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Fun game

Really Enjoied This Game!  Thanks to DoctorORBIT and the crew for making this an Awesome Experience!

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I didnt think i would be so high for package delivery xD simple and very nice game!


Well... working at ups has taught me one thing, your game is pretty accurate ๐Ÿ˜‚ at least on the warehouse end ๐Ÿ‘€ I thought this game was simple but the concept was there, I'll be interested to see what you do with it in the future! Your game starts at 10:24 and goes till the end ๐Ÿ’›

(1 edit)

here is my gameplay! its pretty fun! i will be playing more of this as updates come out. thx for the amazing game!! (yes thats my 2nd channel)

awesome game man! I felt like Hercules was delivering the mail! XD

Cool game. I'm an absolutely terrible deliver guy...

This is why I can't trust the mailman!

Super little game. Ran very well and lots of options. I was a bit rubbish at it but it was my first try. Hope you get the game how you want it to be. Good job... :)

I made a video in French ! Cool game, I like it :)


soo funny packs

u so much likee


Dear developers, here's some clarification as to why I didn't really like the game:

  • Putting the boxes into the truck felt like a chore. I would suggest something more in the lines of the game Rainforest. So rather than having a timer, have a couple of conveyor belts and a finite amount of boxes. Then you have to put as many as you can into the truck.
  • I am not sure if this is possible, but I would suggest turning off the collision between the guy and the boxes. And maybe also turn off the collision between the box the guy is holding and the truck.
  • The truck really felt like it was on rails, perhaps your college driving the truck can sometimes be drunk and as result be driving poorly making it harder to hit stuff.
  • I would be pretty pissed if someone broke my windows, but you get no response from the residents.
  • Also I don't know if this is a bug, but the backdoors of the truck opened up and a bunch of the boxes fell out.
  • To end on a positive note, I did like the randomizing of the town. Perhaps you can add dead end streets and roundabouts.

Well Hi there, first off thanks for the constructive critizism!

Secondly, I hope you noticed the big disclaimer in the Main Menu screen which reads "This game is still in development" so many many things are subject to change.

  • I am considering doing something like this, but it will be for the upcoming "Story Mode", the current mode that you can play is considered the "Arcade Mode", and is supposed to be challenging. But I'll take a look at Rainforest and see.
  • There are no collisions between the player and the boxes. And I've tried that already, it looks weird when you can just move the box through the truck. I'll maybe think of something different.
  • The truck is on rails :P I am in the process of adding a difficulty setting, which will have the truck drive a bit weirder. Stay tuned.
  • I know, the game is not finished, give me some time :P
  • It's not a bug, you can open the back doors, just like you can also close the side door through which you enter the truck. Everything has it's purpose.
  • The towns are getting an overhaul anyway, totally new house models, more variation etc. But you'll have to remember that Arcade Mode will be drastically different compared to Story Mode ;)

My video is pretty short, but I had a ton of fun being a delivery boy.


Hi Variable! Would like to quickly thankyou and say how when people release videos downloads dramatically increase so to be upfront we'd like you to keep making them ;) Is there any features you would like to see? And join our discord here


This game was ridiculously awesome! I hope your enthusiasm for development doesn't end, as I'm excited to see what this game can become. Things like people walking dogs etc that you could hit, or angry customers coming out of their doors would be hilarious; but that's up to you.

You can check out my experience in the video below! (~5 Minutes in)

Hi Variable! Would like to quickly thankyou and say how when people release videos downloads dramatically increase so to be upfront we'd like you to keep making them ;) Is there any features you would like to see? And join our discord here

Deleted 6 years ago

Help with translations would be awesome! Discord accounts are free and easy to create!


will there be a Mac version?

Yes- When its uploaded I'll message you here :D 

hey, thanks!


game too fun

Thanks for posting this video! Check out our discord:


great game btw

Thanks for the kind words- We just opened a discord server at :D


there you go! You deserve it for all the hard work you put into it, and for all the hard work to come with it!


You are awesome, thanks a lot! <3

no problem man keep up the good work and don't forget to check out my vid of it, mentioned you in it, channel under the same username. thanks for making this game!



Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)


Super neat game and I'm thrilled to see that you have so many extra plans to improve it! The maps were fun and the concept provides an amazing challenge that just makes me want to hit that top spot! Keep up the great work! 

Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)
Your kind words mean a lot; we have decided to launch a kickstarter soon to let us get these features to you sooner from infinite  mode to drone mode!


Practically broke down the door. Good for a game still in developement

Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)


Gameplay Brazilian

!Gracias! Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)


Would love to have a co op mode where there would be traffic, 1 player drives the van avoiding the traffic and the other delivers. Just an idea. Loved the game nonetheless!


Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)
Your kind words mean a lot; we have decided to launch a kickstarter soon to let us get these features to you sooner from infinite  mode to drone mode! We have a dedicated feature suggestions channel on our discord- co-op and multiplayer are planned but currently still in the brainstorming fase :D

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Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)


is it bad that my Microsoft edge says this game could harm my computer or is it just going cray-cray

IT'S GOING CRAY CRAY! But seriously though the same happen to me it's just windows being dumb.

yeah, it's pretty normal when downloading unknown .exe files. I can upload a zip later today if it makes you feel better :P


Made a video


Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)


This was pretty fun, I loved smashing windows and doors!

Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)
Your kind words mean a lot; we have decided to launch a kickstarter soon to let us get these features to you sooner from infinite  mode to drone mode!


Such a fun game! I loved the idea of smashing windows!

Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)
Your kind words mean a lot; we have decided to launch a kickstarter soon to let us get these features to you sooner from infinite  mode to drone mode!

(1 edit) (+1)

After  me playing for and hour and trying to get the highest score i did have something that really annoyed me.

1| throwing the boxes at the back of the van only for the one i just threw to bounce out or one that i had in there to be pushed out.

2|When ever i'm in the van making my rounds and try to pick up a box from the tower of boxes on your right or left you can't pick up the ones from the bottom or middle because they get stuck colliding with each other.

3| Change the color of the outlined targets because on white buildings you can barely see it.


Thanks for bringing these to our attention- Check out our discord: :)


we are still working things out.

Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)


Gave it a go...

Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)


i thought this game was awesome!! never ever played a game like this before! XD love the fact of throwing parcels through peoples windows and doors XD really awesome job on creating this! 

Thanks for playing- content creators get updates first on our discord- :)
Your kind words mean a lot; we have decided to launch a kickstarter soon to let us get these features to you sooner from infinite  mode to drone mode!


This was so much fun!! Definitely a lot of potential here!

Hey man,

I love that you enjoyed yourself! :D

I updated the game so it might be worth to check out again.
You had to login before to post to the leaderboard, that seemed to be bugged :D
I removed that now, so that you can just post without logging in!

I also added a tutorial :P


fun game in 2min then it gets the same thing over and over, a thing that could make this game greater would be speciel packages to special houses or something like that, but nice game 

Thanks for the feedback.

I'm actually working on that right now. Update will be up either tomorrow or later tonight.