dokieli documentation
More details about this document
- Identifier
- Published
- Modified
- License
- CC BY 4.0
- Feedback
- GitHub dokieli/dokieli (pull requests, new issue, open issues)
- Language
- English
- Document Type
- Article
This is dokieli's documentation, covering its principles, architecture, design patterns, setup instructions, and usage guidelines. Dokieli is a client-side editor and browser extension for decentralised article publishing, annotations, and social interactions, built as an open-source project using open web standards. Individuals can use their preferred identities, control and share their content securely.
Dokieli's core design principles are autonomy and universal access. Dokieli promotes self-publishing by allowing individuals to publish and annotate articles using their preferred identities and personal storage, supporting both personal and social activities. It does not track users, collect statistics, or report user behavior without consent. As a client-side application, it operates independently of any specific server or service. In line with dokieli’s commitment to user freedom, content created with it can be used by other standards-compliant applications.
Structure and Semantics
This section describes dokieli's practices, and offers some guidelines for developers and authors that would like to maintain uniformity in what they create. Consumers of dokieli should not treat the information here as a profile, or as a yet another super or subset of HTML+RDFa when they author or build new functionality. Creating articles, annotations, and notifications in dokieli is intended to be done through its UI, where it takes care of majority of the semantic content generation. The information here however can be useful for authors that would like to combine hand coding with the functionality that dokieli's UI provides. Takeaway what you find useful, there is no proprietary lock-in here.
dokieli adopts progressive enhancement strategy for the structural, presentational, and behavioural layers to allow content and base functionality to be accessible through different media and devices. The content in HTML+RDFa that dokieli produces is accessible (readable) without requiring any CSS or JavaScript, ie. text-browser safe. Breaking this "rule" in future development should be considered an anti-pattern (or a bug) in dokieli.
dokieli can serialise articles, annotations, and notifications in HTML+RDFa, Turtle, and JSON-LD, depending on server content-negotiation. Articles are represented in HTML+RDFa so that information is usable by both humans and machine consumers while maintaining lowest requirements for publishing, eg. a single URL with full payload in HTML+RDFa can be accessible from any HTTP server. No additional requirements necessary from clients (eg. JavaScript support and enabled) or servers (eg. additional RDF based content-negotiation). For annotations and notifications, dokieli first meets interoperability requirements (for protocols and vocabularies), and remains flexible about the serialisation that servers prefer. Similarly for consuming content, it can work with any of the serialisations as mentioned.
dokieli takes the approach of having all human-visible content in HTML, and all structured statements be made in context of their content in RDFa. This is optimal in avoiding data duplication in the same document which happens to be the case with the other serialisations in RDF. The approach also helps to avoid the creation and usage of multiple data islands, ie. separately for humans and machines. It is efficient in that it has no dependency on JavaScript in order to make the hidden machine-readable content be consumable from a human user interface. One exception to this rule is allowing authors to use the Embed Data feature to include Turtle, JSON-LD, or TriG data blocks for alternative reasons.
dokieli documents
Is there such thing as a "dokieli" document? Must there be?
- Article
- An article may contain RDF classes like schema:CreativeWork sioc:Post prov:Entity schema:Article, otherwise, there is no unique data that would indicate that it is a "dokieli" document. If the HTML+RDFa representation includes dokieli.js and the DOM is ready, the
:Object { C: {…}, U: {…} }
will be available. - Annotation
- An annotation has the
class. It is possible to know that the article was rendered by dokieli:?s oa:renderedVia <>
, and we can assume that the annotation was created by it as well. This is not strictly true since that property could have been put there by something else. Annotations represented in HTML+RDFa do not include dokieli.js. - Notification
- A notification may have one of the following classes:
. Notifications represented in HTML+RDFa do not include dokieli.js.
HTML patterns
One of the goals of dokieli is not to impose arbitrary restrictions on type of nodes as well as the order they should be in HTML+RDFa. It has its own design patterns. It is an ongoing work to make dokieli as flexible as it can be on what it can consume. Ultimately, well-formed and valid HTML - along with accompanying RDFa, Turtle, JSON-LD, TriG etc - is the only requirement here. Take what you like:
- Markup syntax
- HTML5 Polyglot Markup is used to ensure that when content is processed or served as HTML or XHTML (
), they can generally be used in both HTML and XML ecosystems without further intervention. See also getDocument (dokieli.js) for details on DOM normalisation. - Identifiers
- Unique identifiers (
) may be placed on any element. Identifiers are auto-generated by normalising some input eg.section
s use their heading's text content as input,table
s fromcaption
. Anything of importance should have an identifier, and aimed to be included for common patterns out of the box.@id
values are reused in RDFa. See also generateAttributeId (dokieli.js) and its application in different places. - Outline
is used.main > article
(querySelector) is considered to be the location of the primary content.h1
is typically the first element node aftermain > article
- There is a resource type, eg.
that can be found inmain > article
which is about the article.body
may contain broad classes.
- Section
- Sectioning is declared with
and typically have a heading, eg.h2
as its first child. Subsections may appear as a child of parentsection
, or as a child ofdiv
(which is a child of parentsection
), ie.section section
orsection div section
. The headings of subsections are enumerated eg.section h2
would have a subsection withsection h3
. Sectionsid
s and heading text are used to dynamically build the table of contents.<section>
<h3>h2 and h3 are used for section
as a typical wrapper (eg. for descriptions), as well as to contain further sub-sectioned content. - Aside
s can technically appear anywhere, but tend to appear as the last element node insection
, eg. for related content, footnotes. If theaside
is introduced to the DOM via JavaScript for like annotations, they have a similar structure tosection
.- Division
s withinsection
are used to wrap a block of arbitrary markup and content. See also RDFa below.- Figure
s typically havefigcaptions
for things likeaudio
. For code scripts,figure class="listing"
is used, andpre
for the code itself withcode
class is intended to have a collection of figures, which could also have a unique presentation, for example with line numbers or have its caption be prefixed withListing
and counter.<section>
Snippet of section source code Comparison of systems d1 d2 d3 m1 Foo m o n 1 Bar k e y 2 Baz ! @ # 3 Table columns list the dimensions: d1, d2, d3, and the measure: m1. - Math
- For mathematical equations
figure class="equation"
can be used to hint at an equation display. MathML base equation with<math xmlns="">
root can be included here (see also source). Alternatively, if MathJax JavaScript is available in the document, (La)TeX, eg. \lim_{x \to \infty} \exp(-x) = 0 and ASCIIMath, eg. sum_(i=1)^n i^3=((n(n+1))/2)^2, syntaxes can be input within the authoring mode (via Edit). - Embedding Turtle, JSON-LD, and TriG
- Turtle, JSON-LD, and TriG syntaxes are placed within respective
blocks inhead
eg.<script id="meta-json-ld" type="application/ld+json" title="JSON-LD"></script>
. Data is enclosed inCDATA
sections. This pattern is detected, visible and editable from Embed Data in dokieli menu. See also showEmbedData (dokieli.js). - CSS
- Multiple stylesheets can be included with
, and when accompanied with@title
, some user-agents can provide options for the user to switch between them, as well as from the dokieli menu, eg.<!-- Primary stylesheet -->
See also showViews (dokieli.js).<link href="media/css/basic.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" title="Basic" />
<!-- Alternate stylesheet --><link href="media/css/acm.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet alternate" title="ACM" />
<!-- Applied by default--><link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
- RDFa
- dokieli can consume and produce RDFa Core 1.1 syntax.
- To preserve the order of content,
is used eg.<section inlist=""
,<dd id="Sarven-Capadisli" inlist="" rel="bibo:authorList" resource="">
. - A
value is used as part ofsection
as a fragment, eg.<section id="introduction" rel="schema:hasPart" resource="#introduction">
. This allows the same identifier to be used for humans and machines, the value is derived from normalising its heading value as mentioned earlier. - Relating parts is done with
, eg. sections with subsection:<section id="structure-and-semantics" inlist="" rel="schema:hasPart" resource="#structure-and-semantics">
<section id="html-patterns" inlist="" rel="schema:hasPart" resource="#html-patterns">
s are used to hold a block of HTML markup and types of content together eg.<div datatype="rdf:HTML" property="schema:description" resource="#introduction" typeof="deo:Introduction">
makes it possible to declare that it contains HTML markup, and describes an introductory text.- Some of the prefixes (
) on thebody
element are defined in the RDFa Core Initial Context. These prefixes are defined in dokieli for the purpose of being compact, robust, and to minimise potential errors for consumers.
There is a work in progress to have a distribution version of dokeli, requiring only dokieli.css and dokieli.js in templates.
Servers should use UTF-8
character encoding in their HTTP responses to articles, annotations, and notifications. <meta charset="utf-8" />
is used in HTML.
See also createNoteDataHTML (dokieli.js)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport" />
<link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" title="Basic" />
<link href="" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<body about="" prefix="rdf: rdfs: owl: xsd: dcterms: dctypes: foaf: pimspace: skos: prov: mem: qb: schema: void: rsa: cert: wgs: bibo: sioc: doap: dbr: dbp: sio: opmw: deo: doco: cito: fabio: oa: as: ldp: solid: acl: dio: rel:" typeof="schema:CreativeWork prov:Entity">
<article about="" typeof="schema:Article">
The subject of the following statements may be anywhere in a document. They tend to give some provenance level information and intended to bring more context and attract reuse of the document in different ways.
<dl id="document-identifier">
<dd><a href="" rel="owl:sameAs"></a></dd>
The owl:sameAs
indirectly gives this article, ie. any copy, an identifier. The identifier is typically where an article was originally made accessible from, so having this by default for copy distribution helps to keep its connection to source.
<dl id="document-inbox">
<dt>Notifications Inbox</dt>
<dd><a href="" rel="ldp:inbox">inbox/</a></dd>
relation gives an article its own Inbox where it can receive notifications about eg. annotations or activities relevant to an article. The notifications can be consumed by applications to offer additional content and interactive possibilities. dokieli can both send and consume notifications by way of discovering an article's inbox. Notifications are created for activities like announcements, creating, (dis)liking, and consumed in order to be displayed in context of available content. The protocol to send and consume notifications in dokieli uses Linked Data Notifications.
<dl id="document-annotation-service">
<dt>Annotation Service</dt>
<dd><a href="" rel="oa:annotationService">annotation/</a></dd>
An article may refer to an annotation service (oa:annotationService
) that conforms to the Web Annotation Protocol. See also DO.C.AnnotationService in dokieli.js
<dl id="document-in-reply-to">
<dt>In Reply To</dt>
<dd><a href="" rel="as:inReplyTo">Call for Linked Research</a></dd>
If an article is a reply to objects(s), it can have a property like as:inReplyTo
<dl id="document-published">
<dd><time content="2017-02-27T00:00:00Z" datatype="xsd:dateTime" datetime="2017-02-27T00:00:00Z" property="schema:datePublished">2017-02-27</time></dd>
<dl id="document-modified">
<dd><time content="2017-03-12T00:00:00Z" datatype="xsd:dateTime" datetime="2017-03-12T00:00:00Z" property="schema:dateModified">2017-03-18</time></dd>
Dates, you know.. kinda useful. The example above duplicates the ISO date in @content
and @datetime
, but only one needs to be there, given that there parsers for different RDFa versions.
<dl id="document-license">
<dd><a href="" rel="schema:license" title="Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported">CC BY 4.0</a></dd>
Nice to declare a license or rights to signal under what conditions the document may be reused, reshared or remixed, eg. via Creative Commons license. Articles and notifications tend to use schema:license
and annotations use dcterms:rights
(given Web Annotation Vocabulary).
<dl id="document-derived-from">
<dt>Derived From</dt<
<dd><a href="" rel="prov:wasDerivedFrom"></a></dd>
<dl id="document-derived-on">
<dt>Derived On</dt>
<dd><time datetime="2017-08-06T00:29:45.342Z">2017-08-06T00:29:45.342Z</time></dd>
If a document is derived from another using the Save As operation, derived from and derived on information is declared.
The markup for an anonymous profile is like:
<span typeof="schema:Person">Lunatic Scholar</span>
The markup for a WebID profile including their name:
<span about="" property="schema:name">Sarven Capadisli</span>
If they have an image:
<img alt="" height="48" rel="schema:image" src="" width="48" />
Progressively described name, image, and URL is useful in templates:
<span about="" typeof="schema:Person"><img alt="" height="48" rel="schema:image" src="" width="48" /> <a href="" rel="schema:url"><span about="" property="schema:name">Sarven Capadisli</span></a></span>
Alternatively applying the DRY principle:
<a about="" href="" property="schema:name" rel="schema:url" typeof="schema:Person">Sarven Capadisli</a>
If they are one of the authors of a document, the profile can be wrapped like:
<dd id="Sarven-Capadisli" inlist="" rel="bibo:authorList" resource=""><span about="" rel="schema:creator schema:publisher schema:author"><!-- profile --></span></dd>
See also getUserHTML (dokieli.js)
Annotations have their own URL, fetched, parsed, and then introduced into the DOM. They are normally appended at the bottom of a node (section
) in which the annotation has a reference to. It is not required to introduce all of the annotation content into the DOM, nor all of it has to be human-visible. This is a run-time inclusion and typically included within <aside class="note do"></aside>
. Write operations like Save, Save As, Export will exclude this (class~="do"
) when it normalises the DOM to HTML.
Currently dokieli uses oa:replying, oa:commenting, oa:describing, oa:assessing, oa:bookmarking for motivations, and oa:describing and oa:tagging for annotation purpose.
See also createNoteDataHTML (dokieli.js)
Here is an annotation resource at with all information human-visible and machine-readable (HTML+RDFa):
Its source:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<article id="b6738766-3ce5-4054-96a9-ced7f05b439f" about="i:" typeof="oa:Annotation" prefix="rdf: schema: dcterms: oa: as: i:">
<h1 property="schema:name">Sarven Capadisli <span rel="oa:motivatedBy" resource="oa:replying">replies</span></h1>
<dl class="author-name">
<dd><span rel="schema:creator"><span about="" typeof="schema:Person"><img alt="" height="48" rel="schema:image" src="" width="48" /> <a href="" rel="schema:url"><span about="" property="schema:name">Sarven Capadisli</span></a></span></span></dd>
<dl class="published">
<dd><a href=""><time datetime="2017-04-15T21:24:58.293Z" datatype="xsd:dateTime" property="schema:datePublished" content="2017-04-15T21:24:58.293Z">2017-04-15 21:24:58</time></a>
<dl class="rights">
<dd><a href="" rel="dcterms:rights" title="Creative Commons Attribution">CC BY 4.0</a></dd>
<dl class="canonical">
<dd about="i:" rel="oa:canonical" resource="urn:uuid:48355bb0-0afd-4f73-9a18-f1e8b6fb415b">48355bb0-0afd-4f73-9a18-f1e8b6fb415b</dd>
<dl class="target">
<dt><a href="" rel="oa:hasTarget">In reply to</a> (<a about="" href="" rel="oa:hasSource" typeof="oa:SpecificResource">part of</a>)</dt>
<blockquote about="" cite="">
<div rel="oa:hasSelector" resource="i:#fragment-selector" typeof="oa:FragmentSelector">
<dl class="conformsto">
<dt>Fragment selector conforms to</dt>
<dd><a property="rdf:value" content="abstract" xml:lang="" lang="" rel="dcterms:conformsTo" href="">RFC3987</a></dd>
<dl class="refinedby" rel="oa:refinedBy" resource="i:#text-quote-selector" typeof="oa:TextQuoteSelector">
<dt>Refined by</dt>
<dd><span property="oa:prefix" xml:lang="en" lang="en">rchitecture and implementation, </span><mark property="oa:exact" xml:lang="en" lang="en">demonstrating advanced document authoring and interaction without a single point of control</mark><span property="oa:suffix" xml:lang="en" lang="en">. Such an environment provides t</span></dd>
<dl class="renderedvia">
<dt>Rendered via</dt>
<dd><a about="" href="" rel="oa:renderedVia">dokieli</a></dd>
<section id="note-b6738766-3ce5-4054-96a9-ced7f05b439f" rel="oa:hasBody" resource="i:#note-b6738766-3ce5-4054-96a9-ced7f05b439f">
<h2 property="schema:name">Note</h2>
<dl class="rights">
<dd><a href="" rel="dcterms:rights" title="Creative Commons Attribution">CC BY 4.0</a></dd>
<div datatype="rdf:HTML" property="rdf:value schema:description" resource="i:#note-b6738766-3ce5-4054-96a9-ced7f05b439f" typeof="oa:TextualBody">What are you trying to tell me? That I can dodge bullets?</div>
<dl class="canonical">
<dd rel="oa:canonical" resource="urn:uuid:48355bb0-0afd-4f73-9a18-f1e8b6fb415b">48355bb0-0afd-4f73-9a18-f1e8b6fb415b</dd>
refers to a canonical IRI that can be used to deduplicate the annotation. If an user chooses to store their annotation at their personal Webspace as well as when an annotation service (if offered), dokieli treats the resource at personal space as the canonical, and the resource at the annotation service as the copy where it refers to the personal space (oa:via
If an annotation resource is introduced to the article's DOM as part of an aside
, they have a structure similar to an article
, and may be displayed in different ways, eg. in marginalia:
<aside class="note do">
<blockquote cite="">
<article about="i:" id="461819979" prefix="i:" typeof="oa:Annotation">
<!-- Reconstruction of the original annotation (from RDF) -->
An inline reference to that annotation as aside would have a structure like:
<span class="ref do" rel="schema:hasPart" resource="#r-461819979" typeof="dctypes:Text"><mark id="r-461819979" property="schema:description">demonstrating advanced document authoring and interaction without a single point of control</mark><sup class="ref-annotation"><a rel="cito:hasReplyFrom" href="#461819979" resource="">💬</a></sup></span>
Note that the human-visible anchor hyperlinks (#461819979) to the annotation aside id="461819979"
Notifications are discovered from LDN Inboxes. An article (or a fragment within) may have an inbox relation (ldp:inbox
) which helps dokieli to discover it, and then fetch the notifications.
Notifications are intended to be brief, giving sufficient information for consumers to decide if they want use to them. If the notifications are generated by dokieli, eg. via an annotation activity, they typically include some provenance level data like generation date, actor that triggered it, license, where the annotation can be found, what it annotated, and the motivation for it. Notifications will not include the annotation body, but consumers can fetch their URLs (as mentioned in the annotation section).
See also createNoteDataHTML (dokieli.js)
Here is a notification resource at with all information human-visible and machine-readable (HTML+RDFa):
Its source:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Notification: Announced</title>
<body prefix="xsd: rdf: as: oa: schema:">
<h1>Notification: Announced</h1>
<dl about="">
<dd><a about="" href="" typeof="as:Announce">Announce</a></dd>
<dd><a href="" property="as:object"></a></dd>
<dd><a href="" property="as:target"></a></dd>
<dd><time datetime="2017-04-15T21:31:45.711Z" datatype="xsd:dateTime" property="as:updated" content="2017-04-15T21:31:45.711Z">2017-04-15 21:31:45</time></dd>
<dd><a href="" property="as:actor"></a></dd>
<dd><a href="" property="schema:license"></a></dd>
<dl about="">
<dt>Object type</dt>
<dd><a about="" typeof="oa:Annotation" href="">Annotation</a></dd>
<dd><a href="" property="oa:motivation">replying</a></dd>
User interface
Document modes
There UI adapts to the document mode the user is in: author, review, social. By default the social mode is engaged. The dokieli menu allows the user to engage the author mode through the Edit operation, and the review mode with Review. See also setDocumentMode (dokieli.js).
- Sign in
- Allows the user to identify themselves using their WebID where they can also authenticate themselves. dokieli retrieves information related to user's identity to adapt the user interface as well as with operations related to user's actions.
- The user can share the current article or a part of it with individuals or groups from their contacts as well as to any specific agent. The list of contacts is generated through a discovery mechanism where dokieli follows foaf:knows relations as well as traversing equivalent profiles (
) and determines their inboxes. dokieli sends a notification to user selected targets with information such as who sent the notification, when it was created, its license and motivation. - Reply
- An article can be replied with a note and have its own language and license. The user can use the resource browser to choose the location of the reply in a personal storage or an annotation service.
- Notifications
- The user can overlay interactions, such as annotations, bookmarks, comments, and reactions, from themselves and their contacts onto the document.
- Annotations
- Articles can be annotated with various motivations. Annotations themselves can also be annotated. Some kinds of annotations are kept with the article, while others are independent resources stored externally to the article. The user may assign a specific language and a license for some types of annotations.
- Bookmarking
- The document or selected text can be bookmarked where the user can include a note, assign tags.
- Commenting
- Node or text level targeting for an annotation including a description and tags.
- Describing
- A note to indicate a footnote. Used as part of purpose for bookmarking and commenting.
- Highlighting
- Node or text level targeting that gives the user a URI that they can use for deep-linking and referencing.
- Replying
- A note to indicate a reply to selected text or node.
- Tagging
- The user can associate tags (natural language text) to selected text which is used as part of purpose for annotations such as bookmarking, replying, and commenting.
- Approve
- General agreement with the selected text. Optional note can indicate why the selection is a strong point or a convincing argument.
- Disapprove
- General disagreement with the selected text. Optional note can indicate why the selection is a weak point, an error, or inaccurate.
- Specificity
- Request to increase specificity on selected text. Optional note can indicate that a citation or more specificity is needed.
- New
- This feature allows a new document to be created at specified location. The new document is constructed based on If the user is signed in with their WebID and their personal storage location is identifier, the default location for the new resource will have the storage URL (
) as its base. If the user does not have a WebID and a storage, and if the article refers to an annotation service (oa:annotationService
), it will use that URL instead. The URL can be input directly, and otherwise a name will be autogenerated for the resource. This feature uses the resource browser to navigate HTTP URLs. See also generateAttributeId (dokieli.js). On create, the resulting hyperlink will be shown and a new tab in the browser will be prompted. - Open
- Documents can be opened from a local filesystem or by entering an HTTP URL. Both options read the resource's content, and if dokieli's CSS and JavaScript are not present, they are included before updating the DOM and initiating dokieli. This feature uses the resource browser to navigate HTTP URLs. See also openDocument (dokieli.js). There are special handling of data formats such as:
- GPS data
- The user can view a map (OpenStreetMap) including a track, as well as details about GPS and extension data in a table such as time period, latitude, longitude, altitude, heart rate, cadence, speed, air temperature, water temperature, depth. The table also includes a summary of publication date, publisher, actor, total distance, total time, average pace, average heart rate, elevation gain, elevation lost. The nearest city of the track is also determined and linked to on Wikidata.
- Activity collection
- A chronological list of (social) activities.
- Save
- This feature makes a write operation (
) request to the current location of the document (window.location). The document is normalised in that dokieli related items are removed from the DOM before making the request. - Save As
- The Save As operation is similar to New for normalising some of the URLs and same as Save operation for normalising the DOM before making the request to specified location. If Derivation data is checked for inclusion, derived from and on information is included in the created document. This feature uses the resource browser to navigate HTTP URLs.
- Set Inbox
- The user can associate an inbox to an article using the resource browser.
- Set Annotation
- The user can associate an annotation service to an article using the resource browser so that others' annotations can optionally be copied to this location.
- dokielize
- Normalises the document to be valid, normalised, as well as includes the dokieli scripts so that the application be used in the derived version.
- Accessibility Report
- Provides additional accessibility information about the current document so that the user can find ways to improve the content's accessibility.
- Storage details
- The user can examine information about the storage such as its location, name, description, owners, URI persistence policy, and digital rights policies as well as be informed about any conflicts with their preferred policies, and notification subscription options and subscribing to live changes.
- Version
- Generates a derived copy of the current document as a mutable resource including provenance.
- Immutable
- Generates a derived copy of the current document as an immutable or frozen Memento resource including provenance. Creates or updates a Memento TimeMap including a reference to the immutable resource.
- Memento
- The user can access the memento (version history) of a document.
- Robustify Links
- In order to work around content-drift and link-rot, users can decorate links to include Robust Links, e.g. the URI of a snapshot from the Internet Archive, datetime stamp at the time of linking, and other context.
- Archive
- Sends an archival request of the current article to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
- Generate Feed
- The user can generate and publish a custom web feed based on a list of documents they have selected from a storage. The user can specify the feed's title, language, license, and format such as RSS or Atom.
- Export
- The user can export the article as HTML and save to their local filesystem.
- Requests to print the current document (
). - Edit
- Editor is one of the document modes a user can be in. The available features reflect the edit operation. Edits reside in the DOM until a Save or Save As is triggered. There are content formatting and structuring features to indicate heading, italics, bold, ordered an unordered listing, inline code, preformatted text, hyperlinking, inline quotes, adding images, tables, as well as:
- Interactive and embeddable objects
- User can include a chart based on statistical data such as sparklines.
- Semantic annotation
- The user can mark content to be both further machine-readable (RDFa) in addition to being human-readable.
- Footnotes and citations
- The user can create footnotes and citations for their selected text where they are contextual, robust, and the cited entity can be notified about the citation (for back-referencing). References can be ISBNs or URLs of any kind. For contextual citations for instance, the citing entity (an argument) cites the cited entity (observation results) as source of factual evidence for statements it contains. The user can also search for bibliographic information about technical specifications for the purpose citing.
- The user can add contributors to the article and send a notification to them about the article. The user can specify the document's language, license, inbox, in reply to, document type (such as article, specification, slideshow), document status, test suite.
- Autosaving
- While the user is in editing their article, the document is autosaved to local storage. The user can optionally enable autosaving the resource.
- Source
- The user can edit the current state of the article. Updating, only updates the DOM, where write operations on the article resource itself are handled by features such as Save.
- Embed Data
- The user can embed and update supplemental data to be stored with the article using RDF syntaxes such as Turtle, JSON-LD, and TriG.
- Messages
- The user can read the all of the messages that were raised to their attention by dokieli for example as the result of some action.
- Views
- The dokieli menu will list primary and alternate stylesheets that are detected in HTML. Native is always available and it will essentially disable all other stylesheets, thereby user-agent's default stylesheets are gets applied. When a view is selected, eg. Basic (which happens to be the one that is used on this article as primary), it becomes the primary stylesheet, and the rest of the stylesheets become alternate and disabled.
- Graph visualisation
- The user can view a graph visualisation of the document's underlying machine-readable semantics (RDFa). The view lists the resources that are in the view, number of statements, number of unique nodes, creator, license, and legend. The visualisation can be exported to an SVG.
- List of Stuff
- Options to generate and include various content such as:
- Contents
- For table of contents.
- Figures
- List of figures in the document and links to them.
- Tables
- List of tables in the document and links to them.
- Abbreviations
- List of abbreviations in the document and their definitions.
- Quotations
- List of quotations in the document and links to them.
- Concepts
- List of concept schemes and concepts in the document and links to them. The user can include additional concepts that are defined in resources that are externally references from the current document, as well as a graph visualisation of the concepts.
- Requirements
- Table of conformance requirements and test coverage (of a technical specification) including the requirement subject, level and statement, and test cases per requirement, and links to them. The use can optionally see the difference in changes between the current document and the previous version of the document, as well as the information from the changelog.
- Advisements
- Table of advisements (in a technical specification) including their levels and statements and links to them.
- References
- List of tables in the document and links to them.
- Document metadata
- Based on document's underlying structured data, displays information about its contributors such as editors and authors, number of citations, requirements, advisements, concepts, statements, as well as an estimated reading time, number of characters, words, and bytes.
- License
- The user can specify the rights and license for their articles and annotations from a list of Creative Commons licenses, e.g., CC BY 4.0. Notifications by default use the CC0 1.0 Universal license.
- Language
- The user can assign the language of an article or an annotation from a selection (182 languages). Alternatively, the user can use the semantic annotator to specify the language of a text selection or nodes.
- Resource browser
- The resource browser eg. available for New, Open, Save As operations can be used to navigate through a Webspace. It does this by using the Linked Data Platform's containment rules to retrieve and then display the container's index. If the user's personal storage location is known, it will be used as default location for the resource browser. Alternatively, if the article refers to an annotation service, it will be used as start location.
- Base URL selection
- To determine the base URL, when new documents are created or saved as, media resources from head link, [src], object[data] (querySelector) will have their URLs normalised to use current document's base URL as its absolute URL (this is the
Use references as is
option). IfCopy to your storage
is selected, relative URLs will not be updated as the copy operation reuses the same file paths when resource are copied to destination. The copy operation does anHTTP GET
for each source, thenHTTP PUT
to target. - Clipboard
- The user can copy the contents of preformatted text and tables (in CSV format) to their clipboard.
- Fragments
- The user can see and click on a fragment in the document which is useful for specific referencing.
- Tabs view
- Navigation items provide a tab view for the user.
Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion
Accessibility Statement
Measures to support accessibility
dokieli takes the following measures to ensure accessibility of dokieli:
- Include accessibility throughout our internal policies.
- Assign clear accessibility goals and responsibilities.
- Employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods.
Conformance status
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) defines requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. dokieli is partially conformant with WCAG 2.1 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard.
We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of dokieli. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers on dokieli issues.
Technical specifications
Accessibility of dokieli relies on the following technologies to work with the particular combination of web browser and any assistive technologies or plugins installed on your computer:
These technologies are relied upon for conformance with the accessibility standards used.
Assessment approach
dokieli assessed the accessibility of dokieli by the following approaches:
- Self-evaluation
HTTP operations
dokieli conforms to Linked Data Platform (LDP) protocol for create, update, and delete operations.
Article operations like New, Save, Save As, Reply use HTTP PUT
, Review and other annotation operations use HTTP POST
Notifications are sent with HTTP POST
. Save and Save As normalises the HTML before sending.
HTTP method(s) | Content-Type |
Article | PUT | text/html |
Annotation | OPTIONS , POST | text/html , application/ld+json , text/turtle |
Notification | OPTIONS , POST | text/html , application/ld+json , text/turtle |
Due to Mixed Content implementations in Web browsers, ie. fetching of content over unencrypted or unauthenticated connections in the context of an encrypted and authenticated document
, is subject to being blocked by the Web browser. Hence, an https document (eg article at https) will not be able to use the contents of an http document (eg. an http WebID). As a workaround, dokieli uses a proxy endpoint by default in order to use the contents of an http resource. An https document fetching an https resource will not use the proxy.
dokieli was originally intended to handle different authentication mechanisms. WebID-TLS is currently supported to authenticate with servers.
- Personal storage
- WebID's with
can get to use their personal online data storage with dokieli's read-write operations, eg all annotations, Reply, Review, New, Save As. - Local storage
- There is a Local Storage feature which uses user-agent's window.localStorage, with default 1m autosave.
Web Extension
The dokieli Web Extension is a minimal package of dokieli which contains the core CSS and JavaScript that works as a browser add-on. When user triggers it from their browser toolbar, it provides the same functionality as a single-page application, ie. initialised and rendered in the browser DOM.
Currently the extension works with Firefox and Chromium browsers. The extension can be used in the following way:
- Clone the dokieli repository from (or forked copy) to your local machine.
- Firefox
- From the "Add-ons and themes" menu, select "Debug Add-ons" (or go to
from the addressbar) and import by selecting any file from the cloned dokieli directory (e.g.,manifest.json
). See also temporary installation in Firefox. Note that if you restart your browser, you'll need to go through this process. - Chromium
- The general process for browsers such as Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi, etc., are as follows. From the "Extensions" menu (or go to
from addressbar), check the "developer mode" option. Import the dokieli directory from "Load unpacked".
git clone
cd dokieli
# Install packages
yarn install
# Build eg. to create scripts/dokieli.js
yarn build
# or automatically rebuild when files change
yarn watch