The building of NolaLooks, my vintage fashion and handmade jewelry shop, continues apace. Over the past few weeks, when I'm not making jewelry or assisting Grey in the photography of my items, I've been studying search engine optimization and advertising on social media, and, just incidentally, brushing up on my fashion knowledge. I feel I'm using some skills I developed over 44 years of doing drag that would otherwise go to waste now, but I was never fashion-forward enough to, say, know a baguette from a clutch or spot that ILGWU label that's one of the tells of a true vintage item, so I'm learning. I also find that I enjoy clothes shopping a hell of a lot more when I don't actually have to try on or wear any of the clothes ... and anyway, vintage shopping has a lot more in common with treasure hunting than with ordinary mall/store shopping.
I'm still doing art, too, but mostly just for enjoyment -- I mean, I still sell it online and take commissions, but I'm neither productive nor commercially appealing enough to make any kind of living at it. My goal is to finance the art-making with the vintage and jewelry, so if you're interested in one-of-a-kind handmade jewelry and vintage fashion with an accent on plus sizes or know someone who is, please visit or pass the word along. You can also like our Facebook page or follow us on Twitter (@nolalooks).
Crossposted at Dreamwidth. Comment here or there, as you will.
After a long period of semi-hibernation, I've been trying to be more active on my social media lately. While I don't love the concept or execution of Facebook, I have to admit that the ability to "like" things appeals to my lazy but basically polite nature -- it's a way of saying, "I don't have any burning response to make, but I read your comment and appreciated it." Or, as Roland D. would say, "I see you very well." (Again, my FB page is here, or if the link doesn't work for you, I am Billy Martin of New Orleans. If you send me a friend request, I'll approve it ASAP.)
Still, I remain absolutely abysmal at answering e-mail, and I know I've missed a few inquiries about stuff here, so I'm making this sticky post (ew) where folks can ask/repost questions and I will try to answer them. Please be kind!
As an old fogie of the Internet, starting when the days when rec. any newsgroup ever was a thing, I remember getting real excited about your writing. Today your name popped into my head, so I went…
Hi mate, you were a big influence to me in my younger goth days Could you give me the quote where you mention Beetlejuice and the conclusion of Lydia conforming to the preppiness? I could do with it…
I hope this message finds you at some point in time, and reaches you with great honor to have been in contact with you. I received your book "Love in Vein II" from my eldest cousin when I was about…
Could you give me the quote where you mention Beetlejuice and the conclusion of Lydia conforming to the preppiness? I could do with it…
yoo RITE!!
Gotta lotta
kold_kadavr_ flatliner