Pods WP-CLI Commands

How to use the Pods CLI to access wp pods and wp pods api

Pods includes commands for WP-CLI that allow interaction with Pods configurations and item data.

It provides access to add / save / duplicate / delete in the Pods class and add_pod / save_pod / duplicate_pod / reset_pod / delete_pod in the PodsAPI class in the Pods Framework.

Just run these commands from within your Command Line application while in the path of your WordPress installation (or use the --path).


More Documentation on Pods WP-CLI Commands

WP-CLI Command: wp pods

The command for interacting with Pod items and content

WP-CLI Command: wp pods field

This is the Pods Admin command for managing Field configurations.

WP-CLI Command: wp pods group

This is the Pods Admin command for managing Group configurations.

WP-CLI Command: wp pods pod

This is the Pods Admin command for managing Pod configurations.

WP-CLI Command: wp pods-api

This is the command for interacting with Pod configurations, settings, and components.