Books by Nejat Bilgen
Batı ve Güneybatı Kısım (Bkz. 2010 Genel Raporu s.376) : BB sektörü M-7, CC sektörü M-8, N-8, N-9... more Batı ve Güneybatı Kısım (Bkz. 2010 Genel Raporu s.376) : BB sektörü M-7, CC sektörü M-8, N-8, N-9, JJ sektörü O-10, O-11 ve KK sektörü O-12 plankareleri içinde yer alır (Resim 46-50). Duvar kuzeybatı-güneydoğu doğrultulu olup, bu kısımdaki korunan uzunluğu 65m.'dir. Duvarının korunan üst seviyesi 1173.00m., alt seviyesi 1164.92m.'dir.
Book Section by Nejat Bilgen
Three phases (A, B, C) were determined in the Middle Bronze Age layer (IV) at
Seyitömer Höyük, w... more Three phases (A, B, C) were determined in the Middle Bronze Age layer (IV) at
Seyitömer Höyük, which is located within Kütahya province. It was observed that the
architectural structures generally included stone buildings rising on stone foundations,
but some buildings were built using mud-brick.
Papers by Nejat Bilgen

Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Oct 25, 2016
The Achaemenids conquered Anatolia in the sixth century bce. However, in contrast to the historic... more The Achaemenids conquered Anatolia in the sixth century bce. However, in contrast to the historical descriptions of political response to Achaemenid control, e.g. the so-called ‘Ionian revolt’ of east Greek territories in Western Anatolia, the operation of Achaemenid-period economies in this region remains obscure. Only a handful of occupation sites in western Turkey provide archaeological data contemporary with Achaemenid rule. In this paper, we compare the results of compositional analysis on Achaemenid-period ceramics from a provincial centre, Seyitömer, with comparable analyses from similar periods at Sardis and Gordion. During the period of Achaemenid control a comparatively high level of compositional and typological diversity at this provincial centre suggests a surprising increase in regional connectivity, both locally and with East Greek and Greek centres.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), May 1, 2015
Depata are among the important changes in the traditional cultural structure that emerged during ... more Depata are among the important changes in the traditional cultural structure that emerged during the Early Bronze Age III. Depata were discovered in the Aegean islands, the Balkan Peninsula, Central and Southeastern Anatolia and Northern Syria. In Seyitömer Mound located in Midwestern Anatolia, the Early Bronze Age, which represents the 5th cultural layer, is studied in three phases. Various depata, classified among different forms and wares, were discovered in the mentioned phases. The specifications and finding contexts of the depata are given along with typological considerations.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jan 22, 2011

Elektronik sosyal bilimler dergisi, Aug 1, 2006
Eskisehir Ilinin 16 kilometre dogusunda, Alpu Ovasi’ndaki Cavlum Koyu’nde 1999-2002 yillari arasi... more Eskisehir Ilinin 16 kilometre dogusunda, Alpu Ovasi’ndaki Cavlum Koyu’nde 1999-2002 yillari arasinda gerceklestirilen kurtarma kazilarinda 73 adet mezar ele gecmis ve bu mezarligin Orta Tunc Cagi’na ait oldugu anlasilmistir. Mezarligin cogu kup ve comlek mezar olup, basit toprak, tas sanduka ve oda mezar tipleri de gorulmustur. Olu hediyesi olarak mezarlara birakilan eserler arasinda en ilginc olanlardan biri luletasindan yapilmis bir adet damga muhurdur. Bu muhur Cavlum mezarliginda tek ornekle temsil edilen tas sanduka mezarda ele gecmistir. Damga muhrun baski yuzeyinde sadece bir cizgi bulunmaktadir. Bu cizginin olusturulmasi sirasinda muhrun kenari kirilmis olmalidir. Ancak gene de luletasi gibi nadir bir malzemeden yapildigi icin bir cocugun mezarina birakilacak kadar onemini korumustur. En onemli luletasi yataklari Eskisehir Bolgesi’nde bulunmakta ve bu madenin, en eski donemlerden beri bu bolgede bilindigi anlasilmaktadir. Cavlum Koyu Orta Tunc Cagi Mezarligi’nda ele gecen luletasi muhrun tam bir eser olarak karsimiza cikmis olmasi luletasi madeninin kullanim tarihi acisindan da onemli bir bulgudur

Eskisehir Ilinin 16 kilometre dogusunda, Alpu Ovasi’ndaki Cavlum Koyu’nde 1999-2002 yillari arasi... more Eskisehir Ilinin 16 kilometre dogusunda, Alpu Ovasi’ndaki Cavlum Koyu’nde 1999-2002 yillari arasinda gerceklestirilen kurtarma kazilarinda 73 adet mezar ele gecmis ve bu mezarligin Orta Tunc Cagi’na ait oldugu anlasilmistir. Mezarligin cogu kup ve comlek mezar olup, basit toprak, tas sanduka ve oda mezar tipleri de gorulmustur. Olu hediyesi olarak mezarlara birakilan eserler arasinda en ilginc olanlardan biri luletasindan yapilmis bir adet damga muhurdur. Bu muhur Cavlum mezarliginda tek ornekle temsil edilen tas sanduka mezarda ele gecmistir. Damga muhrun baski yuzeyinde sadece bir cizgi bulunmaktadir. Bu cizginin olusturulmasi sirasinda muhrun kenari kirilmis olmalidir. Ancak gene de luletasi gibi nadir bir malzemeden yapildigi icin bir cocugun mezarina birakilacak kadar onemini korumustur. En onemli luletasi yataklari Eskisehir Bolgesi’nde bulunmakta ve bu madenin, en eski donemlerden beri bu bolgede bilindigi anlasilmaktadir. Cavlum Koyu Orta Tunc Cagi Mezarligi’nda ele gecen lu...
Books by Nejat Bilgen
Book Section by Nejat Bilgen
Seyitömer Höyük, which is located within Kütahya province. It was observed that the
architectural structures generally included stone buildings rising on stone foundations,
but some buildings were built using mud-brick.
Papers by Nejat Bilgen
Seyitömer Höyük, which is located within Kütahya province. It was observed that the
architectural structures generally included stone buildings rising on stone foundations,
but some buildings were built using mud-brick.