Welcome!dramione is a community focused on the Harry Potter characters Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, paired together.
This is a place for discussion about the pairing, for recommending fan fics, art, vids, to post your own work (either in an entry here or linking back to your own journal (or another location), to share news, request help finding a fic (a fic search), to ask questions, to promote your (D/Hr) community and so on that relates directly to Draco, Hermione, and Draco/Hermione (details on non-Draco/Hermione content is addressed in rule 6).
This community was created by acony_bell in 2003, and is currently moderated by ldymusyc and spadul.
Rules: We have them. You can read them here. The basics are: don't be a jerk, fic search posts are okay, and place large/multiple images behind an lj-cut. We have more rules, and we suggest you read the post linked to because not reading them doesn't get you off the hook for breaking them.
Contact the mods: Wondering if your entry is okay for the community? Having trouble with another member? Want to propose an idea to us? Those questions and any others can be directed to any or all of the mods by the following methods:
PLEASE DO NOT POST AN ENTRY IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF THE APPROPRIATENESS OF THE CONTENT - CONTACT THE MODS FIRST - Including 'mods please feel free to delete' or typing in the post that you're not sure if the post is okay for the community doesn't help.