBS and Serum Triglyceride and Group B showed significant result in Serum HbA1c after completion of treatment. In Group-A moderate improvement was observed in 37.5% of cases, 50% cases showed mild improvement in diseased condition and 12.5% cases obtained grade-unchanged. In Group-B, 16% of cases showed moderate improvement and 56% were categorized as mildly improved after the treatment. The 28% patients were under grade unchanged. Based on results, it has been concluded that Triphaladi granules is effective in management of uncomplicated cases of Apathyanimittaja Prameha.
Premature ejaculation is thought to affect as many as one in three in worldwide men ages 18-59 ab... more Premature ejaculation is thought to affect as many as one in three in worldwide men ages 18-59 about twice as many as those who suffer from erectile dysfunction. Ayurveda mentions Ahara, Nidra and Brahmacharya as the tripods of life. Sex is a basic instinct, but sexual behaviour is a learned ability. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha are among the four Purusharthas, objectives of life mentioned in Ayurveda. The achievement of each of these is the basic need of every individual. The concept of Kama reveals that the recreational aspects like pleasure are equally important to its procreation aspects. In Ayurveda the problem is discussed under Shukragata Vata. Functional approximation Shukra, Manah and Vata are quite evident in Ayurvedic principles. The problem is caused by a vitiated Vata causing hyper stimulation of Manah and lack of control over ejaculation. Before administration of Vajikarana drugs Shodhana is necessary. Shodhana therapy not only increases the bioavailability of the drug, but also cures the ailments. The role of Shodhana procedures as preoperative regimens before the administration of medicine is adequately substantiated by Acharya Charaka. By Shodhana Therapy occluded channels clear off and it enhances the bio-availability of drugs in body. So here attempt is made to collect the results which were achieved through Shodhana therapy and to discuss the mode of action of Shodhana in Premature ejaculation.
Though the awareness about Health in community is raising, changes in dietary habits and lifestyl... more Though the awareness about Health in community is raising, changes in dietary habits and lifestyle of people from all age groups has resulted emergence of various non communicable diseases. Among these non communicable diseases diabetes tops the list and has overtaken communicable diseases with respect to overall mortality, even in developing countries like India. Quassia amara Linn. an ethno medicinal plant finds no direct reference in Ayurvedic classics, Quassin constituent of Quassia amra in it is one of the bitterest substances found in nature. The bitters plants are generally showing anti-diabetic and tonic action. For this clinical study, 58 cases of recently diagnosed, mild to moderate cases of type 2 diabetes were administered capsules filled with heartwood powder of Quassia amara Linn., 3 capsules (500mg each) twice daily before food with lukewarm water along with controlled diet for 60 days. To assess the effect of trial drug fasting Blood sugar, post parandial blood sugar, lipid profile and BMI were done before and after the completion of 60 days of the treatment. It was observed that treatment with cap. Quassia amara provided statistically highly significant reduction of 19.33% in fasting blood sugar level and of 22.05% in Post Prandial Blood Sugar levels. Similarly, significant decrease of 9.95% in serum Cholesterol level and that of 13.63 % in S. Triglyceride level and 1.52% decrease in BMI was found. It showed the potential of Quassia amara Linn. heartwood powder as single herb therapy in patients of type 2 diabetes.
Papers by Mandip Kaur