Papers by Rosemary A. Burk

Military review, 2014
AFAILED CYBERDEFENSE CAN have wider effects than discussed in earlier de - bates of potential con... more AFAILED CYBERDEFENSE CAN have wider effects than discussed in earlier de - bates of potential consequences of a cyberattack. The need for cyberdefense to pro- tect the environment has not drawn the attention it deserves as a national security matter. Adversarial nations are covertly pursuing methods to damage and disrupt the United States in a cyberconflict in the future. The president of the United States noted this in Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense:Both state and non-state actors possess the capability and intent to conduct cyberespionage and, potentially, cyberattacks on the United States, with pos- sible severe effects on both our military operations and our homeland.1The former U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta delivered a clear assessment of the risk for these attacks in a speech on 12 October 2012:These attacks mark a significant escalation of the cyberthreat, and they have renewed concerns about still more destructive sce- narios ...
UNA DEFENSA CIBERNÉTICA fallida puede tener efectos más generales que los tratados anteriormente ... more UNA DEFENSA CIBERNÉTICA fallida puede tener efectos más generales que los tratados anteriormente en debates sobre las futuras consecuencias de un ataque cibernético. La necesidad de una defensa cibernética para proteger el ambiente no ha recibido la debida atención como un asunto de seguridad nacional. Los países adversarios secretamente buscan métodos para perjudicar y dañar a Estados Unidos mediante un conflicto cibernético futuro. El Presidente de Estados Unidos lo señaló en Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense:

In Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, the critical term is paradigm-shift when i... more In Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, the critical term is paradigm-shift when it suddenly becomes evident that earlier assumptions no longer are correct and the plurality of the scientific community that studies this domain accepts the change. These types of events can be scientific findings or as in social science system shock that creates a punctured equilibrium that sets the stage in the developments. In information warfare, recent years studies and government lines of efforts have been to engage fake news, electoral interference, and fight extremist social media as the primary combat theater in the information space, and the tools to influence a targeted audience. The COVID-19 pandemic generates a rebuttal of these assumptions. Even if fake news and extremist social media content may exploit fault lines in our society and create a civil disturbance, tensions between federal and local government, and massive protests, it is still effects that impact a part of th...
Military review, 2014
UMA FALHA NA defesa cibernetica pode ter efeitos mais amplos que os discutidos em debates anterio... more UMA FALHA NA defesa cibernetica pode ter efeitos mais amplos que os discutidos em debates anteriores sobre as possiveis consequencias de um ataque cibernetico. A necessidade de que a defesa cibernetica proteja o meio ambiente nao tem atraido a atencao que merece como uma questao de seguranca nacional. Paises adversarios vem, secretamente, buscando metodos para abalar e causar danos aos Estados Unidos da America (EUA) em um futuro conflito cibernetico. O Presidente dos EUA observou essa questao no documento Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense (“Mantendo a Lideranca Mundial dos EUA: Prioridades para a Defesa no Seculo XXI”, em traducao livre):

Strategic Analysis
A dominant paradigm for militarised cyber operations, owing to a growing interest in such actions... more A dominant paradigm for militarised cyber operations, owing to a growing interest in such actions, is seeking an ability to strike back and launch cyber counter attacks immediately after being attacked. This commentary challenges view based on the argument that it leads to a contra-productive tit-for-tat game with no decisive or deterrent outcome. It argues that cyber attacks are information, which an initially passive targeted society can gather to refine and consolidate its cybersecurity and over time receive an advantage over the initial attacker. Therefore, a restrained posture would be beneficial if utilised for refinement, information-gathering, development and preparing for enhanced abilities to cyber counter strike once an advantage is reached. The Internet has become a contested and militarised public space, where weak attribution and absence of global norms have enabled aggressive and adversarial nations to launch numerous cyber attacks on other countries and their institutions. The paradigm has been following the assumption that all cyber attacks are malicious and bad. This commentary is questioning whether it is beneficial to limit cyber attacks to be generally labelled malicious, and our commentary seeks to add that cyber attacks can be valuable for the defender’s cyber defence. Every cyber attack is a piece of information—even if it has no effect or fails to reach its goal. The embedded information provided by the cyberattacks can serve as guidance for cyber defence and countermeasures in cyberspace. The massive aggregation of information provided by numerous unsystematic cyberattacks is a resource that gives the defender an ability to adapt, which is paid less attention compared to the tit-for-tat provoking pursuit of counter cyber abilities and internal defensive measures to fend off the cyber attack. The main concern in striking back is that it also drives the adversary’s evolution, and would lead to an ever-ongoing race to perfection; meanwhile, both parties affect each other’s development. What happens if one party refuses to engage with the other party—and instead accumulates the information provided by the attacking party to get the strategic advantage? If we see future cyber engagements as a form of war by itself and not a joint enabler to army, navy and air force, then cyberspace operations need to have decisive power. Decisive power is reached when an engagement either leads to the destruction
Western North American Naturalist

Freshwater science
"Thorp and Roger’s Field Guide to Freshwater Invertebrates of North America presents a conde... more "Thorp and Roger’s Field Guide to Freshwater Invertebrates of North America presents a condensed overview of the ecology, identification, and field sampling methods for freshwater invertebrates. Thorp and Roger’s book is especially good among field guides because of the breadth of ecological information provided and the use of photographs (vs line drawings). This field guide contains hundreds of photographs of invertebrates and provides a valuable reference, especially for those new to the study of invertebrates. The book is written in a highly accessible format that I think is best suited for use by individuals with a limited background in invertebrates, whether they be citizen scientists in training, fly fishermen, or students. It would also serve as an excellent supplementary laboratory text for courses in invertebrate zoology and stream ecology or as a training manual for laboratory technicians. The book is organized into 3 parts. Part I consists of 2 chapters and begins by...
Introduction Key in the critique of the likelihood of cyber conflict has been the assumption that... more Introduction Key in the critique of the likelihood of cyber conflict has been the assumption that cyber does not lead to long-term and irrevocable effects; therefore it cannot be fought as a war. This might be true if cyber attacks are constrained to specific functions of a computer system or set of client computers; however, a failed cyberdefense can have wider effects than discussed in earlier debates of potential consequences and risks. The environmental aspect of cyberdefense has not Contents
Sustainability: The Journal of Record, 2012
The business of green is rapidly growing as consumers increasingly demand and purchase environmen... more The business of green is rapidly growing as consumers increasingly demand and purchase environmentally friendly products and services. The drive toward sustainability has gained momentum over the last 10 years, and a company can benefit from being considered a more environmentally friendly alternative to their competitors. As businesses steer toward catering to the growing market of environmentally sound products and services, there is an increased interest to market these sustainable offerings.

International Journal of Water Resources Development, 2012
This paper illustrates the potential federal financial risk created by groundwater overabstractio... more This paper illustrates the potential federal financial risk created by groundwater overabstraction, rapid urbanization, competing economic interests, and institutional arrangements in groundwater-dependent areas of Texas. In the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, located in the Dallas -Fort Worth metropolitan area, urban sprawl creates suburbanized rural areas reliant upon the Upper Trinity Aquifer. In the past 10 years, competition of economic interests for groundwater has intensified, as the area has experienced rapid urban sprawl combined with escalating Barnett Shale hydraulic fracturing activity, which coincided with two extreme droughts in 2006 and 2011. Urban sprawl generates business opportunities and tax revenues for state and local governments in the short term, but if groundwater overabstraction leads to land subsidence, financial risk is transferred to the federal government through increased risk exposure from federal housing loans and government-backed residential lending.

This study examines the role of spring-fed refugia during a supraseasonal drought and recolonizat... more This study examines the role of spring-fed refugia during a supraseasonal drought and recolonization of benthic macroinveretebrates in Ash and Silver Creeks (Parker County: TX) over eighteen months. Ash Creek maintained flow for 2.0 km in contrast to other regional streams with minimal surface water and no flow. Recolonization at a downstream intermittent site was slow, compared to rates reported for other prairie streams, with taxonomic richness approaching the headwater site’s eight months post flow. Riffles, perennial and shaded disconnected pools were refugia for drought-sensitive aquatic insects and taxonomic richness by macrohabitat type was significantly different (ANOVA, F3,44=27.34, p<0.0001). SNK analysis demonstrated preferential invertebrate use of refugia grouping macrohabitats as: Riffles>Perennial pools = Shaded disconnected pools > Full sun disconnected pools. Rare relict taxa with low resilience, such as Lutrochus sp., Mayatrichia sp., and Neotrichia sp., would likely be displaced without lotic refugia. Conservation of groundwater is critical to preserving a spatial and temporal patchwork of refugia for benthic invertebrates that increases these variable ecosystems resilience to disturbances and is thought to maintain regional species diversity.
Abstract: In 2007, a 20-county area encompassing the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex was designated b... more Abstract: In 2007, a 20-county area encompassing the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex was designated by the State as a Priority Groundwater Management Area (PGMA) in need of implementing strategies for groundwater conservation. The newly created PGMA ’s population is expected to increase from 5.5 million in 2000 to 9.5 million by 2030 with projected water needs rising from 1,677 million m3 in 2000 to 3,034 million m3 by 2030 according to a study by Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The Trinity ...
Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 2013
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
May-June 2014 MILITARY REVIEW A FAILED CYBERDEFENSE CAN have wider effects than discussed in earl... more May-June 2014 MILITARY REVIEW A FAILED CYBERDEFENSE CAN have wider effects than discussed in earlier debates of potential consequences of a cyberattack. The need for cyberdefense to protect the environment has not drawn the attention it deserves as a national security matter. Adversarial nations are covertly pursuing methods to damage and disrupt the United States in a cyberconflict in the future. The president of the United States noted this in Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense: Both state and non-state actors possess the capability and intent to conduct cyberespionage and, potentially, cyberattacks on the United States, with possible severe effects on both our military operations and our homeland.1 The Environmental Consequences of Hostile Acts, 2012
This paper illustrates the potential federal financial risk created by groundwater overabstractio... more This paper illustrates the potential federal financial risk created by groundwater overabstraction, rapid urbanization, competing economic interests, and institutional arrangements in groundwater-dependent areas of Texas. In the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District, located in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area, urban sprawl creates suburbanized rural areas reliant upon the Upper Trinity Aquifer. In the past 10 years, competition of economic interests for groundwater has intensified, as the area has experienced rapid urban sprawl combined with escalating Barnett Shale hydraulic fracturing activity, which coincided with two extreme droughts in 2006 and 2011. Urban sprawl generates business opportunities and tax revenues for state and local governments in the short term, but if groundwater overabstraction leads to land subsidence, financial risk is transferred to the federal government through increased risk exposure from federal housing loans and government-backed residential lending. Urbanization and Water Scarcity in the Southwestern United States Urban sprawl-the change of land use from rural, agricultural land to mixed-use, urbanized land-has been significant in North Texas for the last 20 years; new developments are continuously established. The 20-county Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area is expected to increase from 6.6 million to 9.2 million inhabitants by 2030; by 2060, the population is projected to reach 13 million (Texas Water Development Board, 2011; Griffin, 2011). The potential risk for severe water scarcity in North Texas is exacerbated by reccurring droughts, which are predicted to intensify through increases in evapotranspiration rates, decreases in amount and timing of precipitation, and increases in summer temperatures (IPCC, 2007). From January to August 2011, Texas faced nearrecord low precipitation; that July brought the highest temperature since data collection began in 1895
Papers by Rosemary A. Burk