Justseeds: Wholesale Account Application
Please fill out all fields and we'll review your application as soon as we can!
Please note that we do not grant wholesale accounts to other online retailers.
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Email *
Company Name: *
Please briefly describe your business, and how you envision selling Justseeds products. *
What is your business address? *
Do you have an online presence? If so, please add any URLs or social media handles: *
What's the best email we can use to contact you? *
Wholesale Terms:
1. Your first order must be a minimum of $100, and must be pre-paid before we ship.

2. Once an account is set up, payment for future orders is on 60 day terms.

3. Postage per order is paid by buyer. We will adjust and add shipping costs after packing and weighing your order.

4. Please note that most, but not all items are available at the wholesale rate of 40% off (ie- the People's History full set is only available at retail).
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