Prepare for a site launch

To ensure that a launch on WordPress VIP goes smoothly and successfully, complete the preparation steps for your site launch several days before your planned launch date. A WordPress site can then be self-launched from within the VIP Dashboard.
Professional Service Upgrade
Customers who add WordPress VIP Launch Day Services to their support package will have a Technical Account Manager (TAM) assigned to them to ensure a smooth launch for their site on the VIP Platform. VIP TAMs will draft and confirm a launch plan for the site, guide customers through the necessary steps leading up to and including the site launch, and advise customers on any last-minute issues that may arise.
Prepare user accounts and site access
Ensure that your team members have the user accounts and the levels of access that they need in order to complete the launch steps that they are responsible for.
Prepare the domain
A custom domain can and should be prepared several days before a planned launch date. To be available for your site launch, the domain must be added to the VIP Dashboard and ownership of the domain must be verified.
Migrate site content
Migrate content from an existing WordPress site over to the WPVIP Platform.
Test your site
It is important to ensure that your site is working as planned before a launch.
Launch your site
After completing all of the preparation steps, you are ready to launch your site!
Last updated: March 20, 2025