De Montfort University
Vice Chancellor office
This article offers a brief overview of key points emerging from my research into art and design lecturers’ assessment practices. I have worked in this area for some years and have carried out a range of interview-based and... more
The study explores students' and lecturers' experiences of group work assessment in a performing arts department that includes undergraduate studies in theatre, dance and film. Working from the perspective that assessment is a socially... more
This article explores connoisseurship in the context of fine art undergraduate assessment practice. I interviewed twelve fine art lecturers in order to explore and unpack the concept of connoisseurship in relation to subjectivity,... more
In this article I report on a study into fine art lecturers’ assessment practices in higher education. This study explores the ways that lecturers bring themselves into the act of assessment (Hand & Clewes 2000). I interviewed twelve fine... more
In this article we reflect on reflection. To do this, we share examples of pedagogic approaches used in undergraduate performance programmes at York St John University that re-situate reflective practice within creative practice. For... more
In this article we explore the relationship between study support teachers and those teaching on courses. Our focus is on the UK but we believe our findings to have wider relevance. Writing practitioners are part of the academy, not... more
This is a guide to help students reflect on the role of the Crit. It can be adapted for use in a local context
This research study explores the assessment practices in two higher education art and design departments. The key aim of this research was to explore art and design studio assessment practices as lived and experienced by art and design... more
This was written some years ago and it reports on a project that looked at visual plagiarism in art and design education. AbstractThere has been considerable work recently on all aspects of text-based plagiarism; however, there has been... more
This is the editorial for Volume 14 Issue 1 of the journal Art, Design and Communication in Higher Education. This editorial points the reader to the great content in this journal. The journal can be found at... more