Journal of South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry
Aim and background: The eruption of teeth in a particular pattern corresponds to the child's chro... more Aim and background: The eruption of teeth in a particular pattern corresponds to the child's chronological age. However, factors like hereditary, endocrine disturbances, environmental conditions, and superficial positioning of tooth buds mark a significant alteration in the pattern of the eruption of teeth resulting in natal and neonatal teeth. Case description: A 6-day-old female child reported a chief complaint of a hard tooth-like structure in the maxillary anterior region. Clinical and radiological investigations confirmed the diagnosis of type II natal canine. Upon parent approval, extraction was performed under local anesthesia after administering supplementary vitamin K. Follow-up revealed no postoperative complications. Conclusion: Extraction is inevitable when the natal tooth is mobile, and administration of vitamin K is mandatory if performed before 10 days of age. Clinical significance: Counseling parents to alleviate their anxiety and educating the parents and pediatricians about such teeth will help in reporting more cases.

Journal of South Asian Association of Pediatric Dentistry, Dec 29, 2023
The study aimed to assess the remineralizing potential of three kinds of toothpaste Pigeon, Dento... more The study aimed to assess the remineralizing potential of three kinds of toothpaste Pigeon, Dentoshine, and Candycop qualitatively and quantitively using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy, respectively. Materials and methods: A total of 60 enamel blocks each prepared by sectioning the buccal surface of the second primary molars were divided into three halves (upper, middle, and lower halves) and subjected to demineralization to induce artificial enamel lesions by coating the upper half with nail varnish. Upon coating the second half with nail varnish, a random allocation of samples was done on the type of dentifrice applied. Group I-treated with Pigeon, group II-with Dentoshine, group III-with Candycop followed by storage in artificial saliva. Samples after repeating the procedure twice daily for 7 days were subjected to SEM and EDX spectroscopy to evaluate the remineralizing potential. Inter-and intragroup statistical analysis was done using descriptive one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and post hoc Tuckey tests, respectively. Results: Candycop exhibited a higher mineralization [calcium (Ca)-26.736 ± 2.012, phosphorous (P)-12.676 ± 1.677] with uniform globular deposition on the enamel surface compared to group II treated with Dentoshine (Ca-23.903 ± 3.327, P-11.560 ± 2.840) and group I with Pigeon (Ca-23.308 ± 2.949, P-11.986 ± 2.952). Conclusion: Mineral deposition was exhibited by all three dentifrices nevertheless Candycop had shown superior remineralizing efficacy than Dentoshine and Pigeon with more unified Ca and P deposition.

Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2020
Background: A successful restorative material forms a better adhesion, resist the microleakage an... more Background: A successful restorative material forms a better adhesion, resist the microleakage and releases fluoride. However, existing glass ionomer cements cannot be used as a posterior restorative material in stress bearing areas. A new ionomer called Zirconomer, zirconia reinforced glass ionomer claims to exhibit high physical and biological properties. Aim: To assess and compare the microleakage, compressive strength, flexural strength and fluoride release from zirconomer with ketac silver. Materials & Methods: On twenty caries free premolar teeth (10 per each group), a class v cavity was restored with zirconomer and ketac silver. The microleakage was assessed using dye penetration test and stereomicroscope. The compressive and flexural strengths of these materials were measured using Instron Universal testing machine. The amount of fluoride released from the modified ionomers at pH 5 and pH 7 was estimated using Orion fluoride specific electrode. The obtained data was then sub...
Dental research journal, 2022

International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry
Aim and objective: This case report aims to describe the management of alveolar cleft defect by i... more Aim and objective: This case report aims to describe the management of alveolar cleft defect by iliac crest secondary bone grafting. Background: The secondary alveolar bone grafting performed during the mixed dentition period is an essential module of modern-day rehabilitation of cleft lip and palate patients with alveolar defects. Iliac crest bone graft is a frequent secondary graft used and is technique sensitive. Case description: A 12-year-old girl with alveolar cleft defect having problems with speech and regurgitation of fluids from nostril was presented and its management by a combination of iliac crest bone grafting and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) was described. Conclusion: One year recall radiograph showed successful bone augmentation with this secondary alveolar bone grafting along with application of platelet rich plasma (PRP). Clinical significance: Osseous integration can be enhanced by PRP application over the graft which gives greater clinical outcome with less invasiveness.

Journal of Indian Association of Public Health Dentistry, 2021
Background: Decayed, missing, and filled teeth and def indices are the preferred choices for dent... more Background: Decayed, missing, and filled teeth and def indices are the preferred choices for dental caries quantification. Lacunae in earlier caries indices led to Caries Assessment Spectrum and Treatment Needs Index (CAST) development. CAST index measures caries experience of a single tooth and overall dentition in a hierarchical level of caries severity. Aim: This study aimed to compare CAST and def indices in measuring dental caries among 3–6-year-old school children in and around Bhimavaram town, Andhra Pradesh, India. Material and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted. A single examiner conducted survey among 898 3–6-year-old school children at randomly selected schools. Caries experience was recorded in a structured pro forma using CAST and def indices. Descriptive statistical analysis was done. Inter- and intragroup comparisons were made by Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA and Mann–Whitney U–tests, respectively. Correlation between def and CAST indices was explored by Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Results: Caries prevalence with CAST index (45.7%) was marginally higher compared with def index (44.7%). No statistically significant difference was found between mean deft scores measured with CAST and def index (P = 0.87). High statistically significant difference in mean def scores with def index and def component of CAST index for 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-year age groups was observed (P < 0.001). A strong correlation in measuring dental caries (P < 0.001) and similar percentage of agreement for application (98.5%) was observed between both the indices. Conclusion: No statistically significant difference was found in measuring caries experience indicating the similarity between CAST and def indices in quantifying dental caries. CAST index provides more detailed information of caries prevalence, experience, and severity compared with def index.
The secondary alveolar bone grafting is an integral component of contemporary rehabilitation of t... more The secondary alveolar bone grafting is an integral component of contemporary rehabilitation of the patients with cleft lip and palate with alveolar defects. Iliac bone graft is frequent secondary graft used in the correction of alveolar defects. There is successful rehabilitation of osseous component post operatively.

Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences
Angiofibroma or juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNF) is a rare vascular benign tumour predo... more Angiofibroma or juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNF) is a rare vascular benign tumour predominant in male adolescents and pre-adolescents. In spite of several origin sites reported, nasopharynx in the region of the sphenopalatine foramen and pterygopalatine fossa remains most common.1 Nevertheless, sporadic description of extra nasopharyngeal angiofibromas (ENAF) are also rarely evident.2 Literature documents maxillary sinus as the most favourable site for ENAF followed by the ethmoid sinus, nasal cavity, nasal septum, larynx, sphenoid sinus, cheek, conjunctiva, oropharynx, retromolar area and others.3 However, ENAF of mandibular ramus marks rarity and no case has been reported with respect to this anatomic location especially in preschool children yet. Hence, a rare ENAF in a 3-year-old child, principally confined to mandible, with neither sphenopalatine foramen nor nasopharynx involvement presenting with swelling is described.
International Journal of Advances in Medicine
The secondary alveolar bone grafting is an integral component of contemporary rehabilitation of t... more The secondary alveolar bone grafting is an integral component of contemporary rehabilitation of the patients with cleft lip and palate with alveolar defects. Iliac bone graft is frequent secondary graft used in the correction of alveolar defects. There is successful rehabilitation of osseous component post operatively.
International Journal of Advances in Medicine
The secondary alveolar bone grafting is an integral component of contemporary rehabilitation of t... more The secondary alveolar bone grafting is an integral component of contemporary rehabilitation of the patients with cleft lip and palate with alveolar defects. Iliac bone graft is frequent secondary graft used in the correction of alveolar defects. There is successful rehabilitation of osseous component post operatively.
International Journal of Advances in Medicine
The secondary alveolar bone grafting is an integral component of contemporary rehabilitation of t... more The secondary alveolar bone grafting is an integral component of contemporary rehabilitation of the patients with cleft lip and palate with alveolar defects. Iliac bone graft is frequent secondary graft used in the correction of alveolar defects. There is successful rehabilitation of osseous component post operatively.