| |  |
3.5. Inside SSH-2
In this section, we discuss the design and
internals of SSH-2, focusing particularly on its differences and
improvements as compared to SSH-1. We won't repeat the
information common to the two protocols. We also compare the products
SSH1 and SSH2, their software implementation differences, and their
protocol support. Figure 3-4 summarizes the
architecture of SSH-2.
Figure 3-4. SSH-2 architecture
The most important distinction between SSH1 and SSH2 is that they
support different, incompatible versions of the SSH protocol: SSH-1.5
and SSH-2.0. [ Section 1.5, "History of SSH"] These products also have
important implementation differences, some due to the differing
protocols, but many are simply omissions due to SSH2's being a
complete rewrite.
3.5.1. Protocol Differences (SSH-1 Versus SSH-2)
SSH-1 is monolithic, encompassing
multiple functions in a single protocol.
SSH-2, on the other hand, has been
separated into modules and consists of three protocols working
- SSH Transport Layer Protocol
- SSH Authentication Protocol
- SSH Connection Protocol
Each of these protocols has been specified separately, and a fourth
document, SSH Protocol Architecture
describes the overall architecture of the SSH-2 protocol as realized
in these three separate specifications.
Figure 3-5 outlines the division of labor between
these modules and how they relate to each other, application
programs, and the network. SSH-TRANS is the fundamental building
block, providing the initial connection, packet protocol, server
authentication, and basic encryption and integrity services. After
establishing an SSH-TRANS connection, an application has a single,
secure, full-duplex byte stream to an authenticated peer.
Figure 3-5. SSH-2 protocol family
Next, the
can use SSH-AUTH over the SSH-TRANS connection to authenticate itself
to the server. SSH-AUTH defines three authentication methods:
publickey, hostbased, and password. Publickey is similar to the SSH-1
"RSA" method, but it is more general and can accommodate
any public-key signature algorithm. The standard requires only one
algorithm, DSA, since RSA until recently was encumbered by patent
restrictions. [31] Hostbased is similar to the SSH-1 RhostsRSA method,
providing trusted-host authentication using cryptographic assurance
of the client host's identity. The password method is
equivalent to SSH-1's password authentication; it also provides
for changing a user's password, though we haven't seen
any implementations of this feature. The weak, insecure Rhosts
authentication of SSH-1 is absent.
Finally, the SSH-CONN protocol provides a variety of richer services
to clients over the single pipe provided by SSH-TRANS. This includes
everything needed to support multiple interactive and noninteractive
sessions: multiplexing several streams (or
channels) over the underlying pipe; managing X,
port, and agent forwarding; forwarding application signals across the
connection (such as SIGWINCH, indicating terminal window resizing);
terminal handling; data compression; and remote program execution.
Unlike SSH-1, SSH-CONN can handle multiple interactive sessions over
the same connection, or none. This means SSH-2 supports X or port
forwarding without the need for a separate terminal session, which
SSH-1 can't do.
Note that SSH-CONN isn't layered on SSH-AUTH; they are both at
the same level above SSH-TRANS. A specialized SSH server for a
particular, limited purpose might not require authentication. Perhaps
it just prints out "Nice to meet you!" to anyone who
connects. More practically, an anonymous sftp
server might provide freely available downloads to all comers. Such a
server could simply allow a client to engage in SSH-CONN immediately
after establishing an SSH-TRANS connection, whereas a general login
server would always require successful authentication via SSH-AUTH
We now survey the major differences between SSH-1 and SSH-2. These
- Expanded algorithm negotiation between client and server
- Multiple methods for key-exchange
- Certificates for public keys
More flexibility with authentication, including partial authentication Stronger integrity checking through cryptography Periodic replacement of the session key ("rekeying") Algorithm choice and negotiation
A nice feature of SSH-1 is algorithm
negotiation, in which a client selects a bulk
encryption cipher from among those supported by the server. Other
algorithms within SSH-1, however, are hardcoded and inflexible. SSH-2
improves upon this by making other algorithms negotiable between
client and server: host key, message authentication, hash function,
session key exchange, and data compression. SSH-2 requires support of
one method per category to ensure interoperability and defines
several other recommended and optional methods. [ Section 3.9, "Algorithms Used by SSH"]
Another improvement of SSH-2 is an extensible namespace for
algorithms. SSH-1
identifies the negotiable bulk ciphers by a numerical code, with no
values set aside for local additions. In contrast, SSH-2 algorithms
(as well as protocols, services, and key/certificate formats) are
named by strings, and local definitions are explicitly supported.
"Names that do not contain an at-sign (@) are reserved to be assigned
by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority). Examples include
3des-cbc, sha-1, hmac-sha1, and zlib. Additional names of this format
may be registered with IANA [and] MUST NOT be used without first
registering with IANA. Registered names MUST NOT contain an at-sign
(@) or a comma (,). Anyone can define additional algorithms by using
names in the format name@domainname, e.g., [email protected]. The
format of the part preceding the at sign is not specified; it
must consist of US-ASCII characters except
at-sign and comma. The part following the at-sign
must be a valid fully qualified internet domain
name [RFC-1034] controlled by the person or organization defining the
name. Each domain decides how it manages its local namespace."
This format allows new, nonstandard algorithms to be added for
internal use without affecting interoperability with other SSH-2
implementations, even those with other local additions. OpenSSH makes
use of this ability, defining an integrity-checking algorithm called
[email protected]. Session key exchange and the server key
Recall that the
session key is the shared symmetric key for the bulk
data cipher -- the one used directly to encrypt user data passing
over the SSH connection. [ Section 3.3, "The Architecture of an SSH System"] In SSH-1, this
key is generated by the client and passed securely to the server by
double-encrypting it with the server key and server's host key.
The server key's purpose is to provide perfect forward secrecy.
[ Section 3.4.1, "Establishing the Secure Connection"]
In keeping with its design, SSH-2 introduces a more general mechanism
to accommodate multiple key-exchange methods, from which one is
negotiated for use. The chosen method produces a shared secret that
isn't used directly as the session key, but rather is input to
a further process that produces the session key. The extra processing
ensures that neither side can fully determine the session key
(regardless of the exchange method used) and provides protection
against replay attacks. [ Section 3.1.2, "Integrity "] The key-exchange
phase of the SSH-2 protocol is also responsible for server
authentication, as in SSH-1.
SSH-2 currently defines only one key-exchange method,
diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, and all
implementations must support it. As the name implies, it is the
Diffie-Hellman key-agreement algorithm
with a fixed group, [32] together with the SHA-1 hash
function. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm provides forward secrecy by
itself, so no server key is needed. Also, independent of the
processing just described, the Diffie-Hellman algorithm alone ensures
that neither side can dictate the shared secret.
already provides forward secrecy, so SSH-2 implementations using it
don't need a server key. Since other key-exchange methods may
be defined for SSH-2, someone could conceivably implement the SSH-1
key-exchange algorithm, requiring a server key or similar method to
provide perfect forward secrecy. But such a method hasn't been
defined, so server keys are found only in SSH1 and OpenSSH/1.
Therefore, an SSH-2-only server is more amenable to control by
inetd, since it avoids the overhead of
generating a server key on startup. [ Section, "Invocation by inetd"]
Examples are SSH2, or OpenSSH with SSH-1 support turned off. Key/identity binding
In any public-key system, a crucial problem
is verifying the owner of a key. Suppose you want to share encrypted
messages with your friend Alice, but an intruder, Mallory, tricks you
into accepting one of his public keys as
Alice's. Now any messages you encrypt (supposedly) to Alice are
readable by Mallory. Of course, you and Alice will quickly discover
the problem when she finds that she can't decrypt your
messages, but by then the damage is done.
The key-ownership problem is addressed using
a technique called public-key certificates. A
certificate is a data structure attesting that a trusted
third party vouches for the key's owner. More
precisely, the certificate attests to the binding between a public
key and a particular identity (a personal or company name, email
address, URL, etc.), or an ability (the right to access a database,
modify a file, log into an account, etc.). The attestation is
represented by a digital signature from the third party. So in our
example, you and Alice could arrange for a trusted third party, Pete,
to sign your respective public keys, and you would therefore not
believe Mallory's bogus, unsigned key.
This is all well and good, but who vouches for the voucher? How do
you know the signer of Alice's key is really Pete? This problem
continues recursively, as you need the signer's public key, and
a certificate for that, and so on. These chains of certificates can
be arranged in a hierarchy rooted at well-known Certificate
Authorities, or they may be arranged in a decentralized network, the
so-called "web of trust" used by PGP. Such arrangements,
or trust models, are the basis for a public-key infrastructure (PKI).
In SSH, the key-ownership problem shows up in the bindings between
hostnames and host keys. In all current SSH implementations, this is
done using simple databases of hostnames, addresses, and keys which
must be maintained and distributed by the user or system
administrator. This isn't a scalable system. SSH-2 permits
certificates to be included with public keys, opening the door for
PKI techniques. The current SSH-2 specification defines formats for
X.509, SPKI, and OpenPGP certificates, although no current SSH
implementation supports their use.
Certificates, in theory, can also apply to user authentication. For
instance, a certificate can bind a username to a public key, and SSH
servers can accept valid certificates as authorization for the
private key holder to access an account. This system provides the
benefits of hostbased authentication without the fragile dependence
on peer host security. If PKIs become more common, perhaps such
features will appear. Authentication
In order to
an SSH-1 client tries a sequence of authentication methods chosen
from the set allowed by the server -- public-key, password,
trusted host, etc. -- until one succeeds or all fail. This method
is an all-or-nothing proposition; there's no way for a server
to require multiple forms of authentication, since as soon as one
method succeeds, the authentication phase ends.
The SSH-2 protocol is more flexible: the server informs the client
which authentication methods are usable at any point in the exchange,
as opposed to just once at the beginning of the connection, as in
SSH-1. Thus, an SSH-2 server can, for example, decide to disallow
public-key authentication after two unsuccessful attempts but still
continue allowing the password method only. One use of this feature
is interesting to note. SSH-2 clients usually first make an
authentication request using a special method, "none." It
always fails and returns the real authentication methods permitted by
the server. If you see puzzling references in the SSH logs indicating
that the method "none" has "failed," now you
know what's going on (and it's normal).
An SSH-2 server also may indicate partial success: that a particular
method succeeded, but further authentication is necessary. The server
therefore can require the client to pass multiple authentication
tests for login, say, both password and hostbased. The SSH2 server
configuration keyword RequiredAuthentications
controls this feature, which OpenSSH/2 currently lacks. [ Section 5.5.1, "Authentication"] Integrity checking
Improving on SSH-1's weak CRC-32 integrity
check, SSH-2 uses cryptographically strong Message
Authentication Code (MAC) algorithms to provide integrity and data
origin assurance. The MAC methods and keys for each direction
(separate from the session encryption keys) are determined during the
key-exchange phase of the protocol. SSH-2 defines several MAC
algorithms, and requires support for hmac-sha1, a 160-bit hash
using the standard keyed HMAC construction with SHA-1. (See RFC-2104,
"HMAC: Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication.") Hostbased authentication
An SSH server needs some sort of client host identifier to perform
hostbased authentication. Specifically, it
needs this for two operations:
- Looking up the client host key
- Matching the client host while performing authorization via the
hostbased control files (shosts.equiv, etc.)
Call these operations the
HAUTH process. Now, there is an important
difference between trusted-host authentication in protocols 1 and 2:
in SSH-2, the authentication request contains the client hostname,
whereas in SSH-1 it doesn't. This means that SSH-1 is
constrained to use the client IP address, or a name derived from the
address via the naming service, as the identifier. Since the SSH-1
server's idea of the client host identity is tied to the
client's network address, RhostsRSA authentication can't
work completely (or sometimes at all) in the following common
- Mobile client with a changing IP address (e.g., a laptop being
carried around and connected to different networks)
- Client behind a network-visible proxy, such as SOCKS
- Client with multiple network addresses ("multihomed"),
unless the corresponding DNS entries are arranged in a particular way
The SSH-2 protocol, on the other hand, doesn't impose this
restriction: the hostbased authentication process is in principle
independent of the client's network address. An SSH-2 server
has two candidates at hand for the client identifier: the name in the
authentication request,
Nauth and the name looked
up via the client's network address,
Nnet. It can simply
ignore Nnet altogether,
using Nauth for
HAUTH instead. Of course, the known-hosts list
and hostbased authorization files must be maintained using that
namespace. Indeed, Nauth
can be chosen from any space of identifiers, not necessarily tied or
related to the network naming service at all. For clarity's
sake, it should probably continue to be the client's canonical
As currently implemented,
SSH2 doesn't do
this. sshd2 behaves just as
sshd1 does, using
Nnet for
HAUTH and uses
Nauth only as a sanity
check. If Nnet
sshd2 fails the authentication. This is really
backwards and causes hostbased authentication to be much less useful
than it could be, since it continues to not work in the scenarios
noted earlier. The authors have suggested to SCS to instead use
Nauth for
HAUTH and implement the
Nnet =
Nauth check as a per-host
option. It makes sense as an extra bit of security, in cases where
it's known that the client host address should never change.
This is analogous to public-key authentication, which is independent
of the client host address, but which admits additional restrictions
based on the source address when appropriate (via the
"hosts=" authorized_keys
option). Session rekeying
more data that's encrypted with a particular key and available
for analysis, the better an attacker's chances of breaking the
encryption. It is therefore wise to periodically change keys if large
amounts of data are being encrypted. This isn't much of an
issue with asymmetric keys, since they are typically used only to
encrypt small amounts of data, producing digital signatures over hash
values or encrypting symmetric keys. A key for the bulk data cipher
of an SSH connection, however, might encrypt hundreds of megabytes of
data, if it's being used to transfer large files or perform
protected backups, for example. The SSH-2 protocol provides a way for
either side of an SSH connection to initiate a re-keying of the
session. This causes the
client and server to negotiate new session keys and take them into
use. SSH-1 doesn't provide a way to change the bulk cipher key
for a session. SSH-1/SSH-2: summary
Table 3-3 summarizes the important differences
between Versions 1.5 and 2.0 of the SSH protocol.
Table 3-3. SSH-1 and SSH-2 Differences
SSH-2 |
SSH-1 |
Separate transport, authentication, and connection protocols. |
One monolithic protocol. |
Strong cryptographic integrity check. |
Weak CRC-32 integrity check. |
Supports password changing. |
N/A |
Any number of session channels per connection (including none). |
Exactly one session channel per connection (requires issuing a remote
command even when you don't want one). |
Full negotiation of modular cryptographic and compression algorithms,
including bulk encryption, MAC, and public-key. |
Negotiates only the bulk cipher; all others are fixed. |
Encryption, MAC, and compression are negotiated separately for each
direction, with independent keys. |
The same algorithms and keys are used in both directions (although RC4 uses separate keys, since the
algorithm's design demands that keys not be reused). |
Extensible algorithm/protocol naming scheme allows local extensions
while preserving interoperability. |
Fixed encoding precludes interoperable additions. |
User authentication methods:
- public-key (DSA, RSA, OpenPGP)
- hostbased
- password
- (Rhosts dropped due to insecurity)
Supports a wider variety:
- public-key (RSA
- RhostsRSA
- password
- Rhosts
- Kerberos
Use of Diffie-Hellman key agreement removes the need for a server key. |
Server key used for forward secrecy on the session key. |
Supports public-key certificates. |
N/A |
User authentication exchange is more flexible and allows requiring
multiple forms of authentication for access. |
Allows exactly one form of authentication per session. |
Hostbased authentication is in principle independent of client
network address, and so can work with proxying, mobile clients, etc.
(but see Section, "Hostbased authentication"). |
RhostsRSA authentication is effectively tied to the client host
address, limiting its usefulness. |
Periodic replacement of session keys. |
N/A |
3.5.2. Implementation Differences
There are many differences among the
current crop of SSH-1 and SSH-2 implementations. Some are direct
results of the different protocols, such as the ability to require
multiple forms of authentication or support of the DSA public-key
algorithm. Others are feature differences that aren't dictated
by the protocols, but are simply inclusions or omissions by the
software authors. Here we discuss some nonprotocol-related design and
feature differences among OpenSSH, SSH1, and SSH2: Host keys
SSH host keys are
long-term asymmetric keys that distinguish and identify hosts running
SSH, or instances of the SSH server, depending on the SSH
implementation. This happens in two places in the SSH protocol:
- Server authentication verifying the server host's identity to
connecting clients. This process occurs for every SSH
- Authentication of a client host to the server; used only during
RhostsRSA or hostbased user authentication.
Unfortunately, the term "host key" is confusing. It
implies that only one such key may belong to a given host. This is
true for client authentication but not for server authentication,
because multiple SSH servers may run on a single machine, each with a
different identifying key. [34] This so-called "host key"
actually identifies a running instance of the SSH server program, not
a machine.
SSH1 maintains a single database serving both server authentication
and client authentication. It is the union of the system
known_hosts file (
/etc/ssh_known_hosts), together with the user's
file on either the source machine (for server authentication) or the
target machine (for client authentication). The database maps a
hostname or address to a set of keys acceptable for authenticating a
host with that name or address. One name may be associated with
multiple keys (more on this shortly).
SSH2, on the other hand, maintains two separate maps for these
- The hostkeys map for server host authentication
- The knownhosts map for client host authentication
Hooray, more confusing terminology. Here, the term "known
hosts" is reused with slightly different formatting (knownhosts
versus known_hosts) for an overlapping but not identical purpose.
While SSH1 keeps host keys in a file with multiple entries, SSH2
stores them in a filesystem directory, one key per file, indexed by
filename. For instance, a knownhosts directory
looks like:
$ ls -l /etc/ssh2/knownhosts/
total 2
-r -- r -- r --
1 root root 697 Jun 5 22:22 wynken.sleepy.net.ssh-dss.pub
-r -- r -- r --
1 root root 697 Jul 21 1999 blynken.sleepy.net.ssh-dss.pub
Note that the filename is of the form <hostname>.< key
The other map, hostkeys, is keyed not just on
name/address, but also on the server's TCP listening port; that
is to say, it is keyed on TCP sockets. This allows for multiple keys
per host in a more specific manner than before. Here, the filenames
are of the form key_ <
port number >
_ <hostname>
.pub. The following example shows the public
keys for one SSH server running on wynken, port 22, and two running on
blynken, ports 22 and 220.
Furthermore, we've created a symbolic link to make
"nod" another name for the server at wynken:22. End users may add to these
maps by placing keys (either manually or automatically by client)
into the directories ~/.ssh2/knownhosts and
$ ls -l /etc/ssh2/hostkeys/
total 5
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 757 May 31 14:52 key_22_blynken.sleepy.net.pub
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 743 May 31 14:52 key_22_wynken.sleepy.net.pub
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 755 May 31 14:52 key_220_wynken.sleepy.net.pub
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 May 31 14:57 key_22_nod.pub ->
Even though it allows for multiple keys per host, SSH2 is missing one
useful feature of SSH1: multiple keys per
name. This sounds like the same thing, but there's a
subtle difference: names can refer to more than one host. A common
example is a set of load-sharing login servers hidden behind a single
hostname. A university might have a set of three machines intended
for general login access, each with its own name and address:
In addition, there is a single generic name that carries all three
login.foo.edu {,,}
The university
computing center tells people to connect only to login.foo.edu, and the
university's naming service hands out the three addresses in
round-robin order (e.g., using round-robin DNS) to share the load
among the three machines. SSH has problems with this setup by
default. Each time you connect to login.foo.edu, you have a 2/3 chance of
reaching a different machine than you reached last time, with a
different host key. SSH repeatedly complains that the host key of
login.foo.com has changed
and issues a warning about a possible attack against your client.
This soon gets annoying. With SSH1, you can edit the
known_hosts file to associate the generic name
with each of the individual host keys, changing this:
login1.foo.edu 1024 35 1519086808544755383...
login2.foo.edu 1024 35 1508058310547044394...
login3.foo.edu 1024 35 1087309429906462914...
to this:
login1.foo.edu,login.foo.edu 1024 35 1519086808544755383...
login2.foo.edu,login.foo.edu 1024 35 1508058310547044394...
login3.foo.edu,login.foo.edu 1024 35 1087309429906462914...
With SSH2, however, there's no general way to do this; since
the database is indexed by entries in a directory, with one key per
file, it can't have more than one key per name.
It might seem that you're losing some security by doing this,
but we don't think so. All that's really happening is the
recognition that a particular name may refer to different hosts at
different times, and thus you tell SSH to trust a connection to that
name if it's authenticated by any of a given set of keys. Most
of the time, that set happens to have size 1, and you're
telling SSH, "When I connect to this name, I want to make sure
I'm connecting to this particular host." With multiple
keys per name, you can also say, "When I connect to this name,
I want to make sure that I get one of the following set of
hosts." That's a perfectly valid and useful thing to do.
Another way to solve this problem is for the system administrators of
login. foo.com to install
the same host key on all three machines. But this defeats the ability
for SSH to distinguish between these hosts, even if you want it to.
We prefer the former approach. No fallback to rsh
Not only does SSH1 support
rsh-style authentication, but
also ssh can invoke rsh
automatically if a remote host has no SSH server running. Along with
Rhosts authentication support, this feature is deliberately absent
from SSH2, due to the poor security of rsh. [ Section, "RSH issues"] Setuid client
The SSH1 client needs to be installed as setuid root in
order to use RhostsRSA authentication. There are two reasons for
this: host key access and privileged source ports. The privileged
port requirement from the client is a holdover from
rsh-style authentication that adds no security to
RhostsRSA, and that requirement has been dropped from SSH2 hostbased
authentication. [ Section, "Trusted-host authentication (Rhosts and RhostsRSA)"]
The remaining reason for a setuid client is access to the private
host key file. The host key is stored unencrypted, so SSH can access
it without a human to type a passphrase. Therefore the file
containing the private host key must be protected from general read
access. The SSH server usually runs as root for other reasons, and so
can read any file. The client, though, is run by ordinary users, yet
must have access to the private host key to engage in trusted-host
authentication. The file is usually installed as readable only by the
root user, and so the client needs to be setuid root.
Now, on general security grounds, one tries to avoid installing
setuid programs if at all possible -- most especially those that
setuid to root. Any such program must be carefully written to prevent
abuse. Preferably, a setuid program should be small and simple with
little user interaction. The big, complicated SSH client, which talks
constantly with users as well as other machines, is definitely not a
safe candidate.
SSH2 sidesteps this problem by introducing the
program. ssh-signer2 factors into a separate
program that portion of the client that requires access to the
private host key. It speaks the SSH packet protocol on its standard
input and output and takes as input a hostbased authentication
request to be signed. It carefully checks the request for validity;
most particularly, it checks that the username in the request is that
of the user running ssh-signer2, and that the
hostname is the canonical name of the current host. If the request is
valid, ssh-signer2 signs the request with the host
key and returns it.
Since ssh-signer2 is a relatively small and
simple, it is easier to be confident that it is securely written and
safe to make setuid. In turn, the SSH client itself is no longer
setuid; when it needs to sign a hostbased authentication request, it
runs ssh-signer2 as a subprocess to get the
Although the SSH2 installation process makes the private host key
readable only by root, and ssh-signer2 setuid
root, there is no real need to use the root account for this purpose,
and indeed every reason not to. It suffices to create a new,
unprivileged user for this specific purpose, say, "ssh."
It should be a locked account with no password and no way to log into
it, and the account information should be stored in local files
(e.g., /etc/passwd,
/etc/group) rather than NIS. You should then
make the host key file readable only by this account and make
ssh-signer2 setuid and owned by it. For example:
# chown ssh /etc/ssh_host_key
# chmod 400 /etc/ssh_host_key
# chown ssh /usr/local/bin/ssh-signer2
# chmod 04711 /usr/local/bin/ssh-signer2
This has the same effect as the default installation and is even less
risky since it doesn't involve a setuid root program.
You can do the same thing with ssh1, but it
renders trusted-host authentication unusable, since the server
demands a privileged source port for the RhostsRSA mechanism. SSH-1 backward compatibility
SSH2 can provide backward
compatibility for the SSH-1 protocol if
the entire SSH1 package is also installed on the same machine. The
SSH2 client and server simply run their SSH1 counterparts when they
connect to a partner running the older protocol. This is rather
cumbersome. It's also wasteful and slow, since each new
sshd1 needs to generate its own server key, which
otherwise the single master server only regenerates once an hour.
This wastes entropy, sometimes a precious commodity, and can cause
noticeable delays in the startup of SSH-1 connections to an SSH2
server. Further, it is an administrative headache and a security
problem, since one must maintain two separate SSH server
configurations and try to make sure all desired restrictions are
adequately covered in both.
Beginning with Version 2.1.0,
OpenSSH supports
both SSH-1 and SSH-2 in a single set of programs, though the support
isn't yet as complete as that found in SSH2. (For example,
hostbased authentication is missing; this doesn't affect
compliance with SSH-2, though, since that support is optional.) This
technique avoids the problems inherent in the SSH2 mechanism. The
SSH-1 protocol is still considered the primary option; if
you're contacting a server that supports both protocols, the
OpenSSH client uses SSH-1. You can force it to use SSH-2 with the
-2 switch, or the "protocol 2"
configuration statement.
 |  |  | 3.4. Inside SSH-1 |  | 3.6. As-User Access |