Game of Thrones box is finished, and now I feel sort of empty even though it's basically just a piece of fan art. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, especially since I've seen fan art that touched my own heart, but I surely can't take full credit for it and I don't know whether I can sell it on eBay. Not sure if I want to; even if it's a response to someone else's creativity, it's the first creative thing I've done in three years. I'll be posting photos, at any rate, possibly more than anybody wants to see. It's a detailed object.
When I said the ending of A Storm of Swords disturbed me and made me kind of angry? I did not mean I thought the novel should have ended differently. I value a story that can make me feel like that. I don't find them very often. I just needed to take a break and read some nice fiction about nice people who just do normal things like throwing their spouses down wells, and also Me and Dean: A Love Story by Jerry Lewis (more on that later). And apparently I also needed to make a box. But I'm starting to miss all those dreadful Lannisters, Starks, Greyjoys, and Targaryens, not to mention the Hound whom I love though I don't know why, and I'm about ready for further punishment. (Speaking of
grrm fan art, has everyone seen this amazing map of Westeros?)
Good God, what a fanboy I have become in my old age. It serves me right.
I think the When I said the ending of A Storm of Swords disturbed me and made me kind of angry? I did not mean I thought the novel should have ended differently. I value a story that can make me feel like that. I don't find them very often. I just needed to take a break and read some nice fiction about nice people who just do normal things like throwing their spouses down wells, and also Me and Dean: A Love Story by Jerry Lewis (more on that later). And apparently I also needed to make a box. But I'm starting to miss all those dreadful Lannisters, Starks, Greyjoys, and Targaryens, not to mention the Hound whom I love though I don't know why, and I'm about ready for further punishment. (Speaking of
Good God, what a fanboy I have become in my old age. It serves me right.
- Current Mood:
only now i have (Doc Misery) type visions...
"What's in the box Doc?"
doc:: *innocently* oh toes and nails and such."
*vague moans from closet*
"toes AND nails?"
doc: "Don't ask."
"Oh, ok."
*Louder frantic moans*
doc *shaking head* "I told you George; HE DID NOT!"
*picks up box* "Excuse me I just have to"-
voice from closet. "Help!"
etc, etc.
Edited at 2012-04-30 06:56 am (UTC)
Thank you!
I think I'm gonna re-read your books now :p