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Does He Take Sugar?'s Journal
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in Does He Take Sugar?'s LiveJournal:

Wednesday, July 17th, 2002
1:03 pm
I found out where my father died yesterday and went to see him my stepmother didn't give me the oppotunity to say goodbye in his final days. the grief comes in waves the funeral is in a week-I loved him so much and never got to tell him so so tell those you love how you feel.

Current Mood: numb
Friday, July 5th, 2002
12:44 pm
I Love This
hi hope everone is ok mail me

Current Mood: annoyed
Thursday, June 27th, 2002
11:58 pm
I am so angry and sad today about being diabled I never really thought about it much when I was younger but things are so hard pysically and emotionally I spent my life just getting on with it and ignoring some of what I felt inside, I want people who post here to know it's Ok not to always have to say having a disability is Ok because in truth sometimes it's not.

Current Mood: angry
Monday, June 17th, 2002
5:14 pm
sorry for not posting for a while been busy ajusting to being a pet owner and wheelchair user I can stand a little which helps the litter tray is no longer a problem having the window open helps!! they seem to know that as soon as I sit in my chair that I am, going out or busy it has helped my depression no end.

Does anyone have problems finding clothes that look gook when sitting in a chair?
Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
4:18 pm
Pets and Disability
Sorry not to have posted for a while got two new pets always wanted cats does anyone have pets too and experience difficulties practicl. I worry about touching cat shit fear of germs getting psysically ill I am managing anyone had similar problems I want to get over it as they have bought so much happiness to me
Sunday, June 9th, 2002
2:16 pm
I Like this!
Hi hope things are OK

"How in the minority
Reaching a majority
seizing authority
hates a minority

Leonard H Robbins

Current Mood: awake
2:14 pm
I Like this!
Hi hope things are ok

Current Mood: awake
Wednesday, June 5th, 2002
2:37 pm
Thank you to freinds old and new for looking at the community It has cheered me up no end it is cold wet and rainyt in London.
I have been wondering about what to write today, I have wanted a child/chilren for most of my life but because of the cerebral palsy,depression and the fact that I am older now is making me wonder if it will ever happen and if it did how would I cope with no family support? maintaning a heathy relationship is hardf enough in today's society having the difficulties I have relationships never last the distance and no one wants you for keeps, (god how awful doed that sound?) I never used to think that way.
Does anyone relate to what I am saying and if you have had children how did you cope? depression can put you both under so much stain I have been very pro-active in my tratment but feel at this moment in time tha t i am running on empty
Tuesday, June 4th, 2002
10:47 pm
New Community by a newbie
Hi My name is Rosie and I have decided to focus my attention on my passion for change and development. It has been a pretty rough few years. I have spent a lot of time helping to change attitudes to disability through disability awareness training with adults and children. I have been a disabled model for eight years and have been involved in TV and the media on some level on and off througout my life.

I am the maintainer of this commuity (and very green!) so bear with me. A community is not a community without people so be brave and post. You will make a a newbie very happy.

Current Mood: excited