? ?
when she lowers her eyes......
When she lowers her eyes she seems to hold all the beauty in the world between her eyelids; when she raises them I see only myself in her gaze. Kate Lesbian Dating blog

Not a drag - just a prince
i am the man

My name is Ronen and I live in Chicago. Onstage I'm known as Marc LeMarque, and I've performed a few times with the new-ish Chicago drag troupe Gender Bent. The group is composed mostly of kings, but really it's a mélange.

(Byyyyy the way, we have a show Saturday night, if you're in the area.)

My drag persona is... a little different from most of what I've seen others do so far. I started out trying to be a standard king, but after a few performances another performer remarked that the way I presented myself onstage came off very androgynous. So I figured, instead of trying to change my direction - what the heck, go with what comes natural.

So now I'm a hot-pants-wearing, eyeliner-sporting, confetti-throwing femme-king - or, to adopt a phrase I found on genderform, a "drag prince." I still pack and bind, but that won't preclude me from strapping on a pair of red heels and swooshing on some glittery eyeshadow for an act. Or performing an Adam Lambert routine. I still do some standard-ish stuff, but I find the femme comes more naturally to me.

Any other princes out there?
Tags: - lesbian social network
Welcome to the new thematic project - Lesbi club Dark GirlZZZ, which represents a social network for lesbian and bisexual girls.
After registration at the network there will be available:

-creating photo albums
music files in mp3 format
-copying music from friends to your playlist
uploading video and inserting video from youtube
-publishing your prose and poetry
-using various communication services such as personal email, chat, private chat, shoutbox users can login to a lesbian club without registration
-much much more ...

We are waiting for you at

Gender research
Hi all - I am doing a thesis project in which I will interview people who identify as transgender or other gender variations and I am trying to find people that might be willing to help. I posted here previously so this is just a final reminder and attempt to find anyone that might still want to participate. If you think you might be interested, or know someone who might be interested, please check out my LJ for details.

You must be at least 18 years old and live in the United States.

Thanks for considering it!

Transgender research
Hi everyone - I am doing my thesis project on transgender individuals and their experiences, and I was wondering if anyone here might be interested in participating? Obviously just because someone is a drag king doesn't mean they are transgender, but I thought I might find some people who identify as transgender here. Please check out my LJ for details if you are interested. Thanks for considering it!

Participate?: Survey for my fellow drag kings - pass along!
Hi there,

I am conducting a research study called “The D-KINGS Project,” to look at how drag kings experience their performances and daily challenges with other people’s perceptions of their sexuality and gender presentation.

I am looking for participants who meet the following criteria:
1) Were assigned the gender of female at birth
2) Are at least 18 years old
3) Have performed masculinity in front of an audience at least once in their lifetime.

Please pass along to anyone who you think may qualify!

To get more info and to participate, go to -

This is a survey which, should you choose to participate, will take about 25 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey, you will have the option of providing your email address to be entered into a lottery for $50!

This study has been approved by my Institutional Review Board: #10-01-003-0135

Thank you for your time and support!

Photo contibutions wanted!
Hey There!
    This is Drake Blackstone from Worcester MA. My friend Raven Kaldera, F-M/ Intersex activist & author is nearly done writing a new book on the subject of TV/CD/King/Queen identified people and their sexuality. He wants to include photos of Drag Kings in the book (photo credits & promotional  ops !), but up till now, he has been short on King related resources. If you are interested, feel free to send me a message ASAP.

 If you would like to e-mail Raven for more details about the book, please feel free to e-mail him at [email protected] .

Drake Blackstone
Worc. MA

First time kinging and I need advice
I do Drag costumes for a living but I've never done a preformance, can anyone give advice. I am doing a show three weeks from now for my GSA and I'm clueless except for a few things.

Remove Crossdressing from the DSM-V
A petition to remove cross-dressing as a mental disorder is being submitted to the Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Workgroup of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Currently the APA considers individuals who crossdress to be suffering from "transvestic disorder"

(no subject)
Drag King Contest! Winner get $100 in cash
Friday, April 16, 201010:30 PM - 4:00 AM EDT (End Time Estimated)

Please Pass This Along To Anyone You Feel May Like To Take Part In This

We are proud to begin scouting out for Lust's First Drag King Contest. This event promises to bring nothing but pure entertainment & excitement.

What you need to know to enter Lust's First Drag King Contest:

1. The winner is going to receive a $100 cash prize

2. You may enter as a Single or Duo act

3. Songs should not be longer than 4-5 minutes

4. The Crowd will be the Judge, so make sure to keep them energized!!!! And Bring your friends!

5. Most important of all Friday, April 16th is the date, and the location is LUST 950 N.E 2nd ave, Miami, Fla......

6. Winner of contest may have the opportunity to work in the future with Lust & Milancita Events.

PS this is a newbie king amateur contest so nonpros and those who have yet to have the opportunity to do drag
are welcomed to enter

Email Nicole at [email protected] for registration and info with the Drag King Contest in the Subject Line.
Registration cut off date is April 1st, so please make sure you send in your information ASAP