Just had a great phone conversation with Harlan Ellison, who has all the old fuck-you back in his voice, and the sweetness I've always known from him, too, regardless of his fearsome reputation. We laughed a lot. I do love that man; he's one of those people with whom I can always pick up right where we left off even if we haven't spoken for donkey's years.
Tonight I'm going to read 11/22/63, or at least a big chunk of it. It's indicative of my recent chaotic mood that I've had it since Saturday and haven't even started it yet.
(P.S. I made the private entries public again, if anyone wants them.)
- Current Mood:
I talked to Harlan a few days ago as well and he sounded much more like his old self than he has in awhile.
And keep feeling better, OK? Maybe good moods improve facial hair growth...
He talked to me after I received some pretty devastating news and had me laughing by the end of the call.
He does seem to be more the ol' Harlan these days.
Glad you're doing better!
keep 'em coming :)
*ducks and runs*
My favorite:
There's also a tomb in Metairie Cemetery with a carving of a tomb on it. I've GOT to get a picture of that.
(Had I known it was so easy to win over the ladies, I wouldn've saved a LOT on flowers over the years). :)
By the way: have to run (and leave your community for a while) to drive someone to the train station, but...on the subject of facial hair (which was posted about on another page). I STILL can't grow a complete beard (there's a hole on one side of my face -- and absolutely NO sideburns). And I'm um, er, well past your age. ;) I don't think it matters whether it's a soul patch or a van dyke or full-on Grizzly Adams-type thing. If it looks (and feels) good, go with it!
And cats are evil. But what would we do without them? I have to go quickly before my cat sees me posting. ;)