Papers by Dr.Sahar Mubeen

Objectives: To determine the effects of ginseng on obese albino rats.Methods: This study was inte... more Objectives: To determine the effects of ginseng on obese albino rats.Methods: This study was intended to correlate the role of ginseng in reducing body weight, liver weight and size as well as fatty accumulation in hepatocytes of male albino rats weighing between 110g to 140g. This experiment was designed to study the morbid anatomy of an animal model. It was conducted in Animal house of Dow University of Health Sciences. Fifty male Albino Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups. Group1 (Gp 1) was on normal balanced diet (control), Group 2 (Gp 2) was on high fat diet (HFD), Group 3 (Gp 3) on HFD plus ginsenoside 100 mg/kg body wt., Group 4 (Gp 4) on HFD plus ginsenoside 200mg/kg body wt., and Group 5 (Gp 5) on HFD plus 400mg/kg body.Results: Weight was increased to 146 g (Gp1) and 236g (Gp 2). Group 3 reduced weight from 236g to 211g. Group 4 to 192g and Group 5 to 171g. Liver weight is also increased by HFD from 4.7g (Gp1) to 9.3 g (Gp 2). Liver weight decreased from 9.3g to 7.2g (G...

International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research (IJEHSR)
Background: Metabolic syndrome is the challenge of this era; diseases are initiated with the abno... more Background: Metabolic syndrome is the challenge of this era; diseases are initiated with the abnormal functioning liver. This study aims to evaluate the effects of HFD on liver anatomy and to study the morphological changes with its histological findings Methodology: 50 male albino rats were acclimatized in the animal house of DUHS, divided into 5 groups (GP). GP 1 was on a standard diet for 6 weeks, GP 2 was on HFD for 6 weeks, GP 3, GP 4, and GP 5 were on HFD for 6 weeks. They were treated with ginseng root extract in doses of 100mg/ml, 200mg/ml and 400 mg/ml for 6 weeks. After 12 weeks, GP3, GP4, and GP 5 were dissected, and the liver was isolated for histology and micrometry. Blood was drawn and sent for LFT to correlate morphological changes with enzymes. Results: Rats on a high-fat diet developed fatty liver with altered LFT. The treated group showed a reversal of changes in morphology and LFT in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusion: The morphometric analysis revealed that fa...

Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 2018
Objectives: To determine the effect of serum TSH on thyroid dimensions of each lobe and to measur... more Objectives: To determine the effect of serum TSH on thyroid dimensions of each lobe and to measure the amount of effect of per unit increase in serum TSH on thyroid dimensions of each lobe in euthyroids. Study Design: It was a cross-sectional study. Setting: The study was conducted at Ziauddin University Hospital, Clifton, Karachi. Methodology: Healthy participants aged 21 years and above were included through convenient sampling. Serum Thyroid stimulating hormone was evaluated and ultrasound of thyroid gland TG of 192 euthyroid participants was performed. Spearman correlation and regression analysis was applied to evaluate the relationship between TSH and TG dimensions Results: Relationship of increase in serum TSH with decrease in light lobe AP dimension was most significant. (r= -0.142 P-Value=0.001) and CC dimension least significant (r= -0.0098 P-Value=0.001). Where as in the left lobe AP dimension decreases significantly with increase serum TSH (r= -0.147 P-value=0.001). 11.7%...

International Journal of Endorsing Health Science Research (IJEHSR), 2021
Background: Coronary artery diseases are among the most challenging diseases in this era. Imprope... more Background: Coronary artery diseases are among the most challenging diseases in this era. Improper dietary habits and sedentary lifestyles are considered as foundation stones for metabolic disorders, including hyperlipidemia, the leading cause of coronary artery diseases and hypertension. This experiment was designed to study the dose-dependent effect of ginseng on high fat diet induced hyperlipidemia in animal models.Methodology: This experimental study was conducted at Dow University of Health Sciences, including 50 male Albino Wistar rats. The rats were randomly divided into 5 groups of 10 animals each. Group 1 was on a normal balanced diet; group 2 was on a high fat diet (HFD), group 3 was on HFD plus ginsenoside 100 mg/kg body wt, group 4 was on HFD plus ginsenoside 200 mg/kg body wt, group 5 was on HFD plus ginsenoside 400 mg/kg body wt. Animals were sacrificed after 12 weeks; blood was drawn then sent to DDRRL for lipid profile. Results: The results revealed that HFD increase...

Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association
Objectives: To compare the sphenoid volume between the genders and to analyse variations in septa... more Objectives: To compare the sphenoid volume between the genders and to analyse variations in septal insertions on bony wall of optic nerve and internal carotid artery. Methods: The prospective study was conducted from October 2020 to February 2021 at the Radiology Department of Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, and comprised paranasal sinus patients of either gender aged 20-60 without any bony deformity of sphenoid sinus who were analysed for sphenoid volume, number of septa and variable septal insertions using computed tomography of paranasal sinus. On the basis of septal insertions, the scans were categorised into Group 1 with no risky septal insertion, Group 2 with septal insertion on bony wall of optic nerve, Group 3 with septal insertion of internal carotid artery, and Group 4 with septal insertion on both optic nerve and internal carotid artery. Differences in sphenoid volume were analysed between males and females and among the four groups. Data was analysed using Gr...

Background: Erythromycin, a commonly used antibiotic for various respiratory tract infections, is... more Background: Erythromycin, a commonly used antibiotic for various respiratory tract infections, is well documented for its hepatotoxic effect, which is probably due to the oxidative stress produced by this drug. Azadirachtica Indica, commonly known as Neem is a rich source of various bioactive compounds and has shown strong antioxidant effect in various researches. This study was designed to find out the effect of aqueous extract of Neem leaves on liver enzymes; Alanine transaminase (ALT) and Aspartate transaminase (AST) against liver damage caused by erythromycin. Methods: This study was conducted in Baqai Medical University, Karachi in 2017 spanning a period of 6 months. Eighty male albino wistar rats were taken randomly and were divided into 4 groups of 20 animals each; A(control), B (received erythromycin 100mg/kg body weight), C (received erythromycin 100mg/kg body weight plus aqueous Neem Extract at the dose of 500mg/kg body weight) and “D” (received only aqueous Neem Extract a...

Background: Accumulation of fat in the liver is known as liver steatosis which occurs as a result... more Background: Accumulation of fat in the liver is known as liver steatosis which occurs as a result of obesity. Ginsenoside is glycosylated saponins easily found in Asia, Egypt and China. The aim of this study is to determine the role ginseng in treating fatty changes of liver measured by weight, size, and enzymes. Methodology: It was an experimental study on animals. Ginseng root extract was prepared under expert supervision. Fifty male rats were divided into five groups each has to contain ten animals. Group 1 on balanced diet (control), Group 2 on high fat diet (HFD) obese control, Group 3 on HFD + Ginsenoside (100mg/kg body weight), Group 4 on HFD + Ginsenoside (200mg/kg body weight) and Group 5 on HFD + Ginsenoside (400mg/kg body weight). Animals were weighted at commencement then weekly and finally before sacrifice. Animals were sacrificed under chloroform anesthesia, the liver was isolated and removed. Liver weight and size were measured. Blood was collected through cardiac p...

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the histological effects of insulin, metformin and insulin-metformin combin... more OBJECTIVE To evaluate the histological effects of insulin, metformin and insulin-metformin combination on liver morphology in high fat diet (HFD) / Streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic albino rats. STUDY DESIGN Experimental and comparative study. PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY Institute of Basic Medical Sciences (IBMS), Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), Ojha Campus, Karachi, from January to August 2012. METHODOLOGY The study was conducted on 50 HFD/STZ induced diabetic albino wistar rats which were randomized into 5 groups. One of the groups was treated with insulin, one with metformin, and the other group with insulin-metformin combination for 4 weeks. One of the groups was left untreated. One group was control group. After the treatment period, the rats were sacrificed and livers were isolated, weighed, processed and stained to analyse the difference in hepatic morphology in each treated and untreated groups, then the results were compared with control rats. RESULTS Statisti...

Objective: Objectives of this study were to determine the average height, weight, BMI, BSA and LB... more Objective: Objectives of this study were to determine the average height, weight, BMI, BSA and LBM among the different ethnic groups that exist in population of Karachi and to determine whether these anthropometric parameters vary significantly among the ethnic groups.Methods: It was a prospective cross-sectional study that was carried out at Ziauddin University and Hospital from March 2012 to May 2014. In this study healthy volunteers aged 21 years and above were recruited. Height, weight, body mass index (BMI), body surface area (BSA) and lean body mass (LBM) of healthy volunteers were taken into account through the standard protocol after following inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study was approved by the ethical review committee IRB and BASR committee of Ziauddin University Clifton Karachi.Results: Greatest height 169.5 ± 9.1 cm and weight 73.4 ± 15.4 kg was found in Pathans. Highest body mass index (BMI) 27.1 ± 4.3 kg/m2, body surface area (BSA)1.8 ± 0.2 m2 and lean body ...

Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College
Objective: To compare the effects of drugs (Metformin and combination) on weight, size and volume... more Objective: To compare the effects of drugs (Metformin and combination) on weight, size and volume of liver in diabetic rats. Study Design and Setting: This was an experimental comparative study conducted at Institute of Bio Medical Sciences (IBMS), Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), Ojha Campus, Karachi. Methodology: The study was conducted on 40 albino wistar rats. Diabetic rats (n=20) were grouped into 2. One group was treated with metformin (n=10)while the other group with insulin-metformin combination (n=10) for 4 weeks. All the treated groups were compared with untreated diabetic killed (n=10). After a short period of 4 weeks, all the rats were sacrificed. Livers were isolated, weighed and grossly observed for significant changes. Absolute and mean percent liver weights as well as liver volumeof all rats were calculated. Results: Data was analyzed by using GraphPad Prism version 5.0.Data for absolute/percent liver weight and liver volume was expressed as Mean ± SEM. The ...

The Professional Medical Journal
Objectives: To determine renal artery variation in adults in a subset of Karachi population by us... more Objectives: To determine renal artery variation in adults in a subset of Karachi population by using Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) angiography. Study Design: A cross sectional study. Setting: Dr. Ziauddin Hospital, Radiology Department, Karachi. Period: From January, 2017 to June, 2017. Material & Methods: Study participants were 250 individuals, who were presented to Dr. Ziauddin hospital, Karachi, Distribution, number and morphology of renal artery variation were reported on Multidetector computed angiography (MDCTA). Renal artery variation with side of the kidney and gender were analyzed. Data was analyzed on SPSS version 20 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Frequencies and percentages were calculated for renal artery variations. Results: Following parameters were observed. Out of total 250 study participants single renal artery was present in 73.6 % (184) individuals and accessory renal artery was present in 26.4% (66) individuals. Accessory renal arteries (A...

The Professional Medical Journal
Background: The study was designed to evaluate short term effects of commonly used antidiabetic d... more Background: The study was designed to evaluate short term effects of commonly used antidiabetic drugs on liver. The objective of the study is to observe and analyze the correlation between percent liver weight and percent liver fat cells in control rats and diabetic, insulin, metformin and insulin-metformin combination treated high fat diet (HFD) / Streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic albino rats. Study Design: Experimental comparative study. Setting: Institute of Bio Medical Sciences (IBMS), Dow University of Health Sciences (DUHS), Ojha Campus, Karachi. Period: December 2014 to May 2015. Materials and Methods: The experimental study was conducted on 50 albino wistar rats. 10 rats served as control rats while rest of the rats were experimentally induced for diabetes type 2 and were then randomized into 5 groups. One group was treated with insulin, one with metformin, and the one group with insulin-metformin combination for 4 weeks. All the treated groups were compared with untrea...

The Professional Medical Journal
Objectives: To observe the cellular diameter of proximal convoluted tubules of kidney of albino r... more Objectives: To observe the cellular diameter of proximal convoluted tubules of kidney of albino rats on celecoxib induced kidney with protection by lycopene. Study Design: Experimental study. Setting: BMSI (Anatomy Department), JPMC, Karachi. Period: 4th May 2015 to 3rd June 2015. Materials and Methods: Ninety to one twenty days old, forty healthy adult, male Albino rats of 200-220gm were taken for the study. The rats were divided into 4 groups, Group A was control group, Group B receive Celecoxib 50 mg/kg body weight orally, Group C receive Celecoxib 50 mg/kg body weight orally along with lycopene50 mg/kg body weight orally and Group D receive lycopene 50 mg/kg body weight orally for 30 days. At the end of study rats were sacrificed and renal tissue sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Results: Markedly increased cellular diameter of proximal convoluted tubules was observed in rats taking celecoxib. Slides stained with hematoxylin and eosin showed altered and degene...
Papers by Dr.Sahar Mubeen