I miss my Internet access. Lacking it, I'm mostly immersed in the world of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. I'm reading each book twice through so as not to get too far ahead of Grey, who's reading it with me, and also because I am not used to memorizing all these millions of families and their various knights and maesters and so on. He reads more slowly but more thoroughly than I do. I've only seen one scene (THAT SCENE) from the HBO series, but holy shit, does it ever look well cast.
Financially, things have eased up a little. Grey sold a couple of art pieces and I've been editing and eBaying my little heart out. Between hard work and the kindness of strangers (and friends), food has been more plentiful, and this week, for the first time in months, I was able to get my testosterone gel (a.k.a. Man Juice) without totally clearing out my bank account. Gotta edit faster, though. I'm good but slow.
- Current Mood:
The show is well cast with the exception of Catelynn Stark - who they make very sympathetic on the show, while in the books she's sort of a nasty selfish person.
Especially amusing that their names are Cummings and Fruits. Be sure to read the comments.
On a (somewhat) unrelated note, I was ALMOST right - the new Stephen King "Dark Tower" novel comes out on the 24th (not the 23rd). Check it out: http://www.amazon.com/The-Wind-Through-Keyhole-Tower/dp/1451658907/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1334634862&sr=1-1
I am going to pick up a copy for myself and I get a discount at a lot of area bookstores because I teach, so I could easily get one for you as well. If you'd like me to send you a copy, just shoot me an email and I will send one your way. :)
PS: "A Song of Fire and Ice" RULES - my partner just downloaded the most recent episode and we're going to watch it tomorrow night! :D