1981 national league championship,
1981 world series,
1988 national league championship,
1988 world series, acquiring better players, barry bonds reach arounds,
beating the giants, bleed dodger blue,
blue crew,
bobble heads,
brad penny,
derek lowe, diamond vision,
dodger dogs, dodger management turnstiles,
dodger stadium,
dodgers, dodgertown,
don drysdale, dumping salary, ebbetts field,
fox sports net,
frank mccourt,
fsn, giving this community comps,
grady little, hanging with carolyn hughes, having fickle fans,
jackie robinson,
jason schmidt,
jeff kent,
joe torre,
killer tomato,
kirk gibson,
los angeles,
los angeles dodgers,
los angeles kings,
major league baseball,
money ball, ned colleti,
nomar garciaparra, not making the playoffs,
orel hershiser, pedro for delino,
pee wee reese, pissing off sandy koufax, players with porn mustaches, preparing the bandwagon,
rafael furcal,
ross porter, russel fn martin, snubbing steve garvey,
think blue,
tommy lasorda,
vin scully, vinnys farmer john commercials,
walter alston,
william hung, world series titles