Modify relationship select field labels
Within the UI you can change the display field of a relationship field to a single other value using the “Display field” option: For most cases this is sufficient but there are cases in which you would want to have a more descriptive label …
Using Pods Gravity Forms Add-On to Edit a Specific ID
Using specific filters, you can load a specific id into a Gravity Form with a Pods Feed established even if the form is not embedded on the Post
Using Pods Templates for Search
A simple way to include Pods Templates in Search Results, using the name of the Pods Template.
Find Users with Specific Role or Capability
Easy ways to find users based on role and capability or other user meta
Build Anything with Pods! Pods Template Examples
All the Pods Templates examples used in Build Anything with Pods
Users List Template.php from Creating a User Directory Tutorial
Full Users List Template from the Tutorial
Author.php from Creating a User Directory with Pods
Used in the User Directory Tutorial to replace the built-in author.php in your theme.
Dynamically Populate a Gravity Forms Field from a Pods Related Field
Dynamically populating a Gravity Form field without creating a Pods Feed for the form.
Add Fields to Pulldown Lists in Gravity Form Dynamic Population from Pods Feed
Modify what is displayed in the pulldown lists for the dynamic lists using the Pods Gravity Forms Add-on