Preferences / Localization

Preferences is the Global Settings. Replace Preferred texts in your language for Localization.
Navigate to GS Team > Shortcode and select Preferences.

  • Team Members Slug: After updating the GS Team Members slug, if a member is not found and a 404 error occurs, go to Settings > Permalinks. This action will flush the URL. Clear the cache if needed and refresh the Single Team Member page to display the updated content.
  • Disable Google Fonts: Opt to disable the loading of Google Fonts.
  • Select Single Page Style: Choose a style for a Single Page from options like Style One / Two / Three / Four / Five.
  • Enable/Disable Links for:
    • Land Phone.
    • Cell Phone.
    • Email.
  • Next / Prev Member: Toggle to show or hide Next / Prev Member links on the Single Team Template.
  • Include Fields When Searching: Activate to enable searching through all fields.
  • Lazy Load: Disable Lazy Load for team member images.
  • Multilingual: Enable Multilingual mode to translate strings using any Multilingual plugin like WPML or Loco Translate.
  • Replace Preferred Text for:
    Customize the text for specific elements by replacing them with preferred alternatives. Here’s a list of elements you can customize:
    • Filter Designation: Modify the text associated with the designation filter.
    • Search: Adjust the text related to the search function.
    • Company Search: Modify the text associated with the Company Search filter.
    • Zip Search: Customize the text for zip code search.
    • Company: Modify the text associated with the company information.
    • Address: Adjust the text related to the address field.
    • Land Phone: Customize the text for the landline phone contact.
    • Cell Phone: Modify the text associated with the cell phone contact.
    • Email: Adjust the text related to the email contact.
    • Zip Code: Adjust the text related to the zip code field.
    • Location: Customize the text for the location information.
    • Language: Modify the text associated with the language details.
    • Specialty: Adjust the text related to the specialty field.
    • Gender: Customize the text for the gender information.
    • Read On: Modify the text associated with the Read On link.
    • More: Adjust the text for the More link.
    • vCard: Customize the text related to the vCard functionality.
    • Reset Filters: Modify the text for the Reset Filters option.
    • Next: Customize the text for the carousel’s Next button.
    • Prev: Adjust the text for the carousel’s Previous button.
  • Custom CSS: Write your own custom CSS for additional styling.
Preferences / Localization for Team Members Showcase Plugin
Preferences / Localization for Team Members Showcase Plugin