? ?
Journal created:
on 6 July 2004 (#3709664)
on 12 June 2016
Cramlington, Northumberland, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated
Brought to you by simon_neil_scot! You dont have to be an alternative or "moshers" or "goths" to join this community, anyone can.

Do you hate, dislike or just generally have issues with Chavs?

(Otherwise known as Neds, Townies, Kevs, Charvers, Steeks, Spides, Bazzas, Yarcos, Ratboys, Kappa Slappers, Skangers, Janners, Stigs, Scallies and any of those stripey jumper wearing prats)!

Welcome to this community, its here to allow you a place to vent your anger and frustration about them.

If you dont know what Charvers are, visit, and you'l soon see and proberbly realise you have them living near you somewhere.

Tell us about anything to do with them, such as:

  • Idoitic behaviour,
  • Anti-social behaviour,
  • Gangs hanging around streat,
  • Starting fights,
  • Drinking on streat corners,
  • Their rediculous like for Burberry and all such crap fashions,
  • Breaking the law,
  • Shouting abuse at alternatives or random people just for being different,
  • Discrimination and Racism,
  • Acting like arrogant sods who love themselves
  • and any just general disruptive behaviour!

    But your then welcome to just have a complete rant if you wish too.

    A few examples of the Charvers (all taken from other websites)...

    And more...

    And more...

    Now you should know who this community is about!

    For the record, i dont agree with the idea that Chav stands for "Council Housed And Violent" basically because charvers are not just from council estates or from bad backgrounds. And because we dont call them chavs in Newcastle, their "charvas".

    You can also name and shame any charvers you might know personnaly, but if your going to use photos, please use the lj-cut function!


    If your want to try and defend them or argue their case, or against anything negative said in this community about Charvers, then your welcome to. But only if your intelligent about it, talk and type in enligsh (not some pathetic Charver slang, like you live in the Bronx).

    Plus dont start threatening anyone, or make comments trying to act hard. Especially if you havent got the nerve to leave a name and tell us who you are.

    If you really want to have a go at someone about any comments in here, my email address is above and you can try your best to have a go at me.

    Oh and if you want to make a comment like...

    "Your all just as bad as them making entries like that",
    "Their should be a hatred community against you all for hating them",
    "You complain about them slagging people off for their fasion, yet you complain about theirs".
    "Its not just charvers who do bad things."

    ...or something like that, then consider this:

  • We wouldnt be making these comments if Charvers didnt go around acting anti-social and giving us reason to.
  • No ones incouraging anyone to go out and cause acts of violence or to attack Charvers.
  • No ones incouraging or causing feelings of hatred that dont already exist.
  • The majority of the entries arent about "their fashion", their about the actions, words and behaviour of Charvers.
  • We all realise that its not just charvers who cause hassle in this country, i.e goths, moshers, skaters, etc etc, and we realise all teenagers hang around streets and parks and shops. The difference is that from my experience and others, its only ever charvers who are violent, shout abuse, spit, and are generally disruptive on purpose.

    This community if purely here to vent anger and frustration towards a minority who continue to plague our streets and make our lives hell.

    And slso for the record, not all charvas or causers of anti-social behaviour are from deprived backgrounds, bad familys, bad educations or council estates and dont have a penny to their name. 50% if not most of them are actually from good working class familys, with decent parents, good educations and have been taught the difference between right and wrong...

    ....their simply spoilt little brats who think they can act and behave how they like with no regard for anyone else, aslong as they feel their making themselves look "cool" and "hard" around their mates.

    They use this whole excuse that everyone believes, which is that theyve had a hard life, to their advantage and believe the world owes them one. Which it doesnt!

    So please dont try to argue that theyve had bad lives.


    Ive told so many people this over and over again, that we get so many varied opinions about how we should handle our views about charvers.

    We get some making entries and comments saying we should fight back and stop being wimps making entries in here, like we're hiding and should go out and attack them.

    We get some making entries and comments saying we should ignore them and not make it worse making entries in here.

    We get others telling us we should offer them understanding and peace and love and guidance and other really niave stuff like that.

    Now how are we to answer all those beliefs and opinions?

    We cant agree to them all, we cant ignore them, attack them and offer then understanding all at the same time, or even one after another! Thats just moronic.

    Some people in here agree that we should defend ourselves, some people agree we should ignore them and maybe some agree we should offer them help and guidance. But that doesnt mean we cant still write about our views and experiences in here. It doesnt mean we're wimps and we're scared of them, it just means we want to write about our experiences in here.

    The rules are:

  • Keep the debates friendly and intelligent, dont go off on a tandum and start just throwing abuse around for no reason.

  • If you use photos, use the LJ-CUT option to save space and for people with slow connections.

  • Dont use charver slang in here, use english.

  • You dont have to be an alternative or "moshers" or "goths" to join this community, anyone can. This community is NOT aimed just as alternatives!

  • Do not delete entries you make! If you make an entry or a comment then stick by it!

  • Im not going to say that you shouldnt make entries incouraging violence, but id prefere you didnt make them. If you do, ill assume its meant as a joke or humour, unless its a blatent "who wants to join me to kick the crap out of some charvers" entry. In which case you'l get your ass smacked!

    I dont want to be seen to be going against what i said this community is and isnt about and have people say im being a hypercrit.

  • Do not advertise other communities in here.

  • Do not make racist or prejudice comments of any kind in here. It will not be tollerated...

    ....I personally cannot stand such racist beliefs and will not allow it in my community. Your welcome to believe such things yourself, but it keep it to yourself. This community is about judging and protesting againts anti-social behaviour in individuals and groups such as charvers. NOT entire cultures, religions or ethnic minorities.

    There is also a community for anyone who hangs out at the Green at Old Eldon Square in Newcastle, check out hippygreen and join up!

  • *to keep those happy who say we're hypercrits for slandering charver fashion*

    Try to make entries aimed more at chav "actions" or "comments", rather then their fashion sense. Im not going to tell you off if dont, but hey, Im trying to keep others happy and reduce any excuse for them to call us hypercrits.
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