A Change of Climate by Hilary Mantel. (You can tell it's probably excellent by its Amazon page, which includes a moronic two-star review complaining that it's boring and the characters are "unsympathetic" -- generally a promising sign.) Mantel's writing reminds me somewhat of Graham Greene's, except that she seems more interested in her female characters than Greene usually did. It's about an English husband and wife who go to South Africa during apartheid and don't have a good time, and the effects of the journey's events on their lives afterward. The thing is, I have no idea where the book came from. I picked it off my shelf at random a few nights ago, but I have no memory of ever buying it, it doesn't especially seem like a book I would buy, and Chris claims no knowledge of it. It wasn't published by any publisher I've ever worked with, so it seems unlikely to have been given to me in a professional capacity. Did someone out there send it to me? If so, thanks; I enjoyed it and plan to read more of Mantel's work.
I just finished reading an excellent novel,
Could you give me the quote where you mention Beetlejuice and the conclusion of Lydia conforming to the preppiness? I could do with it…
yoo RITE!!
Gotta lotta
kold_kadavr_ flatliner