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Book Doctoring

I'm thinking of resuming my editing/book doctoring work on a very limited scale, only one or two manuscripts at first. I don't especially like the work, but I think I'm pretty good at it -- at least two of the novels I worked on back in 2007-2008 have since been professionally published -- and the wolf is at the door. Posting this mostly to gauge interest, so please comment. Questions are welcome. If I worked with you on a manuscript and you feel like commenting, that would also be fabulous. If you don't want to post here, you can e-mail me at bookdocbrite (at) gmail (dot) com with "Dr. Brite" in the subject line.


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Mar. 19th, 2012 03:14 am (UTC)
I know someone who has a VERY odd horror-ish book that I've been acting as book coach with. She'd probably like to talk to someone about how to get it sold, and I have no idea where to send her. any interest in that sort of consulting/coaching?
Mar. 19th, 2012 03:27 am (UTC)
What I do is read the manuscript, then provide an extensive line edit and a letter of editorial commentary. I can't provide industry contacts or tell an author how to get an agent/editor, but I can speak from experience on how to make a manuscript more marketable. If this sounds like something she'd be interested in, please put her in touch!
Mar. 19th, 2012 08:41 am (UTC)
Doc, I would jump at the chance if you started this up again :) - my manuscript isn't finished yet, but when it is, it'll probably be around a 60k novella, more or less in the horror genre with a skew towards psychological horror (with a vampirey undercurrent, but I am trying to avoid using the word 'vampire' because certain people have soured the genre for me in the last few years ;P).

Anyway, just raising my hand and saying 'yes, definitely keen!' if you decide to do it again. It would be a good incentive to hurry up and properly finish draft 1, too!

Mar. 19th, 2012 11:31 am (UTC)
As a fellow writer all I can say is that when the wolves are at the door you have to take the jobs even if they are boring/sucky. It's the price we pay for the times we get paid a lot for the stuff we like to write and the freedom to not have to be in an office.

Last fall when I lost a major freelance client (he got caught moving money offseas) I spent a month or so freelancing for a site where I had to pose online as "Mistress Xxx" convincing guys I was a woman and telling them their dicks were too small and they should just jerk off into the toilet because they had to right to get their seed near a woman.

It was really, really boring (and let me tell you how gross/boring it can be to have to look at a ton of random guys' beer bellies and dicks as part of the job), but kept the lights on and the rent paid.

Writers got to do what writers got to do.

Edited at 2012-03-19 11:32 am (UTC)
Mar. 19th, 2012 01:34 pm (UTC)
Dude, I would do that job. Hook me up! :)
Mar. 19th, 2012 01:40 pm (UTC)
I know it sounds fun in theory (and sort of is fun for the first day or so) but, man it gets boring really, really quickly. The dudes want you to say the same things over and over and over again. And they are all convinced you aren't really looking at their dick pics, so you have to make sure you actually check them out so you can write something distinctive yet dismissive about them - but god forbid you use sentences with big words, because while some sub guys are really bright, others have the mental capacity of people who comment on Daily Mail articles.

Then you get the guys who are conflicted about what they are paying for and so when you tell them they have a tiny dick (because that is what they are fucking paying you for) they suddenly get weird and ranting about how they hate the world and want to kill themselves - and there is no way to tell if this is part of their fantasy or if you have really just triggered a shame spiral in them.
(Deleted comment)
Mar. 19th, 2012 02:22 pm (UTC)
Same here, same here! And I'm letting some other writer friends of mine know about this.
Mar. 19th, 2012 03:48 pm (UTC)
Dude, I think this is a brilliant idea! You have so many talents that you can expand upon and earn an income from. I also remember your creative journals and dolls that you put up on ebay too.
Mar. 19th, 2012 09:35 pm (UTC)
I was privileged to have you doctor a novel of mine that had been languishing since being returned from an agent who never got it published for me. While it still languishes unpublished, that has nothing to do with you and everything to do with me. I really enjoyed the interactions I had with you and know that you helped me improve the work in general and my many punctuation challenges in specific. I particularly appreciated your overall impressions of the work, as well as your compassion in how you critiqued it to this essentially timid author.
Mar. 20th, 2012 03:24 am (UTC)
Thanks for commenting here! Best of luck with your work.
Mar. 19th, 2012 10:15 pm (UTC)

Any genre limits or preferences?
Mar. 20th, 2012 03:24 am (UTC)
Nope. My tastes are catholic. ;-)
Mar. 28th, 2012 11:05 am (UTC)
What about a few short stories? I have a little handful, maybe enough to make up half of a collection, & I'm new to this whole thing, but I'd like some help with them.
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