Launch a dev environment


Dev Environments is no longer under active development.

While the current functionality remains available, it may take us longer to respond to support requests.

You can launch a dev environment from a:

  • Git repository
  • Branch or tag of a Git repository
  • Sub-folder of a Git repository
  • Local folder

This does not conflict with any of the local files or local tooling set up on your host.


Install the Dev Environments browser extension for Chrome or Firefox, to launch a dev environment faster.


To get started with Dev Environments, you must also install the following tools and extension on your machine:

After Git is installed, restart Docker Desktop. Select Quit Docker Desktop, and then start it again.

Launch a dev environment from a Git repository


When cloning a Git repository using SSH, ensure you've added your SSH key to the ssh-agent. To do this, open a terminal and run ssh-add <path to your private ssh key>.


If you have enabled the WSL 2 integration in Docker Desktop for Windows, make sure you have an SSH agent running in your WSL 2 distribution.

If your WSL 2 distribution doesn't have an ssh-agent running, you can append this script at the end of your profile file (that is: ~/.profile, ~/.zshrc, ...).

function start_agent {
    echo "Initializing new SSH agent..."
    /usr/bin/ssh-agent | sed 's/^echo/#echo/' > "${SSH_ENV}"
    echo succeeded
    chmod 600 "${SSH_ENV}"
    . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null
# Source SSH settings, if applicable
if [ -f "${SSH_ENV}" ]; then
    . "${SSH_ENV}" > /dev/null
    ps -ef | grep ${SSH_AGENT_PID} | grep ssh-agent$ > /dev/null || {

To launch a dev environment:

  1. From the Dev Environments tab in Docker Dashboard, select Create. The Create a Dev Environment dialog displays.
  2. Select Get Started.
  3. Optional: Provide a name for you dev environment.
  4. Select Existing Git repo as the source and then paste your Git repository link into the field provided.
  5. Choose your IDE. You can choose either:
    • Visual Studio Code. The Git repository is cloned into a Volume and attaches to your containers. This allows you to develop directly inside of them using Visual Studio Code.
    • Other. The Git repository is cloned into your chosen local directory and attaches to your containers as a bind mount. This shares the directory from your computer to the container, and allows you to develop using any local editor or IDE.
  6. Select Continue.

To launch the application, run the command make run in your terminal. This opens an http server on port 8080. Open in your browser to see the running application.

Launch from a specific branch or tag

You can launch a dev environment from a specific branch, for example a branch corresponding to a Pull Request, or a tag by adding @mybranch or @tag as a suffix to your Git URL:


[email protected]:dockersamples/single-dev-env.git@mybranch

Docker then clones the repository with your specified branch or tag.

Launch from a subfolder of a Git repository


Currently, Dev Environments is not able to detect the main language of the subdirectory. You need to define your own base image or services in a compose-dev.yamlfile located in your subdirectory. For more information on how to configure, see the React application with a Spring backend and a MySQL database sample or the Go server with an Nginx proxy and a Postgres database sample.

  1. From Dev Environments in Docker Dashboard, select Create. The Create a Dev Environment dialog displays.
  2. Select Get Started.
  3. Optional: Provide a name for you dev environment.
  4. Select Existing Git repo as the source and then paste the link of your Git repo subfolder into the field provided.
  5. Choose your IDE. You can choose either:
    • Visual Studio Code. The Git repository is cloned into a Volume and attaches to your containers. This allows you to develop directly inside of them using Visual Studio Code.
    • Other. The Git repository is cloned into your chosen local directory and attaches to your containers as a bind mount. This shares the directory from your computer to the container, and allows you to develop using any local editor or IDE.
  6. Select Continue.

To launch the application, run the command make run in your terminal. This opens an http server on port 8080. Open in your browser to see the running application.

Launch from a local folder

  1. From Dev Environments in Docker Dashboard, select Create. The Create a Dev Environment dialog displays.

  2. Select Get Started.

  3. Optional: Provide a name for your dev environment.

  4. Choose Local directory as the source.

  5. Select Select to open the root directory of the code that you would like to work on.

    A directory from your computer is bind mounted to the container, so any changes you make locally is reflected in the dev environment. You can use an editor or IDE of your choice.


When using a local folder for a dev environment, file changes are synchronized between your environment container and your local files. This can affect the performance inside the container, depending on the number of files in your local folder and the operations performed in the container.

What's next?

Learn how to: