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So this community does not vanish [Jul. 14th, 2010|11:20 pm]

This post is being made to keep LJ from purging this community.
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Deleting Community [May. 28th, 2005|08:08 pm]

[Current Mood |exhaustedexhausted]

I'm going to be deleting this community this weekend - just wanted to give you a head's up. Not many really seem to be reading it anymore and it's kind of silly to keep spamming your flits with this stuff. I'll be posting links to updates in my LJ if you want to keep up with the new eps and stuff.

Thanks to everyone who has stuck by me with this, and who seem to enjoy reading my Hudsonverse. You have no idea how much it means to me!!
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Episode 22: Genesis (Part Three) [May. 26th, 2005|09:58 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: Genesis (Part Three)
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall, Ep 22 (Third Season)
Rating: R
Summary: Lex and Hudson ease back into their relationship while solar flares cause a disruption in her life.
Notes: Special thanks to kelex for helping me through the solar flares, gamma rays and particle accelerator research - alone I might have shot myself. And her wonderful beta! And thanks to icalynn for her nurse's knowledge.

Part One
Part Two

Genesis - Part ThreeCollapse )

Feedback makes muses happy!!
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Episode 22: Genesis (Part Two) [May. 26th, 2005|09:57 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: Genesis (Part Two)
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall, Ep 22 (Third Season)
Rating: R
Summary: Lex and Hudson ease back into their relationship while solar flares cause a disruption in her life.
Notes: Special thanks to kelex for helping me through the solar flares, gamma rays and particle accelerator research - alone I might have shot myself. And her wonderful beta! And thanks to icalynn for her nurse's knowledge.

Genesis - Part One

Genesis - Part TwoCollapse )

Part Three
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Episode 19: Genesis (Part One) [May. 25th, 2005|01:28 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: Genesis (Part One)
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall, Ep 22 (Third Season)
Rating: R
Summary: Lex and Hudson ease back into their relationship while solar flares cause a disruption in her life.
Notes: Special thanks to kelex for helping me through the solar flares, gamma rays and particle accelerator research - alone I might have shot myself. And thanks to icalynn for her nurse's knowledge.

GenesisCollapse )

Feedback? Pretty please??
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Hudsonverse stuff [May. 25th, 2005|12:16 pm]

[Current Mood |bouncybouncy]

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything here. I'm currently trying to wrap-up Ep 22. I'll probably go ahead and post the first half today, so that I can force myself to finish the rest no later than Friday. I was hoping to be done today but I don't think that will happen unless Hudsonmuse cooperates. This ep has a lot to do with where her abilities come from and such. It's very much a transitional ep, so nothing too exciting happens - everything plotwise is being set up for the remainder of the season.

After 22 is posted, nothing will be forthcoming from this season until probably August, unless I can come up with a ficlet or two. I've signed up for svmadelyn's wip_it_good challenge - and I plan on getting Identity, the story of Hudson becoming Superwoman, done come hell or high water! So hopefully you will have that to look forward to at the end of July.

Until then, thought I would share a few things. First, thanks to cmojess I am obsessed with this song, When You Come Back Down by Nickel Creek. It is sooooo perfect for Lex and Hudson - and I even know at what point of their relationship! Heee! Too bad I'm not writing that now. Oh well. I uploaded it to YouSendIt for those who would like to hear it:

When You Come Back Down

And LyricsCollapse )

He even calls her 'Angel'!! *loves*

Also, I posted my Lexson vid a long time ago, so I figure there are some on here who haven't seen it yet. So here is a link to download the first, and only, Lexson video:

Accidentally in Love - Lexson

Okay. That's it for the update for now. In the next hour or so, I'll post the first half of Ep 22 - unbetaed except for a read-thru by kelex, so don't beat me. :)
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The Hudsonverse Challenge [May. 6th, 2005|01:22 pm]

[Current Mood |melancholymelancholy]

Since only three people have signed up, I'm going to go ahead and cancel the Petticoats and Special Effects challenge.

kelex, icalynn and coffeesnob - if you really want to write a fic because you can't get it out of your head, please feel free to do so and post it here. Thanks for signing up, guys! You made my day with the creative movies you came up with. *hugs*
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Snippet from 'Ageless' [May. 5th, 2005|02:59 pm]

[Current Mood |boredbored]

Just a little something my muse totally wanted to write. She's been very attracted to Darker!Lex of late, and the plot bunnies for season four have been running amuck all over my brain. If you don't want to be spoiled for one of the major things I'm having happen in season four, then don't read it. But if you don't think it will hurt your interest in any form, then please do!

Hudsonverse 'Ageless' SnippetCollapse )
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*ponders* [May. 5th, 2005|12:42 pm]

[Current Mood |curiouscurious]

I want to write a Lexson scene from 'Ageless', but it would giveaway a pretty big spoiler for what I have planned to happen in Season Four of the Hudsonverse. So, should I do it anyway? Yes? No? Would that ruin things for y'all???
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A little help for Astrea [May. 3rd, 2005|07:27 am]

[Current Mood |determineddetermined]

I don't know if this is going to fly, or if anyone would be remotely interested, but our very dear friend, astrea9562 is in desperate need for our help. She's always been one of my dearest supporters for my Hudsonverse, putting a smile on my face and faith in my story right when I've always needed it, and I just feel the need to give something back in return.

So, to that end, if anyone is interested, I am going to auction off Hudsonverse ficlets to the five highest bidders.

A) The ficlets can be anything of your choice.*
B) They can take place either in the future, present or past.
C) If there is an episode that I never wrote for the Hudsonverse that you wanted to see, I'll do it.
D) If you want to see something that happens in the futureverse, within the actual canon of my story, I will write it.*
E) If you want to see something that is completely AU from the story (ie, collegeverse, a different seating, teacher!Lex, etc.), I will write that.
F) All ficlets will be at least 5,000 words in length.
G) I can't guarantee a timeframe, but I will put all other updates on hold until they are done.
H) Remember: These ficlets would be specifically catered to what *you* want to see in the Hudsonverse. So go as crazy as you'd like, or pick my brain to see the future stuff that I haven't been willing to show you.

* I will not write out the break up scene or anything that leads to the end of Hudson and Lex at the end of the high school stuff. This is just because there would be no need for anyone to keep reading...

Put your bids in comments. I'll keep it open until Thursday morning, 10:00AM central standard time. Again, top five bidders will get their choice of fics.

Thanks for helping out, guys!
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Hudsonverse Challenge [May. 2nd, 2005|10:51 am]

[Current Mood |creativecreative]

The Hudsonverse Petticoats and Special Effects Challenge

Seeing as how the vote is split, I decided to give everyone the best of both worlds (Sorry, chicklet73! We'll do a song fic challenge especially for you next time!). That means, if you want to write a Historical piece for the challenge, go for it! If you'd prefer to adapt the Hudsonverse to a movie, go for it! And if you manage to work both in (ie, Dangerous Liasons - stay back! It's mine!!), then you get a special cookie for doing so!


1) Must either take place in an historical setting or within the plot of a movie.
2) Must be at least 1,000 words in length. (There is no maximum)
3) Must contain Hudson Clark Kent as a main character. Any other characters are completely at your discretion.
4) May be any rating, G-NC-17 (though it must be appropriately marked as such).
5) If you are participating, you must sign up here no later than Friday, May 6th.
6) All entries are due Thursday, June 30th. This gives everyone two months of time in which to get your masterpiece written. ;P And then a holiday weekend to enjoy them all!
7) Entries will be posted by the authors here. You may also post them in your own LJ's. If you have not joined the community, and are only watching, please join so that you may take advantage of the ability to post your story.
8) At first I was going to allow people to double up on movies or time periods, but I've changed my mind, just to offer more of a variety for reading. Therefore, when posting, you must make three choices for your movie or time period. On Saturday, I will post a list with everything paired down to who is doing what according to whether or not choices have been taken. First come, first served, so if there is a movie/time period you really, really want, sign up fast!
9) You may sign up for as many fics as you like, if you feel you have the time.
10) I love Lex... Just thought you should know. :P

Posting format:

Movie (Title of) or Historical (Time period)?:
Pairing (If any):

If you would like to participate, please comment here in the following format:

Movie or Historical?:
If movie, list your three choices:
If historical, list your three time periods:

Hope everyone decides to join in with this one! It should be a lot of fun!!

Now sign up, or else!!!!
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Hudsonverse Challenge [Apr. 28th, 2005|12:59 pm]

[Current Mood |boredbored]

Let me know what sounds like the most fun to play with!

Poll #483812 What topic would you like the Hudsonverse challenge to be?

What topic would you like the Hudsonverse Challenge to be?

Historical Challenge - Fit the Hudsonverse into another time period
Movie Challenge - Fit the Hudsonverse into your favorite movie
Song Challenge - I give you a song; you write the ficlet
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This and That [Apr. 27th, 2005|09:42 am]

[Current Mood |calmcalm]

I know it's been pretty quiet here, lately. I've just been working on lots of outlines and stuff (trying to piece together the arcs for seasons three and four, and somehow get them to mesh with storylines SV told, along with my own changes - oy), as well as for the fic, Identity, which is all about Hudson becoming Superwoman. That's definitely a work-in-progress that will be coming along very slowly and meticulously, and will be posted in it's entirety sometime in the future. (Don't think near-future because I'm betting it will take me a good six months to hammer it out in the manner I want it to be...) You might be getting some art from it, as well as a couple of questions and the occasional sneak peak. For the most part, it's making me want to pull my hair out.

Ep 22 is making me want to pull my hair out as well, because it's one of those transitional eps. It kind of has to bridge everything that has happened, into everything that is going to begin happening. And that has me throwing things - a lot. Mainly because I don't have an actual plot for this ep, just an idea of what all has to happen for certain characters so that they're all in place for the arcs coming up. I could probably just as easily write one or two ficlets to tie it all together, but when it comes to season three, that really feels like a great big cheat on my part. We'll have to see how it pans out. There will be ficlets for the season, not to worry, I just feel the majority of it needs to be told in fairly large chapters, loosely following the SV arc, but adjusting and fixing problems here and there. There's a lot of backstory stuff that I'm still trying to fit together. And when it comes to the complete and total change that I've made to the 'Relic' storyline... Oy!!! *headdesk*

Those of you who have always been into the comics will probably see a lot of familiar names and plots popping up here and there. Of course, they'll be changed around a bit to fit into this universe and mold it all-together. Lara is going to have a bigger role than simply that of Kaela's mother, and the appearance of Kem-El is a possibility as well. Or, at least, a reference to him.

Is the Belle Reve storyline still happening in the Hudsonverse? Yes. Is it going to follow the same path as it did on SV? No. Is it going to end better? *EG* Is Hudson going to continue to make stupid mistakes? Hell, yes. Is Lex going to be a little more guarded and secretive when dealing with her? Again, yes. Is this a recipe for disaster? *EG* Is Lionel the villain of the story??... Well, he sure as hell is for the high school years portion of it, I promise you. That's something I'm not backing away from. Hudson needs to learn how to deal with someone who could easily destroy both her and the ones that she loves now, before dealing with it on a regular basis. And Lionel is just the one to teach her that.

In the interim, is anyone interested in another Hudsonverse challenge?? If so, please respond in comments, and I'll put something together. Also, if you have any questions for my Hudsonmuse regarding what's ahead... feel free to ask them now!

And as always, thanks for sticking by me and my genderbender. *hugs*
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Episode 21: A Day in the Life (Part Two) [Apr. 6th, 2005|01:48 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: A Day in the Life, Episode 21 (Part Two)
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Summary: A typical day in Hudson's life.
A/N: Special thanks to kelex for the quick beta and help. This episode picks up the morning following Ep 20.


Feedback gives Hudsonmuse joygasms.
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Episode 21: A Day in the Life (Part One) [Apr. 6th, 2005|01:48 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: A Day in the Life, Episode 21 (Part One)
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Summary: A typical day in Hudson's life.
A/N: Special thanks to kelex for the quick beta and help. This episode picks up the morning following Ep 20.


Feedback gives Hudsonmuse joygasms.
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*SQUEE* [Apr. 1st, 2005|08:50 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

I am very psyched! I think I finally have the majority of the storylines of season three for the Hudsonverse all worked out on paper. It was quite a feat, let me tell you, once you get down to the core of the arcs and how very badly they were thrown together. I mean, I *love* season three, and now that I look at it with a fine tooth comb, it was truly an unholy mess. The majority of anything to do with Lionel makes no sense whatsoever. And we won't even talk about Adam. Oy!

But I'm pretty happy with how everything is shaping up. Yes, I'm veering off a lot into my own direction, but still following the basic arc that Smallville established. There'll be much fewer FOTW type storylines and a bigger focus on character development and the storyline driving Lex and Hudson toward their ultimate conclusion. I'm still torn on how I want to write everything - if I did the size of episodes I did through seasons one and two, it will likely take me forever to finish. Even with the occasional ficlet in between. So I'm trying to decide if I just want to do shorter episodes, with more of the important storylines included in those, and then ficlets in between for more light-hearted stuff, and little peeks into the supporting characters lives.

Anyway, I hope you all have as much fun with this season as I think I'm going to. There will be plenty of angst, some changes to the mythology that Smallville has set up, and a lot of lessons learned for Lex and Hudson. And you'll be seeing a lot of Lionel.

If you have any questions, or thoughts on what you'd like to see happen over the next two seasons, please let me know and I will consider some suggestions. As long as they don't interfere with the overall arc, of course. :)

The next episode A Day in the Life, should be posted early next week, once it's through all betas.

Thanks for sticking around, guys!
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*loves readers* [Mar. 30th, 2005|02:16 pm]

[Current Mood |curiouscurious]

I just received one of those reviews at that just puts one of those instantaneous smiles on your face. You know the kind. They make your entire day - hell, week even. And they sure as hell inspire the desire to write more! LOL

It's curious, though. It's from another guy. It always really blows my mind when I find out guys are reading my Hudsonverse - I mean, it seems like they wouldn't, be there superheroes involved or not. There's the romance, and the girly stuff, and Hudson flailing over how hot Lex is and it seems most men (like my SO) prefer the sex be a visual thing as opposed to erotic fiction. And yet, this guy was going on about how hot the sex scenes were. *scratches head* So, I know there are like two guys on my flist who read the Hudsonverse, and I'm curious as to why? What has drawn you into reading what is basically a romance when it call comes down to it, when the majority of other guys never would?? I'm just kind of blown away by this phenomenon. Especially when it never happened in the other fandoms I wrote in... Is it just because it's Superman-esque??
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Hudsonverse Soundtracks [Mar. 15th, 2005|10:45 am]

[Current Mood |busybusy]

Okay, I've uploaded the soundtracks for seasons one and two of the Hudsonverse - or rather, those songs I found myself listening to the most in relation to my writing and what reminded me of Hudson and Lex. I've also included the cover art from the CD's I made. I have full lyrics booklets, including pictures, but they are in MS Publisher files. If you have MS Publisher and would like the file, let me know and I'll send it to you.

The soundtracks are uploaded with all songs in one compressed ZIP file. Both files are pretty big, but that's because season one was 19 songs, and season two was 17 songs. I've set up a mirror site for each season, but if the downloads expire, let me know in the comments, and I'll upload them again.

And, I want to give two people full copies of the soundtracks including lyric sheets and pics. So, I will send out 2 CD's apiece to the first two people to answer the following Hudsonverse questions correctly:

1) What is the name of Lex's security guard who watches the gate?
2) What are the names of the three horses in Lex's stables?

Good luck!

Downfall - Season One SoundtrackCollapse )

Downfall - Season Two SoundtrackCollapse )

Please comment if you download so I can keep track!! Thanks!
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CHIMERA, Ep 20 (Part Three) [Mar. 7th, 2005|12:16 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

CHIMERA, Part ThreeCollapse )


Feedback gives HUdsonmuse joygasms!!
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(no subject) [Mar. 7th, 2005|12:15 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

CHIMERA, Part TwoCollapse )


Feedback gives Hudsonmuse joygasms!
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CHIMERA, Ep 20 (Part One) [Mar. 7th, 2005|11:55 am]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title:</b> Chimera, Ep 20 (Part One)
Author:</b> Aelora
Series:</b> Downfall
Rating: PG
Summary: Lex is coming to terms with the truth while Hudson battles it out with a classmate who has started his own personal war against Smallville's freaks.
Notes: Special thanks to cmojess and laurelqueen for the quick betas. This one of the few parts in season three that will follow the episode structure.

CHIMERACollapse )

Continued in PART TWO

Feedback gives Hudsonmuse joygasms!
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Sacred CODA [Feb. 24th, 2005|01:45 pm]

[Current Mood |boredbored]

This just started out as a short 'Sacred' coda. Then Hudson and Lex wouldn't shut up and they wanted to get into plot and I had to make them stop or I would have ended up skipping a season and a half to write this episode! Gah!

Sacred codaCollapse )
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Lexson Valentine's Ficlet [Feb. 14th, 2005|02:29 pm]

[Current Mood |amusedamused]

Title: Poetry and Paybacks
Author: Aelora
Pairing: Lexson
Rating: PG-13 for schmoop and dirty poetry.
Summary: Lex and Hudson’s first Valentine’s in the White House.
Notes: For emrinalexander, who wanted schmoop for Valentine’s Day.

Poetry and Paybacks
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Episode 19: Rebirth (Part Two) [Feb. 10th, 2005|01:26 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: Episode 19 - Rebirth (Part Two)
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Pairing: Hudson/Lex
Summary: Hudson comes home, and things just aren't the same anymore.
Notes: 1) Not betaed. If anyone would like to beta, please let me know! Thanks! 2) Everything changes from the Smallville you know from here on out. You may like it (I hope you do), you may hate it (This thought scares me). But yeah, while I will keep some storylines in that I feel are important to Hudson's development, it's all going to be a little different from here on out.

Rebirth (Part Two)Collapse )
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Episode 19: Rebirth (Part One) [Feb. 10th, 2005|10:43 am]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: Episode 19 - Rebirth (Part One)
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Pairing: Hudson/Lex
Summary: Hudson comes home, and things just aren't the same anymore.
Notes: 1) Not betaed. If anyone would like to beta, please let me know! Thanks! 2) Everything changes from the Smallville you know from here on out. You may like it (I hope you do), you may hate it (This thought scares me). But yeah, while I will keep some storylines in that I feel are important to Hudson's development, it's all going to be a little different from here on out.

Rebirth (Part One)Collapse )

Continued in Part Two
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STIGMATA: Ep 18, Part Two (cont) [Jan. 31st, 2005|08:39 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: STIGMATA, Part Two (cont.)
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Timeline: Set during the episode of 'Exile'
Notes: Posting without a beta. This is my muse mouthing off. I think she really wants to get to the next ep.

STIGMATA: Part Two (cont.)Collapse )
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STIGMATA: Ep 18, Part Two [Jan. 31st, 2005|08:38 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: STIGMATA, Part Two
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Timeline: Set during the episode of 'Exile'
Notes: Posting without a beta. This is my muse mouthing off. I think she really wants to get to the next ep.

STIGMATA: Part TwoCollapse )

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Episode 18: Stigmata [Jan. 28th, 2005|04:01 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: Stigmata - Episode 18 (Part One)
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Summary: Uh... Lots and lots of angst. Lots and lots of flashbacks.
Notes: Not beta'd. More coming soon. This is my muse mouthing off...


Feedback keeps the motor running...
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Ficlet: TOXIC [Jan. 28th, 2005|10:25 am]

[Current Mood |blankblank]

Title: Toxic
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Summary: Lucas Luthor visits Metropolis after the disappearance of his brother.
Notes: Originally I wasn't going to post this. But then, I thought 'What the hell?'. I wrote it; might as well do something with it. It'll give you a little background of what's to come... A cookie to the first person who recognizes the second familiar face in this story...

TOXICCollapse )

Feedback makes the muse happy.
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Poll [Dec. 8th, 2004|03:49 pm]

[Current Mood |boredbored]

Poll #399838 Reading

Are you reading what gets posted here of the series?

What series? I don't even know how I got added to this community!
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Ficlet: Let Them Eat Cake [Nov. 24th, 2004|08:39 pm]

[Current Mood |bouncybouncy]

Title: "Let Them Eat Cake"
Series: Downfall, Hudsonverse
Rating: PG - for snarkiness
Summary: Hudson snarks it up regarding Lex's impending marriage
Notes: I wrote this originally a few days after ‘Accelerate’ first aired and posted it back then. I’ve gone through and fixed a few things to make it fit a little better, though it wasn’t much. I wouldn’t have posted it at all because I plan on covering the last few eps of season two in flashbacks, but it just amuses me. A lot.

Let Them Eat CakeCollapse )
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Ficlet: Hope [Nov. 23rd, 2004|06:42 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Ficlet Title: Hope
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall, Hudsonverse
Featured Episode: Rosetta
Summary: Hudson meets Dr. Swann.

HopeCollapse )
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Ficlet: Conception [Nov. 23rd, 2004|01:18 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Ficlet Title: Conception
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall Hudsonverse
Featured Episode: Fever
Summary: Circumstances cause Lex to make the decision to move on.
Notes: Special thanks to medie for the read-through. *huggles*

ConceptionCollapse )
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*sigh* [Nov. 20th, 2004|02:55 pm]

[Current Mood |aggravatedaggravated]

Well, I may have finished that damn ep but now I can't get through the rest of season two. I just can't work it the way I want to.

Damn. Damn. Damn.

*sigh* I hate this.
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Beta anyone?? [Nov. 20th, 2004|10:36 am]

[Current Mood |boredbored]

Is anyone willing to beta 'Retribution' for me?
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Retribution, Parts 6, 7, 8 (the end) [Nov. 20th, 2004|01:06 am]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

I really needed to finish this, because I really need to get to season three. For my own sanity! So yeah, hopefully this sudden ability to write all of this out will carry me through the last ficlets I need to get done. For now, here is the rest of 'Prodigal'....

Title: Retribution, Parts 6 - the end
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Timeline: During the events of 'Prodigal'
Summary: Lex finds his brother and brings him to Smallville. Now Hudson must deal with not only the loss of her boyfriend, but the two new people in Lex's life - his brother and his new girlfriend.
Notes: Not beta'd.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five

Retribution, Parts 6 - the endCollapse )
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Give me a reason... [Nov. 19th, 2004|11:02 am]

[Current Mood |aggravatedaggravated]

Last night I sat down to write a coda for 'Bound' with Lex and Hudson. I just needed some kind of release from all of the junk that is building up regarding what they are doing to my show. I got two pages into it and just stared, hating every word because these WEREN'T MY CHARACTERS! I didn't know who these people were, just like I no longer know what show this is. As much as my Lex might consider suicide if Hudson were no longer in his life, as much as he might long for it, he would never admit it because he wouldn't voice that kind of vulnerability. And I just...

I know that season four should be offering me the opportunity to go off on a complete tangent and write all my own storylines because it sucks so fucking badly and they've turned the damn show into the Witches of Sexville but seriously, my head isn't thinking that way. I'm so down on the storyline and characters that I don't even want to write about them anymore. I can't even fit Cady into this crapass world! And I thought I could shoehorn her into anything.

Help!! I need one good reason why I should continue writing about any of this???
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Hiding Out [Nov. 18th, 2004|09:22 pm]

[Current Mood |tiredtired]

If there is any question you would like to ask me about any one of my fics, then go ahead! What I meant by a particular line, why I chose that characterisation, what I was listening to as I wrote, what crack I was taking and where you can get some...anything. Anything you might like to know about how I wrote a fic, I shall do my best to answer.
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Retribution, Episode 17, Part Five [Nov. 10th, 2004|02:19 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

One quick post before I leave!!!

Title: Retribution, Part Five
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Timeline: During the events of 'Prodigal'
Summary: Lex finds his brother and brings him to Smallville. Now Hudson must deal with not only the loss of her boyfriend, but the two new people in Lex's life - his brother and his new girlfriend.
Notes: Not beta'd.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

Retribution, Parth FiveCollapse )
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Lexson Halloween Challenge Fic [Nov. 9th, 2004|12:34 pm]

[Current Mood |bouncybouncy]

Due to some people voting for themselves more than once, and some people not voting for themselves at all and some people voting for some fics but not all it took some time to calculate the winner... But, after carefully scoring two ways - both by tabulating only the votes of those who voted on each and every fic, and by calculating the average between all of the votes - the winner is...

medie!! With her fic Diabolical Relations!! Congrats, hon! Please let me know if you would prefer a Lexson t-shirt (and the size) or the soundtracks to season one and two!

The race was close on all of the fics! Thank you everyone who participated and took the time to read and vote!!
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Election Day Fic #3 [Nov. 4th, 2004|12:03 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: Election Day #3 - Commander-in-Chief
Author: Aelora
Pairing: Hudson/Lex
Series: Downfall - The Promise
Summary: Victory.
Notes: Sorry this took so long... I wasn't in the mood to write crap during the election... So now you get schmoopy fic for a little happiness...

Election Day #1 - It's the Waiting That'll Kill Ya
Election Day #2 - All For One

Commander-in-ChiefCollapse )
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Election Day Fic #2 [Nov. 2nd, 2004|02:22 pm]

[Current Mood |blankblank]

Title: Election Day #2 - All For One
Author: Aelora
Pairing: Hudson/Lex
Series: Downfall - The Promise
Summary: Campaign Headquarters for Luthor/Ross.
Notes: Part Three coming this evening!

Election Day #1 - It's the Waiting That'll Kill Ya

All For OneCollapse )
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Election Day Fic [Nov. 2nd, 2004|11:00 am]

[Current Mood |hopefulhopeful]

Title: Election Day - It's the Waiting That'll Kill Ya
Author: Aelora
Pairing: Hudson/Lex
Series: Downfall - The Promise
Summary: Hudson wants to write the headline of her husband winning the election.
Notes: Part Two coming this afternoon!

Election Day - It's the Waiting That'll Kill YaCollapse )
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Retribution, Episode 17, Part Four [Nov. 1st, 2004|03:47 pm]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: Retribution, Part Four
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Timeline: During the events of 'Prodigal'
Summary: Lex finds his brother and brings him to Smallville. Now Hudson must deal with not only the loss of her boyfriend, but the two new people in Lex's life - his brother and his new girlfriend.
Notes: Not beta'd.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Retribution, Episode 17, Part FourCollapse )
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Retribution, Episode 17, Part Three [Nov. 1st, 2004|11:07 am]

[Current Mood |accomplishedaccomplished]

Title: Retribution
Author: Aelora
Series: Downfall
Timeline: During the events of 'Prodigal'
Summary: Lex finds his brother and brings him to Smallville. Now Hudson must deal with not only the loss of her boyfriend, but the two new people in Lex's life - his brother and his new girlfriend.
Notes: Not beta'd. Ummm... Lex didn't really mean to do it...

Retribution, Episode 17, Part ThreeCollapse )
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Halloween Challenge Fic #6 [Oct. 31st, 2004|09:58 am]

Title: A Lexson Halloween Carol
Category: AU, Futurefic, Horror,
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Lexson
Warnings: character death (sort of), vomit squick

A Lexson Halloween CarolCollapse )

Poll #375875 Halloween Challenge #6

What is the overall rating (1=poor, 5=Excellent) that you would give this fic?

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Halloween Challenge Fic #5 [Oct. 31st, 2004|09:54 am]

Title: Shop Smart, Shop S-Mart
Pairing: Lex/Hudson
Rating: PG
Categories: angst
Summary: A Halloween ball, a midnight unmasking, and a dance.
Notes: A cookie to the first person who isn't aelora, syasnomis, or rayaluna who figures out Lex's costume

Shop Smart, Shop S-MartCollapse )

Poll #375872 Halloween Challenge #5

What is the overall rating (1=poor, 5=Excellent) that you would give this fic?

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Halloween Challenge Fic #4 [Oct. 31st, 2004|09:53 am]

Title: Leader Of The Pack
Pairing: Lex/Hudson
Rating: PG
Categories: romance, anti-angst
Summary: Trick or treat, leader of the pack

Leader of the PackCollapse )

Poll #375871 Halloween Challenge #4

What is the overall rating (1=poor, 5=Excellent) that you would give this fic?

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Halloween Challenge Fic #3 [Oct. 31st, 2004|09:49 am]

Title: Diabolical Relations
Rating: PG
Category: Hudsonverse, AU, Future
Disclaimer: These characters are owned by DC Comics and the WB. No infringement or profit is intended.

Diabolical RelationsCollapse )

Poll #375870 Halloween Challenge #3

What is the overall rating (1=poor, 5=Excellent) that you would give this fic?

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Halloween Challenge Fic #2 [Oct. 31st, 2004|09:48 am]

Title: Once
Rating: PG-13
Category: HudsonUniverse, AU, Drama
Disclaimer: These characters are owned by DC Comics and the WB. No infringement or profit is intended.
Spoilers: Spoilers up to S4 ‘Gone’.

OnceCollapse )

Poll #375867 Halloween Challenge #2

What is the overall rating (1=poor, 5=Excellent) that you would give this fic?

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