Papers by Mostafa Barseem

Research Square (Research Square), Mar 5, 2024
flows (Abu Risha and Sturchio 2018). Compared to the fracture network, the carbonate matrix has s... more flows (Abu Risha and Sturchio 2018). Compared to the fracture network, the carbonate matrix has significantly low hydraulic conductivity (Cook 2003). As a result, the bulk of fractured carbonates consist of mixed level of porosity (Cook 2003). In the case of the coastal aquifers, saltwater intrusion accelerates the deterioration of the carbonate aquifer matrix and create complex subsurface structural pattern. The Direct current resistivity (DCR) method is one of the vital tool for imagining the distribution of geo-electrical structures. This method involves injecting electrical current into the geological unit via two electrodes while simultaneously measuring the voltage difference between other two. The method has been extensively used in some subsurface investigations including environmental studies (Eze et al. 2022; César et al. 2017; Eleraki et al. 2010), mineral exploration (Kaidi et al. 2023), groundwater exploration (Alzahrani et al. 2022). Geoscientist deduce the existence and characteristics of a range of geological structures, including Fardous Zarif

2D nonlinear inversion of DC resistivity measurements, a case study; southeastern part of Ras El Dabaa, Northwestern coast, Egypt, 2024
flows (Abu Risha and Sturchio 2018). Compared to the fracture network, the carbonate matrix has s... more flows (Abu Risha and Sturchio 2018). Compared to the fracture network, the carbonate matrix has significantly low hydraulic conductivity (Cook 2003). As a result, the bulk of fractured carbonates consist of mixed level of porosity (Cook 2003). In the case of the coastal aquifers, saltwater intrusion accelerates the deterioration of the carbonate aquifer matrix and create complex subsurface structural pattern. The Direct current resistivity (DCR) method is one of the vital tool for imagining the distribution of geo-electrical structures. This method involves injecting electrical current into the geological unit via two electrodes while simultaneously measuring the voltage difference between other two. The method has been extensively used in some subsurface investigations including environmental studies (Eze et al. 2022; César et al. 2017; Eleraki et al. 2010), mineral exploration (Kaidi et al. 2023), groundwater exploration (Alzahrani et al. 2022). Geoscientist deduce the existence and characteristics of a range of geological structures, including Fardous Zarif

Journal of Waste Water Treatment and Analysis, 2015
This research paper is dealing with Geoelectrical Exploration as a Geophysical method used, Verti... more This research paper is dealing with Geoelectrical Exploration as a Geophysical method used, Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and 2D profile imaging to find a solution of the problems affecting the research station in South of Qantara Skark. This research station is one of the desert research center stations used to develop the desert for agriculture. The area of study is suffering from the shortage of irrigation water whereas, it depends on the water flow of the tributary of Salam Canal which being not available all the time. The appropriate solutions of these problems have been delineated by the results of 1D and 2D geoelectrical measurements. It exhibits the subsurface sedimentary sequences and extension of subsurface layers in horizontal and vertical directions especially in the groundwater aquifer. Moreover, the most suitable locations of drilling water wells could be detected. The surface and subsurface layers of the quaternary deposits consists of sand, sandy clay and clay facies. Nineteen Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) are arranged as a grid to cover the study area and two 2D geoelectrical imaging profiles are acquired. The results are represented through different contour maps and cross sections that exhibit the horizontal distribution of successive layers which reflect the lithology and changes in all directions. The water bearing layers consisted of two zones. The upper one was less salty than the lower one. The thickness of the upper zone ranges from 5 to 7 meters, but the lower zone ranges between 15 and 30 meters. The last detected layer is clay that decreases in depth towards the Southwest of the study area, causing the phenomenon of water logging. The thickness of the upper zone of the water bearing layer is inadequate for irrigation. Recommended basins to be constructed and filled through nearby drilled wells to overcome this problem. The most suitable location to dig a channel for water drainage is in the Southwest, where there is a less depth to the clay layer and all the layers are dipping toward this side.

Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International
Qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the accessible geoelectrical resistivity data wer... more Qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the accessible geoelectrical resistivity data were conducted in the area located to the west of Nile Delta on both sides of the Cairo-Alexandria desert road, between latitudes 30.190816° and 30.745892° N and longitudes 29.797607° and 30.702070° E, in the northern Western Desert of Egypt. The study area is covered by thick sedimentary exposures ranging from the Miocene to the Quaternary period. Geological factors such as lithology and geological structures significantly influence the groundwater in the study area. The Quaternary, Pliocene, and Miocene eras make up the majority of strata in the study region that require water. The study conducted twenty-three vertical electrical resistivity soundings using the Schlumberger array to define the shallow subsurface geological inferences and investigate the possibilities of finding underground water accumulations and its contamination with clay lenses. The examination of the obtained electric...

paper, 2023
Qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the accessible geoelectrical resistivity data wer... more Qualitative and quantitative interpretations of the accessible geoelectrical resistivity data were conducted in the area located to the west of Nile Delta on both sides of the Cairo-Alexandria desert road, between latitudes 30.190816° and 30.745892° N and longitudes 29.797607° and 30.702070° E, in the northern Western Desert of Egypt. The study area is covered by thick sedimentary exposures ranging from the Miocene to the Quaternary period. Geological factors such as lithology and geological structures significantly influence the groundwater in the study area. The Quaternary, Pliocene, and Miocene eras make up the majority of strata in the study region that require water. The study conducted twenty-three vertical electrical resistivity soundings using the Schlumberger array to define the shallow subsurface geological inferences and investigate the possibilities of finding underground water accumulations and its contamination with clay lenses. The examination of the obtained electric resistivity values revealed the segmentation of the examined section into Original Research Article

Scientific Reports
Recently, Wadi El Natrun and its surroundings have witnessed intensive investments in land reclam... more Recently, Wadi El Natrun and its surroundings have witnessed intensive investments in land reclamation, including the arbitrary drilling of hundreds of groundwater wells. Currently, serious hydrogeological and environmental problems have been addressed, such as groundwater quality degradation and water head drop. Electrical resistivity measurements were performed at six locations across the study area to assess its ability to reveal the heterogeneous subsurface stratigraphic and hydrogeological setting of groundwater aquifer(s). The geoelectrical results successfully reflect the current vulnerable hydrogeological setting of the study sites. The current study highlights the current practice in which farmers rely on isolated 1-dimensional vertical electrical sounding (1D VES), which is not the only exploration tool for such electrically conductive stratigraphic succession. One of the main findings is addressing the advantage of applying 2-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging (2D...

Recently, Wadi El Natrun and its surroundings have witnessed intensive investments in land reclam... more Recently, Wadi El Natrun and its surroundings have witnessed intensive investments in land reclamation, including the arbitrary drilling of hundreds of groundwater wells. Currently, serious hydrogeological and environmental problems have been addressed, such as groundwater quality degradation and water head drop. Electrical resistivity measurements were performed at six locations across the study area to assess its ability to reveal the heterogeneous subsurface stratigraphic and hydrogeological setting of groundwater aquifer(s). The geoelectrical results successfully reflect the current vulnerable hydrogeological setting of the study sites. The current study highlights the current practice in which farmers rely on isolated 1-dimensional vertical electrical sounding (1D VES), which is not the only exploration tool for such electrically conductive stratigraphic succession. One of the main findings is addressing the advantage of applying 2-dimensional electrical resistivity imaging (2D ERI), where it offers a more robust view of both vertical and lateral variation of the investigated subsurface section (Case 3). On the other hand, the Geographic Information System (GIS) could mirror the present groundwater potentiality status, where both GIS analysis and resistivity results coincide, and where the good potentiality zone is restricted to the west and southwest directions of the study area (area of interest (aoi)), where the resistivity values of water bearing are relatively high and lie on the main drainage (Cases 2, 5, and 6). On the contrary, poor potentiality zones are deemed because of their proximity to tiny attributers, and are characterized by low resistivity values (Cases 1, 3 & 4), Finally, the current research study demonstrates the significance of combining morphometrical analysis with geophysics techniques for such environmental problems, where groundwater is primarily controlled by geomorphological features and geological conditions, including lithology and geological structures.

Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering. Mansoura University, 2020
Attempts were carried out to delineate the areas where the aquifer is vulnerable to water logging... more Attempts were carried out to delineate the areas where the aquifer is vulnerable to water logging, head drop and pollution in the new and old reclamation areas as well. All of the hydrological, geophysical and soil factors were incorporated in the DRASTIC model. Parameters included are; depth to water, net recharge, aquifer media, water salinity, thicknesses and resistivity of successive geoelectrical layers soil media, topography and impact of the vadose zone. Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity varies from 4.43 X10to 243 X10m/sec. Groundwater is supplied from the gravel sand saturated sediments belonging to the Quaternary aquifer. The aquifer thickness rangs from 60 to 120 m. Groundwater depths are gradually increased from 2 m in north to about 72 m in the southern area. Groundwater levels are ranging from 58 m a.s.l. to 74 m a.s.l. Transmissivity is ranging from 155 m /day to 420 m /day. Applying the DRASTIC model reveals that there are five vulnerable classes characterizing the study area. Very low and Low vulnerable areas characterize the southern area located near the table land area. Medium vulnerable area present at the pediment area just above the old cultivated lands and extends through the old cultivated lands East of Al Marashda area where groundwater depths are ranging from 5 m-40 m and recharge is essentially from excess irrigation water. A very high and high vulnerable area is located in the old cultivated lands where groundwater is very shallow (< 5 m) and recharge is very high from excess irrigation water and percolation from surface water systems.

Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2018
El Alamein-El-Dabaa area lies in the western Mediterranean coastal zone of Egypt with about 50 km... more El Alamein-El-Dabaa area lies in the western Mediterranean coastal zone of Egypt with about 50 km long. The aims of the present study are the shallow groundwater aquifer determination and calculate the electric parameters of the overburden to achieve the easiest way for detecting groundwater contamination and considered it during the planning of new development project(s). To attain this target, 44 vertical resistivity soundings using Schlumberger array of the maximum AB/2 = 1000 m in the form of four profiles were carried out. From the interpretation results, six geoelectrical layers have been established in the area, and iso-resistivity, depth to water, and isopach contour maps are presented. Four geoelectrical cross-sections (two geoelectrical cross-sections are parallel to the Mediterranean shoreline and the other two are normal to the Mediterranean shoreline) have been constructed. According to this work, the upper part of the Oolitic Limestone represents the shallow groundwater aquifer in this area and can be distinguished into two zones. The upper zone is brackish, whereas the lower one is saline. The geoelectrical succession reveals that the aquifer is free type. The depth to water ranges between 20 and 63 m; therefore, it is the choice as the best sites for groundwater exploitation. In the area under study, the depth to water and the thickness of the brackish increase towards the south side as well as the depth to the brackish water. The Dar-Zarrouk parameters clarified that there are some parts that may contaminate pathways and other parts are not.

he lateral facies changes play a great role on the water bearing formations that affect the poten... more he lateral facies changes play a great role on the water bearing formations that affect the potential and quality of water in Wadi El Natrun. In this case where two wells are drilled, one of them exhibits a good condition but the other has more salinity and less production. A total of nine Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) were carried out in the investigated area for detecting the extent of the layer succession, and one imaging profile traverse was done between the two wells for recognizing the lateral facies change in the subsurface layers. The interpretation of the VES data indicates that the geoelectrical succession consists of five layers. The first layer exhibits a resistivity ranging from 69.05 Ohm.m to 741 Ohm.m, and thickness ranging from 21.5 m to 29 m. It consists of sand with boulders and gravels. The important layers are the second and the fourth, which are water bearing. The second layer indicates resistivity ranging from 11 to 48 Ohm.m. It consists of sand intercala...

Journal of Applied Geophysics
Evaluation of the Nubian Sandstone aquifer using geophysical and hydrogeological tools in the Eas... more Evaluation of the Nubian Sandstone aquifer using geophysical and hydrogeological tools in the East of El-Dakhla Oasis, Western Desert , Egypt A.M. M. Al Temamy, M.S Barseem and S. U.Ghoubachi Desert Research Center. 1 Mathaf El Matariya St- P. O. B. 11753, Matariya, Cairo, Egypt. ABSTRACT Integrated geophysical (land magnetic and geoelectric) and hydrogeologic techniques were used with the main objective of evaluating the Nubian sandstone aquifer in East El-Dakhla depression. The area of study is characterized by available groundwater and soil resources. The Nubian Sandstone aquifer represents the main water-bearing formation in this area. The geophysical survey carried out in the present study involved four land magnetic profiles and ten Vertical Electrical Soundings, with the object of determining the depth of the basement rocks, the lithologic variations in the vertical and horizontal directions, the thickness of the water-bearing layers and detecting the subsurface geological st...

ABSTRACT: The Delta of Wadi Kid at the Gulf of Aqaba is selected to carry out the present geophys... more ABSTRACT: The Delta of Wadi Kid at the Gulf of Aqaba is selected to carry out the present geophysical study. The interpretation of the magnetic data in the Delta of Wadi Kid revealed that the delta had been subjected to a complex structural pattern through a number of normal faults that control the regional eastward slope of the basement surface. The interpretation of the soundings in the Delta of Wadi Kid, revealed that the second geoelectrical layer (sand & gravel),the fourth geoelectrical layer (clayey sand &fine sand) and the fifth geoelectrical layer (sandy clay) are represented the water bearing layers. The resistivity ranges of these geoelectical layers are 7.5-30.4Ohm-m, 2-21.6Ohm-m and 5.7Ohm-m, respectively. In the Delta of Wadi Kid, the thickness of the upper and the middle water bearing layers are 11.2-31m,1-95m, respectively. As a result of the present work, some localities in the investigated delta have been recommended for drilling water wells.

USE OF GEOELECTRICAL TECHNIQUES TO DETERMINE THE IMPACT OF FACIES CHANGES ON GROUNDWATER POTENTIA... more USE OF GEOELECTRICAL TECHNIQUES TO DETERMINE THE IMPACT OF FACIES CHANGES ON GROUNDWATER POTENTIALS AND WATER LOGGING IN THE AREA SOUTH OF LAKE MANZALA, EAST NILE DELTA, EGYPT" Ayman M. M. Al Temamy, Mohamed A. Khaled and Mostafa S. M. Barseem Geophysics Department, Desert Research Center, 1 Mathaf El Matariya St-B.O.P.11753, Matariya, T he reclaimed desert land south of Lake Manzala area suffers from shortage of water supply and water logging during the summer months. Geoelectrical studies such as vertical electrical sounding (VES) and 2-D imaging profiles have been conducted in that area as an attempt to resolve these two problems. Interpretation of the field measurements indicated that the subsurface consists of three geoelectrical units (A, B and C) varying in depth, thickness and lithological composition. The middle unit "B" represents the water-bearing formation. It consists of three geoelectrical sub-layers (B1 and B3) of sand with clay intercalations separated...

ABSTRACT Risan Unayzah uplift lies about 20 km south of El Arish City, north Sinai, Egypt. It occ... more ABSTRACT Risan Unayzah uplift lies about 20 km south of El Arish City, north Sinai, Egypt. It occupies a part of the semiarid climatic conditions of Egypt. Geomorphologically, the study area has a general northward slope towards the Mediterranean Sea. Stratigraphically, the study area belongs to the Cretaceous and Quaternary periods. The main purpose of the present investigation, is exploring the groundwater occurrence in the area through the application of two geoelectrical techniques (Vertical Electrical Sounding & Two-dimensional (2-D) resistivity imaging). Four sites were selected to investigate the groundwater occurrence by carring out 4 Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES). The Schlumberger electrodes configuration was used, with a maximum current electrodes distance (AB/2) of 1200 m. On the other hand three profiles of two-dimensional (2-D) geoelectrical imaging (Tomography) were carried out with the main purpose of detecting lateral and vertical variations in depth, thickness...

El Awkaf area is one of the new reclaimed areas of East El Oweinat project. The agricultural and ... more El Awkaf area is one of the new reclaimed areas of East El Oweinat project. The agricultural and human activities in that area depend mainly on the groundwater of the Nubian Sandstone aquifer, which represents the only source of groundwater. The available electric well logging and pumping test data for twelve wells were used to establish geoelectric and hydraulic parameters. The well logging data indicates that, the area under investigation represents homogenous subsurface succession that is built mainly from Nubian Sandstone with limited lateral changes in thickness of the layers. The lower part of the succession is the water – bearing formation having true resistivity varying from 94.06 to 215.9 Ohm.m. Thickness of this formation ranges between 213 m and 327.13 m. The effective porosity of the saturation zone varies from 15.54% to 25.6% with an average 21.2942%. The transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity that estimated from analysis of pumping test data were compared with there...

ABASTRACT: Delineation of the geologic setting is a prerequisite for understanding the possibilit... more ABASTRACT: Delineation of the geologic setting is a prerequisite for understanding the possibilities and limitations of exploiting groundwater. East El Oweinat area represents one of the most promising regions to become the source of food for Egypt in the near future. This area is characterized by available groundwater and soil resources. Nubian sandstone aquifer that overlies directly the basement rocks represents the main water-bearing formation in this area. The geophysical survey in the present study involved carrying out 7 land magnetic profiles and 15 Vertical Electrical Soundings with the object of determining the depth of the basement rocks, the lithologic variations in vertical and horizontal directions, the thickness of water-bearing layers and detecting subsurface geological structures and their impact on the groundwater occurrence. The interpretation results of the modeled land magnetic profiles were used in construction of depth to the basement surface and level of the ...

International Journal of Geophysics, 2010
El Ain El Sukhna area was selected in the last ten years to initiate many governmental and invest... more El Ain El Sukhna area was selected in the last ten years to initiate many governmental and investmental programs. The different activities in that area depend mainly on the groundwater of the Quaternary aquifer, which forms the main water bearing strata. In the present work, twenty one geoelctrical soundings using the Schlumberger configuration are carried out at selected sites especially in missing parts from wells to delineate the groundwater setting in such sites. Eight of them are conducted in the close vicinity of water wells, where lithologs and pumping test data of these wells are available to relate hydrologic and geoelctric measurements. The pumping tests data are analyzed by using AQTESOLV program and the geolectrical sounding data were interpreted by partial curve matching technique to obtain the initial parameters. The results indicated that, the transmissivity is found to be closely related with transverse resistance and the hydraulic conductivity with average transvers...
In the last two decades, the Gulf of Aqaba coast has witnessed enormous tourism and agricultural ... more In the last two decades, the Gulf of Aqaba coast has witnessed enormous tourism and agricultural activities. The growing settlements, communities and tourism resorts have caused an ever-increasing demand for water. The deltas of Wadi Dahab and Wadi Kid are two promising areas concerning agricultural and tourism development. The extensive area and outstanding location on the Gulf of Aqaba coast support the capability of the two areas to share in such a development.
Papers by Mostafa Barseem