I was partly good last night. I stayed in and wrote, but what I wrote turned out to be by far the most explicit sex scene I've ever written about Rickey and G-man. I feel ambiguous about this for a couple of reasons. First, readers have been encouraging me -- sometimes not very politely -- to resume writing "erotica," and I don't like seeming as if I'm doing anything to order, so to speak. Second, Rickey and G-man have traditionally been very reticent about having their sex life splashed all over the page for my own titillation or that of readers -- there's a fairly raw scene in "Bayou de la Mère," some in The Value of X,, and, aside from a couple of soft-focus fadeouts in the Liquor novels, that's about it. However, last night's scene (in Waiting For Bobby Hebert) seemed as if it needed to be there, and I don't have a sense of the guys tapping their fingers and scowling at me, so I suppose it will be all right. My standards of "explicitness," though, have changed over the years. The days of eighteen-page sex scenes are long gone.
There has been a pair of Carolina Chickadees at our feeders off and on all day. Hardly an unusual bird for the area, but I've never had any personal visits from them before.
Could you give me the quote where you mention Beetlejuice and the conclusion of Lydia conforming to the preppiness? I could do with it…
yoo RITE!!
Gotta lotta
kold_kadavr_ flatliner