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Treasure Box

Well, Grey warned me that all the creative energy he's had lately might rub off. I just pulled an all-nighter making my first piece of art/crafts in I don't even know how long*, one of my "treasure boxes." It's obviously inspired by the Song of Ice and Fire books, and felt/feels (it's not quite finished) like an enthusiastic but angry response to book 3, A Storm of Swords. I wasn't angered by the novel in a critical/social way, but in a purely emotional way, by how much it managed to blindside and disturb my "Tra la la, yum yum, I'm so enjoying my foray into epic fantasy" Constant Reader-self. Which is a powerful thing and I value it, but I also needed to create some kind of response. This box will probably be for sale on eBay at some point if it doesn't get too derivative. Here are a couple of VERY preliminary photos:

thronesbox by funkyegret
thronesbox, a photo by funkyegret on Flickr.

thronesbox1 by funkyegret
thronesbox1, a photo by funkyegret on Flickr.

Also had a brief but friendly text conversation with Chris about one of those dumb little things that nobody but us would know or care about. I hope we can keep that up some.

*Actually, yes I do, thanks to LJ tags. Three years almost to the day, on April 16, 2009.


( 19 comments — Leave a comment )
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:20 am (UTC)
I'm curious what part of Storm Of Swords effected you so much?
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:26 am (UTC)
Both weddings, and the Gods-damned horrific nightmare-inducing ending. And in general, just the way it astounded me at every turn -- maybe I was reading too fast, but I saw very few of the plot twists coming, and I kept hollering "NO WAY!" or "HE DID NOT!" every couple of chapters. I'm also impressed by how Stannis is becoming a much more complex character than I expected.
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:28 am (UTC)
I must have a crueler mind than you. The second wedding had me scream 'Yes!" in the middle of the bar I was reading it at.

(The red wedding didn't bother me either because I always, always hated one of the characters in it.)
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:30 am (UTC)
I hated that character too, but they have suffered too much even for my sadistic heart at this point. If we're talking about the same character. The one who shows up in the epilogue looking all pudding-y.
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:31 am (UTC)
That's the one!

All I could think was "good riddance!"
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:33 am (UTC)
Me too ... but then it WASN'T!
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:34 am (UTC)
That did piss me off - but apparently they aren't doing anything about it until book 6 so at this point I'm just pretending that last scene didn't happen and that the person is no longer among us.

I'm almost wondering if Martin forgot about or regretted that epilogue.
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:38 am (UTC)
Interesting -- I figured we were going to have






ZOMBIE MOMMY HORROR. And God help us, perhaps we still will.
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:40 am (UTC)
That was my worry still, but so far not so much. She's mentioned incredibly briefly in Dance With Dragons but not in any meaningful way.
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:36 am (UTC)
P.S. I would pay extra money for a "special edition" where Bran and Theon were also at that wedding.
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:37 am (UTC)
Ha! Well, Theon's left pinkie isn't doing too well, anyway.
(Deleted comment)
May. 9th, 2012 06:28 pm (UTC)
Puddin' ... I LOLed, then went to Hell.
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:28 am (UTC)
(Also, you can't see it in the pix, but the box includes a hidden message that says "IF YOU WANT TO GO HOME COME TO THE GODSWOOD)
Apr. 27th, 2012 11:29 am (UTC)
Apr. 27th, 2012 03:38 pm (UTC)

Oh, I love the box...

Ignoring all talk of books I have yet to read (but will very soon, after having just finished season 1 of the show).
Actually considering listening to the audio books, if I can get some time to make things again.
Apr. 27th, 2012 03:44 pm (UTC)
That's beautiful, Doc!
Apr. 27th, 2012 05:34 pm (UTC)
I don't know the books at all, but the box is truly handsome.
Apr. 27th, 2012 10:06 pm (UTC)
I have become the craft queen,redoing everything I can,refinishing furniture,making rag rugs,sewing etcetc...must stay busy...I LOVE the box!, I want to do a desk like your box but have never tackled something like that...reupolstering chairs now lol
Apr. 28th, 2012 02:34 pm (UTC)
Very nice!
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