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Posted by tylik on 2012.08.22 at 19:10
Luckily, it has already been established that there is no such thing as mono privilege in the queer community... really, the timing on this was pretty awesomeCollapse )

"Now for BF2. We started dating 18 months ago, after he'd broken up with his long-term girlfriend (they'd experienced with swinging, she wanted to go back to a traditional monogamous, one-true-love relationship, he didn't - in the end she cheated on him and left). At that time, he didn't know wether poly was for him or not, but he thought it might be worth exploring, and so we began our relationship. We fell madly in love, in NRE like crazy bunnies, and it very soon became clear that polyamory was NOT for him, as he is jealous, not interested in working on it, and underneath the surface and sexual deviance aside, deeply attached to emotional monogamy."

Your question was "what should I do?" My response is a) hypnotise him and while he's under program him to be less monogamous, b) keep slipping him roofies c) end the relationship, with grief and regret,or d) end the relationship with a bullet between the eyes (your and/or his).

Seriously, why do people ask what they should do when the answer is directly there in their description of the relationship?

It it just me, or does this sound more like a whole bunch of made-up bullshit than an actual problem?

When you start counting red flags and it quickly goes from Independence Day to World War Bazillion....


mono privilege check list

Posted by ls56 on 2011.05.12 at 12:52

(hoping this hasn't been posted yet)

Dear Straight People,

Please stop with the comparing of orientation with relationship style.


Really, I probably wouldn't have been as irritated with the list if he hadn't included the caveat that *maybe* same-sex relationships don't have all of these privileges.

also, check out the "what about the straight man" comment.

"I understand the definition of "cheating". My position is that the concept of cheating is flawed because agreements concerning one's body transfer control of one's body to someone else, and that this is illegitimate. So, if that's right, cheating is nonsense."

I don't know how any of you feel but I personally would not be keen to become involved with someone that considers 'making agreements' an exercise in controlling others. :o/

Worse under the cutCollapse )


You all need to step away from the computer and go like, outside. And do stuff.  Away from the computer.

monk reading
Posted by autumnalmonk on 2011.04.03 at 16:47
Current Mood: grumpygrumpy
Tags: ,
Gee, I'm ever so fulfilled knowing that you've recently had such fabulous poly group sex.  Really, reading the details of your latest sexual encounters just makes my life complete.

(Now if I can just figure out what you mean amid all those grammatical abuses and cryptic designations...)

"I would personally fire anyone talking about their sexuality on a job site."

There's more, but the short version is that sixswordsamurai is a loon who shouldn't be in charge of a whelk stall.

poly bingo

"hello", "just me"

Posted by alyshoney on 2011.03.25 at 23:34
Just uploaded some new hot pics with my girlfriend the same post as the one I made three days ago just check this out

running with scissors
Posted by terpsichoros on 2011.02.05 at 21:50
Something Positive comic about Valentine's Day. And Poly.

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