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HTTP response headers added by VIP

A set of default HTTP response headers are added to every site that is hosted on the VIP Platform. These headers help VIP to monitor the platform and can be useful for troubleshooting the origin of a request.

x-cache response header

Incoming requests to a site hosted on WordPress VIP are first encountered by the page cache on the platform’s global network of edge cache servers. Requests are handled by the server that is located closest to the user making a request. The page cache determines if the request can be served a cached response or if fresh content must be retrieved from the origin server.

The value of the x-cache HTTP response header indicates the type of interaction that the response had with the page cache (e.g., HITMISS, or BYPASS).

x-cache responseResponse description
BYPASSThe cache was bypassed and the response is from the origin server.
EXPIREDThe cache has expired. Fresh content was fetched from the origin and served to the client.
HITThe response is from the cache.
MISSThe requested content was not found in cache and the response is from the origin.
REVALIDATEDThe cache revalidated content with if-modified-since or if-none-match and the origin responded with a 304 Not Modified HTTP status.
STALEA stale cached response was served while the page cache fetches an updated response from the origin to serve to future requests.
UPDATINGThe cache is still in the process of updating stale content with a response from origin.
All possible values for the x-cache HTTP response header and their descriptions

x-rq response header

The value of the x-rq HTTP response header indicates the geographic location of the edge cache server that served the response. The first three letters in the x-rq value are an abbreviation of the city where the edge server is located. For example, the response header x-rq: sjc5 123 242 443 indicates that the response was served by the data center in San Jose (sjc), California in the United States.

X-hacker and X-Powered-By response headers

X-hacker and X-Powered-By are custom HTTP response headers that are added to every site hosted on the VIP Platform. These headers can be optionally modified or removed.

  • X-Powered-By: WordPress VIP <>
  • X-hacker: If you’re reading this, you should visit and apply to join the fun, mention this header.

Last updated: March 06, 2025

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  • Node.js
  • WordPress