Books by Ihor Todorov
Policy Briefs, Review Essays, Research Notes by Ihor Todorov
We would like to ask Western and all other – but especially EU member – countries’ governments, c... more We would like to ask Western and all other – but especially EU member – countries’ governments, corporations and organizations to review their current collaboration with the Russian government, state companies and governmental organizations. As the EU is a direct stakeholder in the events that have been unfolding between Russia and Ukraine during the last year, the West cannot simply stay aside and watch.
Papers by Ihor Todorov

Geopolìtika Ukraïni: ìstorìâ ì sučasnìstʹ, Dec 19, 2023
The article highlights some problems of the UN functioning under the conditions of the crisis of ... more The article highlights some problems of the UN functioning under the conditions of the crisis of the modern international security system caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. The main stages of the diplomatic resistance around the issues of condemning the Russian invasion in 2014-2023 and restoring the territorial integrity of Ukraine are shown. The reasons for the lack of support for Ukraine from individual UN member states are outlined. Violations of the UN Charter by the Russian Federation are not limited to neglecting the basic principles of international law. Blocking the work of the UN Security Council, preventing it from making any decisions regarding the cessation of aggression and occupation of Ukrainian territories. Special attention is paid to the work of the Eleventh Special General Assembly regarding Ukraine in 2022. Ukraine's initiative to deprive the Russian Federation of its status as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and to exclude it from the UN altogether is outlined. It is noted that this is not possible without changing the UN Charter while such changes are sure to be blocked by Russia. So, there emerges a "vicious circle" from which it is impossible to exit. Thus, the meaning of the creation of the UN is lost. The UN's activities in countering Russian aggression are of a contradictory nature. The Security Council proved its complete inability, due to the veto of the aggressor, its permanent member. Russia demonstrably ignores the decision of the UN International Court of Justice. During the years 2014-2023, the General Assembly supported the Ukrainian struggle and condemned the aggressor through its resolutions. However, the resolutions of the General Assembly are of a recommendatory nature. An absolute minority of countries openly sided with Russia, but quite a few countries abstained or did not vote at all. Countries that do not support Ukraine are in the minority, however, unfortunately, they represent the quantitative majority of humanity. The reasons for their non-support are different, but the main thing is that they deliberately ignore the UN Charter as a result. To a large extent, the modern Russian-Ukrainian war has an existential character for determining the future fate of human civilization and the future of the United Nations.
Ігор Тодоров, доктор історичних наук, професор, професор кафедри міжнародних студій та суспільних... more Ігор Тодоров, доктор історичних наук, професор, професор кафедри міжнародних студій та суспільних комунікацій Наталія Тодорова, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри полікультурної освіти та перекладу Світлана Мишко, кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувачка кафедри полікультурної освіти та перекладу ДВНЗ «Ужгородський національний університет»
Zeszyty Naukowe AON, 2015

Ìstoričnì ì polìtologìčnì doslìdžennâ, 2019
У статті розглянуто впливи наслідків Тріанонському договору (1920 р.) на сучасну зовнішню політик... more У статті розглянуто впливи наслідків Тріанонському договору (1920 р.) на сучасну зовнішню політику Угорщини. Йдеться про пріоритети зовнішньополітичної діяльності спрямовані на захист прав етнічних угорців, що проживають за кордоном, і, зокрема, в Україні. Доведено, що Україна та Угорщина як частини єдиного регіону мають співпрацювати. Регіональний рівень може відкрити нові горизонти для обох держав, якщо вони зможуть вийти із полону мислення виключно категоріями сьогодення. Україна має враховувати, що Угорщина, попри всі різкі заяви, є членом ЄС та НАТО, тобто частиною тих спільнот, до яких намагається приєднатися Україна. Будь-який уряд Угорщини буде проводити політику захисту своєї національної меншини в сусідніх країнах. Україні потрібно використати такі обставини на власну користь. Доречним кроком моє стати неформальна угода про невикористання антиугорської та антиукраїнської риторики у внутрішніх наративах обох країн.

Україна дипломатична, 2021
The article is devoted to the activity of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in Hungary in the cont... more The article is devoted to the activity of the Ukrainian diplomatic mission in Hungary in the context of countering Russian aggression. In particular, the author examines the involvement of the Ukrainian embassy in the Hungarian media to convey the truth about Russian invasion of Ukraine and describes Ukrainian events in Hungary aimed at informing the country about Russian aggression. It has been proven that Russian aggression against Ukraine has significantly affected security in Central and Eastern Europe, the region still seen by the Kremlin as its own sphere of influence. It has been found that in Hungarian society it is difficult to prove that Russia is not a problematic neighbour with whom it is possible to negotiate but an ‘existential enemy’, whose goal is the complete demolition of the Ukrainian state, the destruction of the European Union and NATO. From the very beginning, Russian invasion of Ukraine has had the character of a civilisational clash and, more broadly, the ‘Ukrainian front’ in the war of civilisations. That is why in the narratives, including those for Hungary, there were and remain distorted evaluations of the Revolution of Dignity as a fascist coup initiated by the EU and NATO; of the attempted annexation of Crimea as a natural step of Russia left with no other option; of the occupation of Donetsk and Luhansk regions and the establishment of puppet regimes of ‘DPR/LPR’ as a result of the ‘internal Ukrainian conflict’; of the implementation of the Minsk Agreements according to the Russian scenario, including through a direct dialogue between Kyiv and Donetsk and Lugansk; of Russia’s denial of the downing of MH17 and violations of navigation rules in the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait, etc. Since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the activities of the Embassy of Ukraine have been aimed at persuading the Hungarian authorities and Hungarian society to stop de facto interpreting the Russian Federation as a democratic and civilised state. Victory over Russian aggression, including hybrid aggression, is possible only by consolidating the West (including Ukraine as its integral part) on the basis of common liberal-democratic values, which need to be protected and propagated in the current geopolitical conditions of turmoil and uncertainty. Keywords: Russian aggression, Ukrainian-Hungarian relations, common values, Hungarian mass media, Embassy of Ukraine in Hungary.

Тhe creation of NATO was based on the shared values of liberal democracy. Russia demonstratively ... more Тhe creation of NATO was based on the shared values of liberal democracy. Russia demonstratively challenged the value system that emerged from the results of the Second World War and the Cold War. Victims of hybrid aggression are not ready to admit this fact. The world has witnessed the new geopolitical situation connected primarily with the attempts to destroy a sustainable system of international relations and international law. Russia’s policy towards Ukraine is supported by certain political and business circles of the West. Lifting, or at least easing, sanctions is required by certain representatives of large businesses interested in restoring normal trade and economic relations with Russia. The pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian ultra-national, nationalist and euro-sceptical (isolationist) parties of the European Union countries are voicing similar demands in support of Russia and against Ukraine. The West’s conciliatory position on Moscow’s control over the Crimea and part of the...

Journal of Geography, Politics and Society
The article highlights certain prerequisites of mental, historical and geopolitical differences b... more The article highlights certain prerequisites of mental, historical and geopolitical differences between Ukraine and Russia. Peculiarities of the Ukrainian mentality in comparison with the Russian mentality were studied. The historical origins of Ukraine’s belonging to European civilization were outlined. Deep contradictions in the geopolitical orientations of Russia and Ukraine were identified. The current armed conflict has been going on for the ninth year, which exceeds the average duration of modern wars. The historical extent of the Russian-Ukrainian war is caused by an inter-civilizational clash. The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation against the countries of the West have already radically affected international security and international relations. The author assumes that the modern war has deep foundations due to significant differences between Ukraine and Russia. These differences include a complex of mental historical and geopol...
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1991
UDC 577.217

The paper looks into the background and outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict in the east of... more The paper looks into the background and outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict in the east of Ukraine in 2014. The conditions of the emergence of this confrontation are identified and the leading role of Russia as the organizer and main originator of the war against Ukraine is demonstrated. The inadequate role of the West in countering the Russian aggression is pointed out.The paper presents the chronicle of the "Russian Spring" from the early March 2014 to the end of this year. The influence of local and Russian propaganda on changes in awareness of regional dwellers is shown. The motivation of the President of Russia in committing the aggression upon Ukraine is identified. It is pointed out that to stop the war, consolidated countries of the West should turn to more radical means rather than economic sanctions against Russia.В статье рассмотрены истоки и начало украино-российского конфликта на востоке Украины в2014 г. Определены условия возникновения этого противосто...
Skhid, 2015
УДК 327(477) ТОДОРОВ ІГОР, доктор історичних наук, професор Ужгородського національного університ... more УДК 327(477) ТОДОРОВ ІГОР, доктор історичних наук, професор Ужгородського національного університету СУЧАСНА УКРАЇНО-РОСІЙСЬКА ВІЙНА: ВИТОКИ І ГЕОПОЛІТИЧНИЙ ВИМІР У статті розглядаються витоки та початок україно-російського конфлікту на сході України у 2014 р. Визначені умови виникнення цього протистояння, доведено провідну роль Росії як організатора та основного виконавця війни проти України. Указано на недостатню роль Заходу в протистоянні російській агресії.
Skhid, 2018
The Ukrainian society's current expectations of the international community's effective reaction ... more The Ukrainian society's current expectations of the international community's effective reaction to violations of international law by the Russian Federation in the Crimea and on the Donbass and the declared aspiration of Ukraine to pursue membership in the European Union determine the relevance of this article, which is devoted to the ethical aspects of the contemporary foreign policy of the European Union. The paper aims to highlight the ethical component of the foreign policy conduct of this supranational association in 1999-2014 through the prism of contemporary foreign academic debates on these issues, describes the current trends and interpretations, generalizes the main directions of the debate and their possible consequences.
Геополітика України: історія і сучасність, 2020
The paper looks into the background and outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict in the east of... more The paper looks into the background and outbreak of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict in the east of Ukraine in 2014. The conditions of the emergence of this confrontation are identified and the leading role of Russia as the organizer and main originator of the war against Ukraine is demonstrated. The inadequate role of the West in countering the Russian aggression is pointed out. The paper presents the chronicle of the "Russian Spring" from the early March 2014 to the end of this year. The influence of local and Russian propaganda on changes in awareness of regional dwellers is shown. The motivation of the President of Russia in committing the aggression upon Ukraine is identified. It is pointed out that to stop the war, consolidated countries of the West should turn to more radical means rather than economic sanctions against Russia.

E3S Web of Conferences
The article studies the interrelated categories of national security and sustainable development,... more The article studies the interrelated categories of national security and sustainable development, which are currently the object of special attention of government institutions, civil society, political parties, territorial communities, etc. The purpose of the study is to specify the topical issues associated with sustainable development of the national security, building on the international experience in this area, and to determine the locally adaptable ways of ensuring sustainability of the national security of Ukraine. The process of sustainable development of national security is to be more effective when there is a clear idea of its structural and functional elements, direct and indirect ties among them. The synergy of national security with the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals is able to ensure comprehensive modernization in accordance with today’s requirements and strengthen the level of welfare and security of citizens. The integrated level of nation...

Diplomatic Ukraine
The article examines Ukrainian-Hungarian relations against the background of Hungary’s three-year... more The article examines Ukrainian-Hungarian relations against the background of Hungary’s three-year-long veto on meetings of the NATO-Ukraine Commission. The author outlined the origins and essence of the current conflict between Ukraine and Hungary after the adoption of the Law of Ukraine ‘On Education’ in September 2017. Hungary believed that Ukraine had violated the rights of the Hungarian national minority as well as several international and bilateral agreements. Throughout the years of Ukraine’s independence, the Hungarian ethnic minority in Transcarpathia has enjoyed the internationally recognised right to study in their mother tongue from primary school to university. This conflict is the reason why Hungary has vetoed meetings of the NATO-Ukraine Commission. The law was sent to the Venice Commission for expert legal assessment, but its recommendations did not reduce tensions between Kyiv and Budapest. They still have different interpretations of the opinion of the Venice Commi...
Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series International Relations
Books by Ihor Todorov
Policy Briefs, Review Essays, Research Notes by Ihor Todorov
Papers by Ihor Todorov