Hello! All conversation about dress up is highly advocated. Pictures are very welcome of course. _______
Advertisements are absolutly not welcome.
If you are going to post a large picture, multiple pictures or quite a lot of text, use a cut tag.
As would be considered obvious, don't be all rude and mean and stuff. That's unnecessary when talking about dressing up. Those who feel the need to be mean will be sent to the corner with no cookies or posting access. _______
If you are under the age of 18, please do not post nude photography. All nude photography will result in age verification checks. Your age must be displayed correctly in your user info, or your post will be removed. (Sorry, LJ Regs.)
Do not post photography of a sexual nature. If you are posting artistic nude photography, label it with an appropriate cut tag. "NOT WORK SAFE" and "NUDITY" work fantastically well.
If there are any problems or questions, please email me at [email protected].
Until then, dress up, take pictures, and post them!