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eBay & Royalties

eBay auctions ending in a couple of hours. I'm hoping the next round I post will have some hand-crafted items. Not sure yet.

Today's mail brought a Dell royalty check that will allow me to pay my house note this month. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lost Souls, Drawing Blood, and Wormwood. I can't deny there are things about you that make me look back and cringe, but you've saved my ass any number of times. And an even bigger hat tip of gratitude to the readers who keep buying you.


( 13 comments — Leave a comment )
May. 1st, 2012 07:49 pm (UTC)
I have to say, I love the unexpected out of nowhere royalty checks!

And YAY!
May. 1st, 2012 08:12 pm (UTC)
Yay! I bought all three a couple months ago cuz I keep giving my own copies away. Glad it helped! xoxo
May. 1st, 2012 09:04 pm (UTC)

Heya. Would you please email me your present home addy? I seem to have lost it, and I have something I'd like to send. Oh, mine is still greygirlbeast(at)gmail(dot)com.
May. 4th, 2012 03:51 pm (UTC)
Just saw this, & sending it.
May. 1st, 2012 09:22 pm (UTC)
i never get used to hearing swamp foetus called wormwood even tho...
i know, i know...
May. 1st, 2012 11:29 pm (UTC)
My daughter pushes those books to everyone she knows...she loves them to death (wore out my copy of Lost Souls, she did.) Thank god for royalties, eh?

Thanks for following my seven bazillion pinboards, BTW.
May. 2nd, 2012 01:11 am (UTC)
Rereading the Liquor books as we speak...My heart hopes that one day you will add to the series.I'm so glad you got a check but it's because your works are some great books that will be rediscovered time and time's just good things happen to good people,Karma dude :)
May. 2nd, 2012 05:25 am (UTC)
Hey Billy, My daughter and I are two of the biggest Lost Souls/Drawing Blood fanboy geeks you'll likely ever see. Many copies of each have been shared, gifted, or just worn to pieces, we will always need new copies! Never cringe when you look back at those... We often discuss what a great film Lost Souls could be, done properly. Your earlier stuff (the "horror" bits) are way up there with the King Himself, so never doubt, great as you are, you entertained the shit out of folks then, as well. Those books (including Exquisite Corpse, and the sublime Plastic Jesus) will always be dear to my child's heart and mine.
May. 2nd, 2012 06:28 am (UTC)
btw, my girl is 16, so i'm not an evil parent. :)
May. 4th, 2012 01:53 am (UTC)
something you should see
May. 5th, 2012 05:33 pm (UTC)
What makes you look back and cringe?
Anastasia Policastri
May. 6th, 2012 04:40 pm (UTC)
I must have 3 copies of Lost Souls and 2 Drawing Blood. They get read to death before I replace them. My original Lost Souls is held together with a rubber band.
May. 18th, 2012 08:23 pm (UTC)
don't regret your past - embrace it
Billy - I have followed you for years - please don't regret or cringe about your old books - that was just where you were then. You're writing - all of it - has given me so much enjoyment. Yes, you've made me squirm - but that's a good thing sometimes. Embrace all of you. You are outstanding.

A friend in Tucson
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