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Test Integration

By this point, you should have installed the tracking code. Now it’s time to test your integration. We will review each of the events trigged by our script.

We’ve written this article with all audiences in mind so that everyone can see what’s happening for themselves.

Getting Started

Open DevTools

Regardless of the event you’re testing, they process always begins by opening your browser’s Web Development Tools with any of the following methods. Alternatively, you can use a tool like Omnibug. For Dev Tools:

  1. Use a keyboard shortcut
    • Windows/Linux
      • Ctrl + Shift + I or
      • F12 for most browsers and full-size keyboards
    • Mac
      • Cmd + Option + I (Mac) or
      • Fn + F12 for most browsers and compact keyboards
  2. Use a context menu
    • Right click anywhere on the page in your browser
    • Click “Inspect” or “Inspect Element”
  3. Find DevTools in your browser menu
    • Click the 3 vertical dots or 3 horizontal lines in the upper right corner
    • Look for any combination of “Tools” “Web” Developer”
    • Safari users will need to first enable these tools in menu: Safari > Preferences > Advanced

Navigate to DevTools > Network

With DevTools open, look for a “Network” tab and click to open it. We’ve circled the Network tab in orange in the lower-right corner of the screenshot, below.


Trigger the pageview

By default, we send a pageview event whenever someone loads your page. To verify that we’re doing this on your website, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the Network tab of DevTools (if you haven’t done so already)
  2. In the filter field, type action=pageview
  3. Navigate to a url on your website or refresh the page, if you’re already on the url of interest

Examine the pageview

By now, you should have seen one (and only one) item appear in the list. Let’s review the screenshot below for expected results and what they mean:

  1. The filter field where you type action=pageview
  2. The list of network events. By using the filter, we have fewer distractions.
  3. Click on the “Payload” tab to see the pertinent information
  4. idsite – this value should match your Site ID.
    • If you see genericconfigfree then it means that you have the tracking script on your page but that you are using an invalid Site ID. Only use Site IDs provided to you by Support.
    • Ensure you’re not using your sandbox Site ID in your production environment and vice versa
  5. url – the url that triggered the pageview. Must be a “full url” not a relative path.
  6. urlref – the referring url. This will be blank if the reader manually typed in the url into their browser. Must be a “full url” not a relative path.
  7. data – a place where you can send custom audience segment data to (if purchased)
  8. title – the headline that will appear in your Dashboard
  9. date – the publication date that will appear in your Dashboard
  10. action – the event that triggered on your site
  11. metadata – the metadata that you’re sending to that we will display in your Dashboard
DevTools with 11 items numbered so the user can test their integration

Next Steps

  • If you encountered something unexpected, please review the Troubleshooting section.
  • If you’ve successfuly tested pageviews, then you’ll likely want to proceed to the next step of the integration process, i.e., sending metadata.


SymptomPotential CauseRemedy
Nothing appears in the listThe tracking script is not on the page

If using the wp-parsely plugin, reconfigure Track Post Types As settings

If using the plugin on a multisite, ensure that you’ve installed on all sites

If the url is on a subdomain hosted by a third-party, contact them to add the tracking code
No navigation since loading DevTools Navigate to a new page

Refresh the page
There’s a typo in the filterErase the filter and look again
More than one item appeared in the list while navigatingThe tracking script is loaded more than onceIf using GTM and wp-parsely plugin, set the plugin Disable JavaScript setting to Yes

Examine your code and look for the tracking code. Try searching with for Eliminate the source of the extra script(s).
idsite says genericconfigfreeInvalid Site IDCheck the spelling of your Site ID in the tracking script.

Only use Site IDs provided by
Triggered pageviews don’t appear in DashboardDomain mismatchEnsure the Site ID matches the domain that’s sending pageviews. If you’re using the sandbox, provide testing domain(s) to [email protected] for allowlisting.
Filtered viewModify your Dashboard filter(s) to view Page Type: All Pages

If you encountered an unlisted symptom or the corresponding remedies did not solve your problem, please contact [email protected].


If pageviews are working, then there shouldn’t be a need to test heartbeats. But we’re not going to stop you! To see heartbeats on your site, perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Network tab of DevTools
  2. In the filter field, type action=heartbeat
  3. Navigate to a url on your website
  4. Open a new tab in your browser
  5. Click on the original tab used in Step 3, you should see the heartbeat event in DevTools
  6. Click on the heartbeat event
  7. If needed, click the “Payload” tab to see the pertinent information
  8. Review the inc value – this is the number of seconds that elapsed while the reader was engaged with your page

Want to learn more about how measures engaged time? Read here. Do you want to customize engaged time behavior? Read here.



  1. Video analytics is a paid, add-on, feature. If you haven’t purchased this feature, contact your Relationship Manager to schedule a demo.
  2. Ensure that you’ve completed the basic integration that includes:
  3. Ensure that you’ve completed the video analytics integration instructions
  4. Navigate to the Network tab of DevTools
  5. In the filter field, type action=videostart
  6. Navigate to a url on your website that contains your video

Trigger the videostart

  1. Complete the prerequisites in order to receive the videostart
  2. Play the video
    • If your video contains pre-roll advertising, the videostart will trigger at the beginning of pre-roll by default.
    • When integrating video, it’s up to your development team to decide when the videostart should trigger. Most of our customers trigger the videostart after pre-roll.

Review the videostart

Videostarts are similar to pageviews with the most notable difference being the metadata.

Video Heartbeat

If videostarts are working, then it’s unlikely that you’ll need to test video heartbeats. To see vheartbeats on your site, perform these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Network tab of DevTools
  2. In the filter field, type action=vheartbeat
  3. Navigate to a url on your website
  4. Play a video on your site
  5. Open a new tab in your browser
  6. Click on the original tab used in Step 3, you should see the vheartbeat event in DevTools
  7. Click on the vheartbeat event
  8. If needed, click the “Payload” tab to see the pertinent information
  9. Review the inc value – this is the number of seconds that elapsed while your visitor was playing your video
    • Skipping ahead or rewinding the video does not affect our measurement of “minutes watched”.
    • Read more about engaged time here.



  1. Conversions tracking is a paid, add-on, feature. If you haven’t purchased this feature, contact your Relationship Manager to schedule a demo.
  2. Ensure that you’ve completed the basic integration that includes:
  3. Ensure that you’ve completed the conversions integration instructions
  4. Navigate to a url on your website that contains a converting event

Debug mode (not logged to your Dashboard)

When receives a conversion event, the event becomes part of a permanent record. To avoid skewing conversions data with tests, consider using debug mode. To test in debug mode, follow these instructions:

  1. Complete the conversions prerequisites
  2. Navigate to the Console tab of DevTools
  3. Enter PARSELY.config.customizations.debug = true; and hit return
    • Expected result is true
    • Uncaught ReferenceError: PARSELY is not defined means that is not loaded on this page; ensure nothing prevents the tracking code from loading
  4. Trigger the converting event (load, submit, click)
    • Expected result will look similar to this: Debug: Conversion event would have been sent with type "" and label "".
    • No response means that the conversion did not trigger as expected. See the troubleshooting section.

Testing real conversions (logged to your Dashboard)

Pro Tip

Consider using your sandbox instead of affecting production data

  1. Navigate to the Network tab of DevTools
  2. In the filter field, type action=conversion
  3. Trigger the converting event (load, submit, click)
  4. Click on the conversion event
  5. If needed, click the “Payload” tab to see the pertinent information
  6. Review the following values in the data object:
    • _conversion_type
    • _conversion_label


Conversions that do not fire

  1. If you’re using conversions, you may view their setup by running PARSELY.conversions.initConversionsFromConfigs(PARSELY.config.customizations);. If you have a self-managed conversion, please contact your development team for troubleshooting.
  2. You should see an array. Expand the array to examine the contents. There should be an object for each of your conversions. Find the conversion that you were expecting by looking at each label.
  3. Once you’ve found the desired conversion, ensure currentUrlIsAllowed is true. If this is false then means that we’ve restricted config.allowedUrls in such a way that it prevents this conversion from firing for this url pattern. Please contact [email protected] to request a different url pattern.
  4. Check to see if matchingElements contains a populated or empty NodeList. If the NodeList is empty, then it indicates that config.selector does not match any of the elements on this url. Please contact [email protected] to request a selector that matches the desired conversion-triggering element.

Multiple conversions per triggering event

In Chrome DevTools, you may see an encircled number next to the console message. This indicates that the console sent the same message multiple times. If you intended to trigger one conversion and you see any encircled number here, then that is unwanted.

Chrome DevTools displaying two conversion events

In this case, look to see if you’ve accidentally rendered the Tracking Code multiple times on your page. It’s possible to see a single tracking script in your source code, but multiple tracking scripts getting rendered when you inspect the page.

Custom Audience Segments


  1. Audience Segmentation is a paid, add-on, feature. If you haven’t purchased this feature, contact your Relationship Manager to schedule a demo.
  2. Ensure that you’ve completed the basic integration that includes:
  3. Ensure that you’ve completed the custom audience segments integration instructions
  4. Navigate to the Network tab of DevTools
  5. In the filter field, type action=pageview

Trigger a pageview (containing segment info)

  1. Navigate to a url on your website that contains the tracking code
  2. Examine the payload of the pageview
  3. Review the value of the data key and ensure it reflects the expected information
A screenshot of Chrome Dev Tools with a red rectangle drawn around the extra data sent for custom audience segments.


If you missed the pageview and want to see what data came with it, enter into the developer console.

Running in the developer console to see the data sent in the last pageview.

Custom Events


  1. The Data Pipeline (DPL) is a paid, add-on, feature where you can see custom events. Custom events are not visible in the Dashboard. If you haven’t purchased DPL, contact your Relationship Manager to schedule a demo.
  2. Ensure that you’ve completed the basic integration that includes:
  3. Ensure that you’ve added custom events using our Dynamic Tracking instructions.
  4. Navigate to the Network tab of DevTools
  5. In the filter field, type action=custom

Sending the Custom Event

  1. Navigate to a url on your website that contains your custom event
  2. Trigger the custom event in accordance with your design
  3. View the event in DevTools

Last updated: March 05, 2025