Papers by Slavomir Bucher

This paper deals with the multi-perspective bibliometric analysis of Central European scientific ... more This paper deals with the multi-perspective bibliometric analysis of Central European scientific journals indexed in the Web of Science database and covered in the Journal Citation Reports – Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The analysis focuses on the evaluation of the (inter) national orientation of Central European Social Science journals indexed in the period 2012 – 2015. Data were obtained from the Web of Science database on October 20, 2016. The journals are divided in two groups in favour of the scientific discipline identifying the journal in the Web of Science. The first group consists of journals belonged to public health and psychology. The second group includes all social related scientific journals covered in both the SSCI and Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) databases. Journals were chosen by language versions of journals in the Web of Science, language versions of articles, authors' most important institutional affiliations; and other statistically significant indicators provided by Clarivate Analytics. Assessment of the " openness of Central European journals " to foreign authors was analyzed on the basis of the " INO indicator " (Index of National Orientation). Statistical analyses were conducted on the articles which carry the relevant scientific information. Descriptive statistics was used for the data analysis, using frequencies, percentages and means. The results of this research showed a strong orientation towards Slovakian and Czech authors regardless of the two analyzed groups. Based on INO, most of the Central European journals quality and impact were comparatively low. A competitive environment has been created for journals in the social science disciplines, especially for those with competitors in neighboring countries in fields such as psychology, economics, geography and sociology.

На основе индекса глобальной конкурентоспособности в статье проанализирована конкурентоспо-
собно... more На основе индекса глобальной конкурентоспособности в статье проанализирована конкурентоспо-
собность 41 европейской страны за период 2014–2016 гг. и доказывается, что этот показатель опре-
деляется не преимущественно каким-то одним или несколькими, а всеми факторами, включёнными
в индекс. Автор оценивает вклад каждого фактора в величину индекса глобальной конкурентоспо-
собности с применением различных статистических методов, а также с использованием дополнитель-
ных данных из Отчёта о глобальной конкурентоспособности Всемирного экономического форума за
2014–2016 гг. Анализ конкурентоспособности стран Европы в соответствии с индексом глобальной
конкурентоспособности позволяет выявить особенности существующей региональной социально-
экономической дифференциации в сравнении с усреднёнными европейскими данными. Эти характе-
ристики должны учитываться при выстраивании национальной конкурентной стратегии каждого из
государств региона. Исследование обнаруживает высокую корреляцию между рейтингом страны со-
гласно индексу глобальной конкурентоспособности и индексом развития человеческого потенциала,
внутренним валовым продуктом на душу населения, уровнем гендерного неравенства, а также конку-
рентоспособностью отрасли путешествий и туризма.

The competitiveness of 41 European countries, based on the global competitiveness index, is analy... more The competitiveness of 41 European countries, based on the global competitiveness index, is analyzed
for the period 2014–2016, proving that this indicator is primarily determined not by any one factor or
by several factors but by all of those included in the index. The author evaluates the contribution of each factor
to the value of the global competitiveness index using various statistical methods, as well as additional data
from the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Reports 2014–2016. The analysis of the competitiveness
of the European countries in line with the global competitiveness index helps reveal the specifics of
the existing regional socioeconomic differentiation compared to averaged European data. These characteristics
should be considered when building the national competitive strategy of each state of the region.
The study reveals a high correlation between a country’s rating for the global competitiveness index and the
human development index, the gross domestic product per capita, the level of gender inequality, and the
competitiveness of the travel and tourism industry.

The paper deals with regional differentiation of human resources and its determinants
identified ... more The paper deals with regional differentiation of human resources and its determinants
identified by selected indicators of human potential. The selection of correct and relevant
indicators has a key role in the identification and measurement of human potential. The aim
of the study is to outline causal and determinant relationship (the relation and the level of
dependence) in the spatial differentiation of human resources in Europe and approaches to
their interpretation. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the link between human
potential and quality or inequality of life and its effect on population from a demographic
viewpoint. Methods of correlation and regression analyses were applied. A wide range of
the most important and most often used human potential assessment indicators based on a
basic systemic classification of human potential will also be presented. Although the first
glance the quality of human resources situation in Europe might seem relatively compact,
deeper analysis showed that there are quite significant regional differences. Our results
show that set of specific condition a constant or moderately growing human capital may
aggravate the consequences of population ageing rather than alleviate them. The important
results of this study include recognition of the existence of several easily manageable
methods and ways of measuring demographic and/or socio-economic solutions to the
challenges posed by quality of human resources in Europe.

Aim : The present study examined the correlation between the achieved environmental health and ec... more Aim : The present study examined the correlation between the achieved environmental health and ecosystem vitality measured by Environmental Performance Index and factors, represented as independent variables Health Index, Environmental Sustainability, Innovations and Human Development Index in Asia. Selecting appropriate indicators and methodology for arriving at the acceptable environmental quality of life, which quantify the impacts of environmental degradation on well-being, including impacts on health, access to natural resources, and losses caused by natural disasters is a subject of much debate and research.
Methodology: Association between independent variables and Environmental Performance Index were assessed using Pearson correlation and regression models. Descriptive statistics were used in order to hierarchical classification of countries in the sample based on their competitiveness score on nine issue categories, each of which fit under one of two overarching objectives.
Results : Although significant positive correlations were found between the selected independent variables such as Health index, Environmental Sustainability, Innovation, Human Development Index and two sub-indexes of Environmental Performance. High correlation between Environmental Performance and Human Development Index suggested that the analyzed countries should improve environmental health and ecosystem vitality to improve the overall long-term sustainable development. In other words, improvement in the partial competitiveness of a country empowers growth in its long-term environmental competitiveness.
Interpretation : It is important to point out that incensement of Environmental Performance Index significantly contributes to the Human Development. In order to create sustainable and efficient green environment essential for human health that would result in desired ecosystem vitality and environmental health outcomes, there has to be cooperation between the environmental sector and others sectors in a country. The outcomes of the present research strongly highlight that high-developed Asian countries demonstrate commendable achievement regarding most effective indicators of environmental sustainability and development.
The paper presents a theoretical knowledge about clusters and its empirical application in the Sl... more The paper presents a theoretical knowledge about clusters and its empirical application in the Slovakia through the evaluation of potential for the formation of clusters. The methodology of evaluation and geographic interpretation of networks formation is developmed on the basis of a number of scientific procedures realized and used by authors in studies on similar issues. Taking into account the current aspects of regional policy in Slovakia and the EU, we have tried to analyze networks as potential source of development in the region. We provided detailed characteristics of how the cluster policy works in Slovakia, whether it brings real and effective contributions to the regional development and if it is worthy to implement cluster policy in the given institutional, political, economic and social conditions.
The primary objective of this article is to highlight the importance and the potential for the de... more The primary objective of this article is to highlight the importance and the potential for the development of special interest tourism, in the example of two post-conflict target destinations within the territories of Croatia and Slovakia. The basic ideological platform of the article is to define sociological and psychological aspects of special interest tourism, and dark tourism as a reflection of the current society, in the trend of increasing demand for places from the distant or recent past, in which some tragedy or misfortune took place.

The paper demonstrates how indices of Environmental Performance
Index (EPI) is constructed throug... more The paper demonstrates how indices of Environmental Performance
Index (EPI) is constructed through the calculation and aggregation of nine categories
reflecting national-level environmental data. This study uses the most
recent performance and trend data in order to consider the evaluation of indicators
affected on Environmental Performance competitiveness in Europe.
Selected methods of multivariable objects hierarchy and classification
have been used in the study. A wide range of the most important and most often used Environmental Performance assessment indicators based on a basic systemic
classification of environmental potential will also be presented.
High correlation between Environmental Performance and Human Development
Index suggested that the analyzed countries should improve environmental
health and ecosystem vitality to improve the overall long-term sustainable
development. In other words, improvement in the partial competitiveness of
a country empowers growth in its long-term environmental competitiveness.
This article attempts to detail a methodology for constructing an EPI
for the country and based on the EPI scores, rank the states and demonstrate
commendable achievement regarding the most effective indicators of
environmental sustainability and development.

This paper considers the evaluation of 13 factors that affect destination competitiveness and tri... more This paper considers the evaluation of 13 factors that affect destination competitiveness and tries to
compare the competitiveness levels in Slovakia and Czech Republic The goal of this paper is also to
provide a better understanding of the competitiveness of the tourist destination and the elements that
affect the competitive position of the destination, and to consider the position of both countries in
tourism trends and its competitiveness in the international market.
Secondary data, comprised of the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness indexes 2008-2013, were
included in data analysis. Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index – TTCI consists of few wider
categories whose variables affect the competitiveness of the tourism in certain countries, or, in this
case, destinations or its carries. These categories are summarized in three basic sub – indicates:
index of regulatory frames of tourism and travel, sub – index of work surrounding and infrastructure of
tourism and travel followed by the sub – index of human, cultural and natural resources. Each of the
sub – indices contains certain pillars of competitiveness which have several indicators (total of 14)
whose measurement value is obtained for each sub – index, and the sum of all the values gives the
total index of competitiveness for the tourism in the country.
Tourism has the characteristic of a sector necessitating and encouraging new investments. Tourism
plays a significant role in the closing of the balance of payments deficit with the contribution to
national income and also exchange revenue in provides. The countries that are active in the
international tourist market are constantly enforced in finding the best ways that will enable
satisfaction of the clients – tourists.

Theoretical Concept of Active Labour Market Policy from the Perspective of Economic Sociology. On... more Theoretical Concept of Active Labour Market Policy from the Perspective of Economic Sociology. One prerequisite for the effective functioning of the active labor market policy is a systematic evaluation (monitoring and audit is not enough), which is, in Slovakia, implemented in a very limited way. The problem is not only a lack of knowledge of theoretical approaches (evaluation strategies), but especially the lack of methodological approaches that could be applied to the evaluation of active labor market policy in Slovak conditions. The intention of this paper is the definition of active labor market policy in the context of labor market policy and of its institutional framework. It will be defined with respect to particular theories of the labor market (orthodox, dual and segmentation). The gradual development involving a change in the nature of unemployment has also changed strategies that have been under active labor market policies implemented for the unemployed to enter the labor market. Our intention was to create a theoretical basis for the processing of labor market analysis from the viewpoint of economic sociology. We will then deal with the ALMP’s instrumental framework and examine particular tools’ effectiveness in reducing long-term unemployment.

The age structure of a population is an important factor of progressive economic growth. Popula
... more The age structure of a population is an important factor of progressive economic growth. Popula
tion ageing is associated with the demographic characteristics of the population; when we evaluate population
ageing, we evaluate population processes and indicators that are typically interconnected and interrelated.
Two main factors contribute to the ageing of a population, namely, declines in mortality and fertility. Our
study aims at describing population ageing in the Russian Federation by the last census of 2010. The purpose
of the present paper is also to highlight selected indicators of population ageing in 83 federal subjects of Rus
sia, showing a significant spatial differentiation of population ageing, depending on gender and urban–rural
Keywords: Russian Federation, indicators of economic and social support, demographic ageing, demographic
transition, coefficients of inflow and outflow, age structure.
Brownfi elds vznikajú v rámci celého administratívneho územia miest, prirodzene je ich priestorov... more Brownfi elds vznikajú v rámci celého administratívneho územia miest, prirodzene je ich priestorová diferenciácia v rámci ÚOJ
nerovnomerná. V Košiciach prevládali (takmer 38,5 %) areály BF lokalizované v centrálnej mestskej zóne – v OÚJ Staré Mesto.
V prípade Košíc sa potvrdil predpoklad, že poloha areálu BF v rámci sídelného útvaru hrá dôležitú rolu v procese ďalšieho
redevelopmentu. Až štyri areály BF zo šiestich, ktoré sú zaradené do kategórie súčasného stavu exploatácie ako –
prebiehajúca/plánovaná rekonštrukcia/revitalizácia sú lokalizované v OÚJ Staré Mesto.

Университет Павла Йозефа Шафарика (Кошице, Словакия) конкурентоСпоСобноСть роССии на глобальном т... more Университет Павла Йозефа Шафарика (Кошице, Словакия) конкурентоСпоСобноСть роССии на глобальном туриСтичеСком рынке 1 В настоящее время сфера туризма является одним из наиболее динамично развивающихся секторов мировой экономики, который составляет значительную часть доходов многих стран. Туризм все в большей степени вовлекается в глобальные экономические и политические процессы в качестве непосредственного участника, определяет новые тенденции в моде и стиль жизни, влияет на местную и региональную самобытность отдельных государств. Целью статьи являются идентификация и оценка вторичных данных Всемирного экономического форума, опубликованных в «Отчете о конкурентоспособности секторов путешествий и туризма». В отчете подробно указываются слабые и сильные стороны отдельных стран на международном туристическом рынке. Замысел анализа заключается в более узкой спецификации показателей конкурентоспособности, которые складываются из составных индексов: I -нормативно-правовая база; II -деловая среда и инфраструктура; III -человеческие, культурные и природные ресурсы для Российской Федерации и некоторых государств постсоветского геополитического пространства. Цель настоящей статьи состоит в определении на основе 14 факторов индекса конкурентоспособности России за 2007-2015 гг. Основой конкурентного преимущества туристического направления являются первичное предложение (туристическая привлекательность) и вторичное предложение (туристическая инфраструктура и качество ее услуг). Данный анализ служит и для оценки основных факторов, которые самым существенным образом влияют на диспаритеты в конкурентоспособности Российской Федерации. В связи с высоким уровнем конкуренции на международном рынке туризма России необходимо постоянно отслеживать новые тенденции в области туризма, а также их последующее внедрение в соответствии с пожеланиями клиентов и в связи со специфическими значениями индекса конкурентоспособности.
Возрастной состав населения – важный фактор поступательного экономического роста. Анализируя ста... more Возрастной состав населения – важный фактор поступательного экономического роста. Анализируя старение населения как демографическую характеристику общества, как правило, оценивают
взаимозависимые процессы и показатели. Два главных фактора старения населения – снижение
смертности и рождаемости. В предлагаемой вниманию читателей статье старение населения Российской Федерации описывается на основе данных Всероссийской переписи 2010 г., освещаются отдельные показатели этого процесса в 83 субъектах федерации. Показана существенная пространственная дифференциация старения населения, а также в зависимости от пола и места жительства в городских или сельских поселениях.
Ключевые слова: Российская Федерация, индикаторы экономической и социальной поддержки,
демографическое старение, демографический переход, возрастная структура.

The study aims to determine the intensity of local, regional, national identity, based on the geo... more The study aims to determine the intensity of local, regional, national identity, based on the geographical research applied to the model territory of the historical centre of cities, through the names of streets and squares in the eight regional cities of Slovakia. This work largely deals with the practical possibilities of the analysis of urban toponyms and their interpretation, which may be interesting in the field of multidisciplinary studies, as we can see penetration of the topics like sociology, history and geography. We will try to define basic tendencies in the process of street nomenclature, while paying attention to the thematic focus of streets. Our ambition has been to verify the statement that the names of streets, squares or parks in the historic centre of cities, serve as indicators of the official views and ideological impressions on the political, social and historical events, in the context of our central European region.

In this paper we consider the impact of Human Development Index and Environmental Health on susta... more In this paper we consider the impact of Human Development Index and Environmental Health on sustainable development in 178 observed countries. We focus on the necessity of multidisciplinary approaches that estimate and predict how selected indicators such as (1) Improved sanitation facilities (% of population with access); (2) Life expectancy at birth, female (years); (3) Improved water source, rural areas (% of rural population with access); (4) Access to electricity (% of population), and (5) Health expenditure per capita (current USD) influence on sustainable development and environmental health in the World. The Environmental Health and Human Development Indicator allow countries to compare their social and environmental inequalities with other surrounding countries/regions. Any correlations between Environmental Health and Human Development Index as well as with five World Bank indicators were to be analyzed. The objective was also to explore the heterogeneity of observed countries according to their level of sustainable development based on Environmental Health and Human Development Index.

The purpose of the study is to focus on the understanding of sense of the place through the conce... more The purpose of the study is to focus on the understanding of sense of the place through the conceptualization of regional identity. The theory of institutionalization of regions, by geographers Chojnicki and Paasi, gives us a useful framework for understanding how regions and regional identity are emergenced and continually reproduced and thus transformed in and through the practice of individuals and institutions at variety of spatial levels. The submitted paper creates a compact mosaic of the selected theoretical approaches and chosen concepts of new regional, cultural and behavioural geography, which can be used in regional identity researches. The central purpose of the paper is to enrich and explain possibilities of utilization of behavioural techniques in the formation of the regional identity and the identity of the area. The aim of the study is to identify the level of respondents' patriotism towards the selected hierarchical and residential regions of Slovakia.

Tourism is now the largest contributor to World’s national product. The economic impact of touris... more Tourism is now the largest contributor to World’s national product. The economic impact of tourism is increasing steadily at local, national, and global levels. The goal of the paper considers the evaluation of 14 factors that affect destination competitiveness and tries to compare the competitiveness levels of European destinations. In this context, for evaluating the competitive indices of the mentioned countries must be determined weaknesses and necessary recommendations for the improvement of competitiveness measures should be taken. Secondary data, the reports published by the World Economic Forum and other international institutions will be used. Cluster analysis and standardized variables were conducted for the analysis of findings. The results of the study are intended to provide valuable information about the factors which affect the competitiveness of European countries mostly.

A contribution to understanding the historical meaning of
Bratislava urbanonyms in the context of... more A contribution to understanding the historical meaning of
Bratislava urbanonyms in the context of the national socialist and communist ideologies
during the period 1939-1989. Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 3, pp. 451-481,
The article mainly deals with the urbanonymy of the capital of Slovakia – Bratislava
in the period 1939-1989. The accent is on the hierarchy of the street network,
where we can define various ideological views of the governments on social and
historical events, which influenced the political development of the territory in the
local or national contexts. The work mostly deals with the practical possibilities
of the analysis of urbanonyms and their interpretation, which may be interesting
in the field of history, ethnology, anthropology and geography. During the period
1939-1945 also known as the first Slovak Republic, a puppet state of Nazi Germany,
a lot of foreign (German and Austrian origin) place-names were introduced.
After February 1948 known in Communist historiography as the „Victorious February“,
the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia with Soviet backing, assumed
control over the government of the state. Many urbanonyms were replaced by
names of Soviet or Russian origin. The purpose of our study is a reflection of the
historical identity of the Bratislava old town. Study of urbanonymy, or renaming in
space and time led to the conclusion, that the place names reflect the shared history,
culture and political processes in the wider region of Eastern Europe.
Papers by Slavomir Bucher
собность 41 европейской страны за период 2014–2016 гг. и доказывается, что этот показатель опре-
деляется не преимущественно каким-то одним или несколькими, а всеми факторами, включёнными
в индекс. Автор оценивает вклад каждого фактора в величину индекса глобальной конкурентоспо-
собности с применением различных статистических методов, а также с использованием дополнитель-
ных данных из Отчёта о глобальной конкурентоспособности Всемирного экономического форума за
2014–2016 гг. Анализ конкурентоспособности стран Европы в соответствии с индексом глобальной
конкурентоспособности позволяет выявить особенности существующей региональной социально-
экономической дифференциации в сравнении с усреднёнными европейскими данными. Эти характе-
ристики должны учитываться при выстраивании национальной конкурентной стратегии каждого из
государств региона. Исследование обнаруживает высокую корреляцию между рейтингом страны со-
гласно индексу глобальной конкурентоспособности и индексом развития человеческого потенциала,
внутренним валовым продуктом на душу населения, уровнем гендерного неравенства, а также конку-
рентоспособностью отрасли путешествий и туризма.
for the period 2014–2016, proving that this indicator is primarily determined not by any one factor or
by several factors but by all of those included in the index. The author evaluates the contribution of each factor
to the value of the global competitiveness index using various statistical methods, as well as additional data
from the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Reports 2014–2016. The analysis of the competitiveness
of the European countries in line with the global competitiveness index helps reveal the specifics of
the existing regional socioeconomic differentiation compared to averaged European data. These characteristics
should be considered when building the national competitive strategy of each state of the region.
The study reveals a high correlation between a country’s rating for the global competitiveness index and the
human development index, the gross domestic product per capita, the level of gender inequality, and the
competitiveness of the travel and tourism industry.
identified by selected indicators of human potential. The selection of correct and relevant
indicators has a key role in the identification and measurement of human potential. The aim
of the study is to outline causal and determinant relationship (the relation and the level of
dependence) in the spatial differentiation of human resources in Europe and approaches to
their interpretation. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the link between human
potential and quality or inequality of life and its effect on population from a demographic
viewpoint. Methods of correlation and regression analyses were applied. A wide range of
the most important and most often used human potential assessment indicators based on a
basic systemic classification of human potential will also be presented. Although the first
glance the quality of human resources situation in Europe might seem relatively compact,
deeper analysis showed that there are quite significant regional differences. Our results
show that set of specific condition a constant or moderately growing human capital may
aggravate the consequences of population ageing rather than alleviate them. The important
results of this study include recognition of the existence of several easily manageable
methods and ways of measuring demographic and/or socio-economic solutions to the
challenges posed by quality of human resources in Europe.
Methodology: Association between independent variables and Environmental Performance Index were assessed using Pearson correlation and regression models. Descriptive statistics were used in order to hierarchical classification of countries in the sample based on their competitiveness score on nine issue categories, each of which fit under one of two overarching objectives.
Results : Although significant positive correlations were found between the selected independent variables such as Health index, Environmental Sustainability, Innovation, Human Development Index and two sub-indexes of Environmental Performance. High correlation between Environmental Performance and Human Development Index suggested that the analyzed countries should improve environmental health and ecosystem vitality to improve the overall long-term sustainable development. In other words, improvement in the partial competitiveness of a country empowers growth in its long-term environmental competitiveness.
Interpretation : It is important to point out that incensement of Environmental Performance Index significantly contributes to the Human Development. In order to create sustainable and efficient green environment essential for human health that would result in desired ecosystem vitality and environmental health outcomes, there has to be cooperation between the environmental sector and others sectors in a country. The outcomes of the present research strongly highlight that high-developed Asian countries demonstrate commendable achievement regarding most effective indicators of environmental sustainability and development.
Index (EPI) is constructed through the calculation and aggregation of nine categories
reflecting national-level environmental data. This study uses the most
recent performance and trend data in order to consider the evaluation of indicators
affected on Environmental Performance competitiveness in Europe.
Selected methods of multivariable objects hierarchy and classification
have been used in the study. A wide range of the most important and most often used Environmental Performance assessment indicators based on a basic systemic
classification of environmental potential will also be presented.
High correlation between Environmental Performance and Human Development
Index suggested that the analyzed countries should improve environmental
health and ecosystem vitality to improve the overall long-term sustainable
development. In other words, improvement in the partial competitiveness of
a country empowers growth in its long-term environmental competitiveness.
This article attempts to detail a methodology for constructing an EPI
for the country and based on the EPI scores, rank the states and demonstrate
commendable achievement regarding the most effective indicators of
environmental sustainability and development.
compare the competitiveness levels in Slovakia and Czech Republic The goal of this paper is also to
provide a better understanding of the competitiveness of the tourist destination and the elements that
affect the competitive position of the destination, and to consider the position of both countries in
tourism trends and its competitiveness in the international market.
Secondary data, comprised of the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness indexes 2008-2013, were
included in data analysis. Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index – TTCI consists of few wider
categories whose variables affect the competitiveness of the tourism in certain countries, or, in this
case, destinations or its carries. These categories are summarized in three basic sub – indicates:
index of regulatory frames of tourism and travel, sub – index of work surrounding and infrastructure of
tourism and travel followed by the sub – index of human, cultural and natural resources. Each of the
sub – indices contains certain pillars of competitiveness which have several indicators (total of 14)
whose measurement value is obtained for each sub – index, and the sum of all the values gives the
total index of competitiveness for the tourism in the country.
Tourism has the characteristic of a sector necessitating and encouraging new investments. Tourism
plays a significant role in the closing of the balance of payments deficit with the contribution to
national income and also exchange revenue in provides. The countries that are active in the
international tourist market are constantly enforced in finding the best ways that will enable
satisfaction of the clients – tourists.
tion ageing is associated with the demographic characteristics of the population; when we evaluate population
ageing, we evaluate population processes and indicators that are typically interconnected and interrelated.
Two main factors contribute to the ageing of a population, namely, declines in mortality and fertility. Our
study aims at describing population ageing in the Russian Federation by the last census of 2010. The purpose
of the present paper is also to highlight selected indicators of population ageing in 83 federal subjects of Rus
sia, showing a significant spatial differentiation of population ageing, depending on gender and urban–rural
Keywords: Russian Federation, indicators of economic and social support, demographic ageing, demographic
transition, coefficients of inflow and outflow, age structure.
nerovnomerná. V Košiciach prevládali (takmer 38,5 %) areály BF lokalizované v centrálnej mestskej zóne – v OÚJ Staré Mesto.
V prípade Košíc sa potvrdil predpoklad, že poloha areálu BF v rámci sídelného útvaru hrá dôležitú rolu v procese ďalšieho
redevelopmentu. Až štyri areály BF zo šiestich, ktoré sú zaradené do kategórie súčasného stavu exploatácie ako –
prebiehajúca/plánovaná rekonštrukcia/revitalizácia sú lokalizované v OÚJ Staré Mesto.
взаимозависимые процессы и показатели. Два главных фактора старения населения – снижение
смертности и рождаемости. В предлагаемой вниманию читателей статье старение населения Российской Федерации описывается на основе данных Всероссийской переписи 2010 г., освещаются отдельные показатели этого процесса в 83 субъектах федерации. Показана существенная пространственная дифференциация старения населения, а также в зависимости от пола и места жительства в городских или сельских поселениях.
Ключевые слова: Российская Федерация, индикаторы экономической и социальной поддержки,
демографическое старение, демографический переход, возрастная структура.
Bratislava urbanonyms in the context of the national socialist and communist ideologies
during the period 1939-1989. Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 3, pp. 451-481,
The article mainly deals with the urbanonymy of the capital of Slovakia – Bratislava
in the period 1939-1989. The accent is on the hierarchy of the street network,
where we can define various ideological views of the governments on social and
historical events, which influenced the political development of the territory in the
local or national contexts. The work mostly deals with the practical possibilities
of the analysis of urbanonyms and their interpretation, which may be interesting
in the field of history, ethnology, anthropology and geography. During the period
1939-1945 also known as the first Slovak Republic, a puppet state of Nazi Germany,
a lot of foreign (German and Austrian origin) place-names were introduced.
After February 1948 known in Communist historiography as the „Victorious February“,
the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia with Soviet backing, assumed
control over the government of the state. Many urbanonyms were replaced by
names of Soviet or Russian origin. The purpose of our study is a reflection of the
historical identity of the Bratislava old town. Study of urbanonymy, or renaming in
space and time led to the conclusion, that the place names reflect the shared history,
culture and political processes in the wider region of Eastern Europe.
собность 41 европейской страны за период 2014–2016 гг. и доказывается, что этот показатель опре-
деляется не преимущественно каким-то одним или несколькими, а всеми факторами, включёнными
в индекс. Автор оценивает вклад каждого фактора в величину индекса глобальной конкурентоспо-
собности с применением различных статистических методов, а также с использованием дополнитель-
ных данных из Отчёта о глобальной конкурентоспособности Всемирного экономического форума за
2014–2016 гг. Анализ конкурентоспособности стран Европы в соответствии с индексом глобальной
конкурентоспособности позволяет выявить особенности существующей региональной социально-
экономической дифференциации в сравнении с усреднёнными европейскими данными. Эти характе-
ристики должны учитываться при выстраивании национальной конкурентной стратегии каждого из
государств региона. Исследование обнаруживает высокую корреляцию между рейтингом страны со-
гласно индексу глобальной конкурентоспособности и индексом развития человеческого потенциала,
внутренним валовым продуктом на душу населения, уровнем гендерного неравенства, а также конку-
рентоспособностью отрасли путешествий и туризма.
for the period 2014–2016, proving that this indicator is primarily determined not by any one factor or
by several factors but by all of those included in the index. The author evaluates the contribution of each factor
to the value of the global competitiveness index using various statistical methods, as well as additional data
from the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Reports 2014–2016. The analysis of the competitiveness
of the European countries in line with the global competitiveness index helps reveal the specifics of
the existing regional socioeconomic differentiation compared to averaged European data. These characteristics
should be considered when building the national competitive strategy of each state of the region.
The study reveals a high correlation between a country’s rating for the global competitiveness index and the
human development index, the gross domestic product per capita, the level of gender inequality, and the
competitiveness of the travel and tourism industry.
identified by selected indicators of human potential. The selection of correct and relevant
indicators has a key role in the identification and measurement of human potential. The aim
of the study is to outline causal and determinant relationship (the relation and the level of
dependence) in the spatial differentiation of human resources in Europe and approaches to
their interpretation. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the link between human
potential and quality or inequality of life and its effect on population from a demographic
viewpoint. Methods of correlation and regression analyses were applied. A wide range of
the most important and most often used human potential assessment indicators based on a
basic systemic classification of human potential will also be presented. Although the first
glance the quality of human resources situation in Europe might seem relatively compact,
deeper analysis showed that there are quite significant regional differences. Our results
show that set of specific condition a constant or moderately growing human capital may
aggravate the consequences of population ageing rather than alleviate them. The important
results of this study include recognition of the existence of several easily manageable
methods and ways of measuring demographic and/or socio-economic solutions to the
challenges posed by quality of human resources in Europe.
Methodology: Association between independent variables and Environmental Performance Index were assessed using Pearson correlation and regression models. Descriptive statistics were used in order to hierarchical classification of countries in the sample based on their competitiveness score on nine issue categories, each of which fit under one of two overarching objectives.
Results : Although significant positive correlations were found between the selected independent variables such as Health index, Environmental Sustainability, Innovation, Human Development Index and two sub-indexes of Environmental Performance. High correlation between Environmental Performance and Human Development Index suggested that the analyzed countries should improve environmental health and ecosystem vitality to improve the overall long-term sustainable development. In other words, improvement in the partial competitiveness of a country empowers growth in its long-term environmental competitiveness.
Interpretation : It is important to point out that incensement of Environmental Performance Index significantly contributes to the Human Development. In order to create sustainable and efficient green environment essential for human health that would result in desired ecosystem vitality and environmental health outcomes, there has to be cooperation between the environmental sector and others sectors in a country. The outcomes of the present research strongly highlight that high-developed Asian countries demonstrate commendable achievement regarding most effective indicators of environmental sustainability and development.
Index (EPI) is constructed through the calculation and aggregation of nine categories
reflecting national-level environmental data. This study uses the most
recent performance and trend data in order to consider the evaluation of indicators
affected on Environmental Performance competitiveness in Europe.
Selected methods of multivariable objects hierarchy and classification
have been used in the study. A wide range of the most important and most often used Environmental Performance assessment indicators based on a basic systemic
classification of environmental potential will also be presented.
High correlation between Environmental Performance and Human Development
Index suggested that the analyzed countries should improve environmental
health and ecosystem vitality to improve the overall long-term sustainable
development. In other words, improvement in the partial competitiveness of
a country empowers growth in its long-term environmental competitiveness.
This article attempts to detail a methodology for constructing an EPI
for the country and based on the EPI scores, rank the states and demonstrate
commendable achievement regarding the most effective indicators of
environmental sustainability and development.
compare the competitiveness levels in Slovakia and Czech Republic The goal of this paper is also to
provide a better understanding of the competitiveness of the tourist destination and the elements that
affect the competitive position of the destination, and to consider the position of both countries in
tourism trends and its competitiveness in the international market.
Secondary data, comprised of the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness indexes 2008-2013, were
included in data analysis. Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index – TTCI consists of few wider
categories whose variables affect the competitiveness of the tourism in certain countries, or, in this
case, destinations or its carries. These categories are summarized in three basic sub – indicates:
index of regulatory frames of tourism and travel, sub – index of work surrounding and infrastructure of
tourism and travel followed by the sub – index of human, cultural and natural resources. Each of the
sub – indices contains certain pillars of competitiveness which have several indicators (total of 14)
whose measurement value is obtained for each sub – index, and the sum of all the values gives the
total index of competitiveness for the tourism in the country.
Tourism has the characteristic of a sector necessitating and encouraging new investments. Tourism
plays a significant role in the closing of the balance of payments deficit with the contribution to
national income and also exchange revenue in provides. The countries that are active in the
international tourist market are constantly enforced in finding the best ways that will enable
satisfaction of the clients – tourists.
tion ageing is associated with the demographic characteristics of the population; when we evaluate population
ageing, we evaluate population processes and indicators that are typically interconnected and interrelated.
Two main factors contribute to the ageing of a population, namely, declines in mortality and fertility. Our
study aims at describing population ageing in the Russian Federation by the last census of 2010. The purpose
of the present paper is also to highlight selected indicators of population ageing in 83 federal subjects of Rus
sia, showing a significant spatial differentiation of population ageing, depending on gender and urban–rural
Keywords: Russian Federation, indicators of economic and social support, demographic ageing, demographic
transition, coefficients of inflow and outflow, age structure.
nerovnomerná. V Košiciach prevládali (takmer 38,5 %) areály BF lokalizované v centrálnej mestskej zóne – v OÚJ Staré Mesto.
V prípade Košíc sa potvrdil predpoklad, že poloha areálu BF v rámci sídelného útvaru hrá dôležitú rolu v procese ďalšieho
redevelopmentu. Až štyri areály BF zo šiestich, ktoré sú zaradené do kategórie súčasného stavu exploatácie ako –
prebiehajúca/plánovaná rekonštrukcia/revitalizácia sú lokalizované v OÚJ Staré Mesto.
взаимозависимые процессы и показатели. Два главных фактора старения населения – снижение
смертности и рождаемости. В предлагаемой вниманию читателей статье старение населения Российской Федерации описывается на основе данных Всероссийской переписи 2010 г., освещаются отдельные показатели этого процесса в 83 субъектах федерации. Показана существенная пространственная дифференциация старения населения, а также в зависимости от пола и места жительства в городских или сельских поселениях.
Ключевые слова: Российская Федерация, индикаторы экономической и социальной поддержки,
демографическое старение, демографический переход, возрастная структура.
Bratislava urbanonyms in the context of the national socialist and communist ideologies
during the period 1939-1989. Historický časopis, 2015, 63, 3, pp. 451-481,
The article mainly deals with the urbanonymy of the capital of Slovakia – Bratislava
in the period 1939-1989. The accent is on the hierarchy of the street network,
where we can define various ideological views of the governments on social and
historical events, which influenced the political development of the territory in the
local or national contexts. The work mostly deals with the practical possibilities
of the analysis of urbanonyms and their interpretation, which may be interesting
in the field of history, ethnology, anthropology and geography. During the period
1939-1945 also known as the first Slovak Republic, a puppet state of Nazi Germany,
a lot of foreign (German and Austrian origin) place-names were introduced.
After February 1948 known in Communist historiography as the „Victorious February“,
the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia with Soviet backing, assumed
control over the government of the state. Many urbanonyms were replaced by
names of Soviet or Russian origin. The purpose of our study is a reflection of the
historical identity of the Bratislava old town. Study of urbanonymy, or renaming in
space and time led to the conclusion, that the place names reflect the shared history,
culture and political processes in the wider region of Eastern Europe.
Radi by sme preto upriamili pozornosť na kľúčové faktory sociálnej identity, ako aj na ich interpretáciu. Na základe jednotlivých analýz si dovolíme tvrdiť, že najvyššiu mieru pozitívnych sympatií prejavujú respondenti k svojej vidieckej obci/mestu a krajine (Slovensku).
venovanej súčasným strategickým dokumentom v Slovenskej republike, ktorých
výsledkom by mal byť Koncept strategického rámca inteligentného mesta
v podmienkach SR. Podobný učebný materiál v slovenskom jazyku obsahujúci
aktuálne poznatky tejto vednej disciplíny, doposiaľ absentoval nielen na Ústave
geografie Univerzity Pavla Jozefa Šafárika, ale aj na ostatných slovenských
univerzitách. K dispozícii boli len viaceré učebnice zaoberajúce sa regionálnym
rozvojom v teoretickom kontexte. Mestá a ich priľahlé funkčné územia sa
podstatnou mierou podieľajú na ekonomickom rozvoji celej krajiny, sú prirodzenými
centrami verejných aj komerčných služieb. V prípade Slovenska poskytujú mestá
v súčasnosti bývanie pre viac ako 54 % obyvateľstva.
Významným medzníkom pre systematické zlepšovanie prostredia pre mestský
rozvoj je príprava koncepcie mestského rozvoja Slovenskej republiky, ktorú
Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky (MDV SR) uskutočňuje v
spolupráci s ďalšími rezortmi, odborníkmi a zástupcami súkromného a neziskového
sektora. MDV SR sa však pri tvorbe štátnej politiky chce oprieť o oveľa širšie
zastúpenie mestských samospráv, a preto v období november 2013 – február 2014
realizovalo prieskum o rozvojových prioritách slovenských miest, na ktorom sa
zúčastnilo spolu viac než 78 % slovenských miest.
Ministerstvo dopravy a výstavby SR v zmysle Zákona NR SR č. 378/2016 Z. z.,
ktorým sa mení a dopĺňa zákon č. 575/2001 Z. z. o organizácii činnosti vlády
a organizácii ústrednej štátnej správy v znení neskorších predpisov a ktorým sa
menia a dopĺňajú niektoré zákony je centrálnym orgánom štátnej správy pre tvorbu a
uskutočňovanie politiky mestského rozvoja. Ministerstvo dopravy v roku 2014
zriadilo pracovnú skupinu pre mestský rozvoj a prizvalo do nej zástupcov krajských
miest, strešných organizácií samosprávy, rezortné ministerstvá, akademickú obec,
podnikateľský a mimovládny sektor, ktorí z hľadiska svojej pôsobnosti a odbornej
erudície by mohli významnou mierou prispieť k smerovaniu ďalšieho rozvoja
slovenských miest. Problematika mestského rozvoja pribudla ku kompetenciám
ministerstva na základe potrieb Slovenskej republiky, ale aj všeobecných
medzinárodných trendov, ktoré dlhodobo potvrdzujú význam úlohy miest v
sociálnom a ekonomickom rozvoji krajín.
Decentralizácia kompetencií prispieva k efektívnejšiemu riešeniu problémov
miest či skvalitneniu služieb pre občanov. Najčastejším problémom je nedostatok
finančných prostriedkov potrebných na plnenie kompetencií samosprávy. Mestá by
do svojich kompetencií presunuli oblasť sociálnych služieb spolu s dostatočnými
finančnými prostriedkami, oblasť cestných komunikácií, stredného školstva či
živnostenského registra. Najväčšiu záťaž pre mestá predstavujú kompetencie v
oblasti školstva, stavebného úradu, životného prostredia a sociálnej oblasti.