Dreadgrrls — LiveJournal
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About The place to be if you're a female with dreads!

oops! Dec. 15th, 2010 @ 04:32 pm
Hi ladies,

Wow I completely forgot this community existed.

I made this community page 6 years ago when I first got my dreadlocks. I wanted to unite girls that had dreads to share in their fun stories of what wild rides their hair has gotten them, and also for us to be a little em off, talk about what they do to keep them looking well, etc.

Sadly I'll be shaving my head next July...after having mine for more than 7 years at that point, for a lot of practical and personal reasons.

I have seriously let this fall by the wayside, and I apologize. My life has become more occupied over the past few years, and I have not been addicted to LiveJournal as much as I was in the past (stupid Facebook replaced that!).

Anyway, if any of you are interested in taking over the maintenance duties of this community, I would very much appreciate it. I would prefer to stay on as a maintainer even if I'm not doing anything - but if it were hijacked I wouldn't lose any sleep over it, as that's not my negative karma accumulation! :P I don't really care if you have community maintenance experience, just a brief introduction and why you are awesome would be nice. ;) I'd prefer to appoint 3 (ish) people all at once, rather than leave it to just one person.

Please message me or fire an email to stephljcomments at gmail dot com if you can help.

Thanks for the fun ladies! :D

hi Aug. 31st, 2010 @ 05:41 pm
Hi, my name is Nathe, I am from Russia. Wearing dreadlocks for 7 months already.
And this is me and my little daughter Alda

Nice to meet all of you!

Question about brands and products Sep. 16th, 2009 @ 05:28 pm
***cross posted in other dread communities, sorry if you got this twice***
I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts are on brands.

 I started my dreads with Knotty Boy wax, shampoo and tightening gel. Now at three months I have a lot of build up of wax after using it according to their directions. I've stopped putting any new wax in and have washed it four times since then in very hot water. This has melted a significant amount of the wax out, though there is still some build up of it. Upon further research I have found sites which say that their tightening gel doesn't do what it says it does at all. I actually fear that the tightening gel may be buildinng up in them as well. So I am considering switching to DreadheadHQ. I have been researching their products and am so far impressed. I want to try their Lock Peppa, and Lock Accelerator while making knots and a very minimal amount of their wax along with their shampoo. From what I've read on their site it seems that their wax is very different then Knotty Boy's and that their shampoo is superior, not leaving behing the residues that the Knotty Boy shampoo does. However before I shell out $20 for shipping to Canada I was hoping to hear from some people who have used them beofre or someone who has used both. 

Sep. 9th, 2009 @ 10:41 am
  Hi there everyone.  Lately I've been making/selling custom peyote stitch dreadbeads.  Also depending on if people have things that I want I love trading for them.
I have some already made on here.
Or if you contact me through we can talk about making a custom one for you that you design.

dread head Aug. 1st, 2009 @ 06:31 pm
hey this is my first post here, i havent been on LJ in awhile.
If you want to check out my dreads go to i have a brown dreadhawk! yay!

i do no work on it though so its really messy, but i like it anyways.
Other entries
» (No Subject)
I was wondering if any of you lovely boys and girls have received the dreadcoils I made and if you have any pictures of it! I would love to have some customer photo's!!

I have some dreadcoils for sale again!!

This time with €1 euro discount because it was my birthday last week!! (These prices count till the 7th of march)

Dreadcoil Birthday Sale!!Collapse )
» hey everyone :) (update)
hey i have been watching this community for a while and decided to join.
im not quite sure how lj works sooo bare with me
my dread are 8 months old and i love them. :)
ive got white hair at the moment and  tonight im going to take plunge into read head ville..
so ill post some before and afters.

oooo wish me luck!

ooohh what aa dayCollapse )

» (No Subject)
You girls should check out

made by xcrazyperson

it's a community based a inner beauty :)
» I'm not there.
I do not have dreadlocks.
BUT!! I have wanted them for years. I just have a hard time growing my hair out... If I got them, I know I could handle them and have the patience to take care of them. I just know it!

My question is, how long should I wait? Should I keep my bangs? And any other general things you lovely people would like to tell me!

My plain ole hair.Collapse )
» (No Subject)
I look like a HUGE goof in this picture but my hair looks nice : )

9 months on October 2
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