On this page, you’ll learn:
- What is Chart.js
- How to use Chart.js configuration object as input for Image-Charts
- How to customize your Chart.js image chart
Chart.js is most popular open-source charting library. Image Charts supports Chart.js configuration object as input in the URL.
A Chart.js definition like the one below is represented in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). Take a look at Chart.js documentation to discover all the available parameters.
json { "type": "line", "data": { "labels": ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug"], "datasets": [ { "backgroundColor": "rgba(255,150,150,0.5)", "borderColor": "rgb(255,150,150)", "data": [-23, 64, 21, 53, -39, -30, 28, -10], "label": "Dataset", "fill": "origin" } ] } }
Chart definition
To generate chart image using chart.js object format, put the Chart.js definition object in the URL using the chart
(or c
) query parameter, like this:
Image-Charts will take Chart.js configuration as input and render it on its world-wide distributed backends as an image.
Let's take another example, a pie chart with Chart.js will be something like:
json { "type": "pie", "data": { "datasets": [ { "data": [84, 28, 57, 19, 97], "backgroundColor": [ "rgba(255,99,132,0.5)", "rgba(255,159,64,0.5)", "rgba(255,205,86,0.5)", "rgba(75,192,192,0.5)", "rgba(54,162,235,0.5)" ], "label": "Dataset 1" } ], "labels": ["Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue"] } }
In order to render it as an image, we will use Image-Charts API:{%20%22type%22:%20%22pie%22,%20%22data%22:%20{%20%22datasets%22:%20[%20{%20%22data%22:%20[84,%2028,%2057,%2019,%2097],%20%22backgroundColor%22:%20[%20%22rgba(255,99,132,0.5)%22,%20%22rgba(255,159,64,0.5)%22,%20%22rgba(255,205,86,0.5)%22,%20%22rgba(75,192,192,0.5)%22,%20%22rgba(54,162,235,0.5)%22%20],%20%22label%22:%20%22Dataset%201%22%20}%20],%20%22labels%22:%20[%22Red%22,%20%22Orange%22,%20%22Yellow%22,%20%22Green%22,%20%22Blue%22]%20}%20}
Some JSON character (like #
) do not work well inside URLs. It's recommended to always URL-encode the chart definition.
Chart.js version
Depending on your project requirements and usage, Image-Charts API can handles multiple version of chart.js definition object. Chart.js version is defined as follow:
With version
being one of:
(documentation- Need another version for your project? Contact us 📨
Chart size
Both the width and height of the chart output image can be specified in pixel using width
and height
query parameters. Default values are width=400
and height=300
Here is a 300x200 chart: ?width=300 &height=200 &bkg=white &c={"type":"bar","data":{"labels":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July"],"datasets":[{"backgroundColor":"rgba(54,162,235,0.5)","borderColor":"rgb(54,162,235)","borderWidth":1,"data":[73,41,29,61,-65,59,38]}]},"options":{"legend":{"display":false}}}
Background color
Chart background color can be defined with the backgroundColor
(or bkg
) query parameter. Image charts accepts multiple color format:
- rgb:
- named colors (default value is
- url-encoded hex values:
Here is a bubble chart with a near white background (bkg=%23FCFCFC
bkg=%23FCFCFC c={type:'bubble',data:{datasets:[{backgroundColor:'rgba(255,99,132,0.5)',borderColor:'rgb(255,99,132)',borderWidth:1,data:[{x:62,y:94,r:9.8,},{x:-62,y:-34,r:7.4,},{x:8,y:60,r:1.8,},{x:-44,y:59,r:9.4,},{x:64,y:46,r:6.8,},{x:16,y:-95,r:10.8,},{x:95,y:-80,r:1.8,},],},{"backgroundColor":"rgba(54,162,235,0.5)","borderColor":"rgb(54,162,235)",borderWidth:1,data:[{x:-15,y:-28,r:14.8,},{x:-31,y:-53,r:11,},{x:-70,y:-74,r:14,},{x:-48,y:-6,r:7,},{x:-82,y:34,r:13.6,},{x:-89,y:-71,r:16.8,},{x:15,y:-38,r:0.2,},]}]},"options":{"legend":{"display":false}}}
The same bubble chart with a black background expressed in rgb format (bkg=rgb(0,0,0)
bkg=rgb(0,0,0) chart={type:'bubble',data:{datasets:[{backgroundColor:'rgba(255,99,132,0.5)',borderColor:'rgb(255,99,132)',borderWidth:1,data:[{x:62,y:94,r:9.8,},{x:-62,y:-34,r:7.4,},{x:8,y:60,r:1.8,},{x:-44,y:59,r:9.4,},{x:64,y:46,r:6.8,},{x:16,y:-95,r:10.8,},{x:95,y:-80,r:1.8,},],},{"backgroundColor":"rgba(54,162,235,0.5)","borderColor":"rgb(54,162,235)",borderWidth:1,data:[{x:-15,y:-28,r:14.8,},{x:-31,y:-53,r:11,},{x:-70,y:-74,r:14,},{x:-48,y:-6,r:7,},{x:-82,y:34,r:13.6,},{x:-89,y:-71,r:16.8,},{x:15,y:-38,r:0.2,},]}]},"options":{"legend":{"display":false}}}
To reduce the whole URL size and don't run into issues, chart definition can be encoded with encoding
query parameter. Accepted values are encoding=url
and encoding=base64
. Default values is encoding=url
Encoding the URL in base64 (encoding=base64
Basic URL encoding (encoding=url
bkg=white c={type:'polarArea',data:{datasets:[{data:[3,56,61,78,83],backgroundColor:['rgba(255,99,132,0.5)','rgba(255,159,64,0.5)','rgba(255,205,86,0.5)','rgba(75,192,192,0.5)','rgba(54,162,235,0.5)',]}]},options:{title:{display:true,text:'Chart.jsPolarAreaChart',}}} encoding=url
Display labels on data for any type of charts
{ type: "bar", data: { labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"], datasets: [ { label: "Dataset 1", data: [-31, -70, -30, -33, -9, 14, -41] }, { label: "Dataset 2", data: [73, 41, 29, 61, -65, 59, 38], datalabels: { labels: null, font: { size: "50" } } } ] }, options: { datalabels: [["one"], ["two"], ["three"], ["four"], ["five"]], responsive: true, legend: { position: "top" } } }
{ type: "radar", data: { labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"], datasets: [ { label: "Dataset 1", data: [-31, -70, -30, -33, -9, 14, -41] }, { label: "Dataset 2", data: [73, 41, 29, 61, -65, 59, 38], datalabels: { labels: null, font: { size: "50" } } } ] }, options: { datalabels: [["one"], ["two"], ["three"], ["four"], ["five"]], responsive: true, legend: { position: "top" } } }
Remove the watermark
You will receive an account_id
and a secret_key
upon signup. To authenticate your requests and thus remove the watermark, the whole query string must be signed with the ichm=
query parameter. To learn more about how to sign Image-Charts API requests, check out Enterprise documentation section.
icac=account_id ichm=generated_hash
Here is an example of a signed chart URL thus without a watermark. Observe the icac
and ichm
query parameter: ?bkg=white &icac=documentation &c=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 &encoding=base64 &ichm=c31c38d85cee460cb144828909d1deb2082ddb7b42e7d6713df93e9ad4507c65
JavaScript function (callbacks)
Image-Charts does not support Chart.js JavaScript function as value feature for reliability reasons.
Image-Charts comes bundled with production battle-tested extensions.
Rounded bar charts
Bar chart below has 3 datasets and each bar has 10px rounded corners:
json { "type": "bar", ... "options": { ... "rectangleRadius": 10, } }
Background image
Enterprise and Enterprise+ subscription only
Background image are only available with Enterprise and Enterprise+ subscriptions
Defining a background image for a chart in Chart.js is done through a backgroundImage
plugin that requires an url
attribute. The image will take up all the available space.
{ "options":{ "plugins":{ "backgroundImage":{ "url":"" } } } }
The example below displays a bar charts with two series and a full size background image.
{ type: 'bar', ... options: { ... plugins: { backgroundImage: { url: '' } } } }