Papers by Dr. Urte Brand-Daniels
Sustainable Energy & Fuels
The combination of LCA and techno-economic analysis under local conditions uncovers the European ... more The combination of LCA and techno-economic analysis under local conditions uncovers the European SAF production potential via the PBtL route.
Applied Energy, 2019
• A hybrid system approach for primary frequency control provision is presented. • Significant re... more • A hybrid system approach for primary frequency control provision is presented. • Significant reduction in battery investment costs by a combination with power to heat. • Improved economic benefit of systems with capacity-to-power ratios lower than 1. • Comparative analysis reveals the advantage of hybrid system over stand-alone battery. • Studied system is not economically feasible under current power prices.

Energies, 2015
Climate changes, incidents like nuclear disasters, and associated political objectives call for s... more Climate changes, incidents like nuclear disasters, and associated political objectives call for significant changes to the current energy system. Despite these far-reaching transformation processes, within the intended changes security of supply and precautions against the possible consequences of climate change must be ensured. Consequently, the question arises how to direct energy systems. In this context the processes of guiding orientations with the help of the guiding concept of "resilient systems" and feasible and addressee-oriented guiding design principles can be an option to provide guidance in transformation processes. However, it is questionable whether and how such processes are effective in the long term and if they are able to give direction by doing so. Within the framework of empirical studies of a regional guiding orientation process for the energy system of Northwestern Germany, the long-term effectiveness of the process and its spread resilient guiding design principles of "low-exergy solutions" and "climate-adapted and energy-efficient refrigeration" has been confirmed. Such effectiveness requires the implementation of a four-phase guiding orientation process which takes content-related and process-related effectiveness factors into account. Therefore, the study shows how regional energy systems can be designed toward the major challenges of ensuring security and precaution.

E3S Web of Conferences
The aviation sector is estimated to require a widespread deployment of sustainable fuels next to ... more The aviation sector is estimated to require a widespread deployment of sustainable fuels next to developments in aircraft technology and improvements in operations and infrastructure to efficiently reduce its climate impact. A possible pathway for more sustainable aviation fuels could be fuel production using hydrogen via water electrolysis with renewable energy followed by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, also known as Power-to-Liquid (PtL). In order to investigate whether this fuel pathway contributes to the reduction in environmental impacts, we conduct an environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) compared to fossil fuel for the use in a narrow-body shortto medium-haul aircraft fleet. Within the LCA, the focus lies on the phases of fuel production and operation of the aircraft’s life cycle. Unlike most LCA studies in aviation, the impacts of the flight emissions are computed based on the aircraft characteristics and considering the geographic position and altitude of the aircraft for a...
Sowie über 150 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer, die an den während der Projektlaufzeit veranstalte... more Sowie über 150 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer, die an den während der Projektlaufzeit veranstalteten Veranstaltungen, wie Workshops, Vorlesungsreihe und Treffen teilgenommen haben. Zu den Veranstaltungen und Workshops zählen je zwei Workshops zu den regionalen Fallstudien, drei Workshops zu Power-to-Gas/Fuel, eine Vernetzungsveranstaltung der Transformationsforschung im Norddeutschen Raum, Kick-Off und Abschluss-Workshop sowie ein Workshop zu konkurrierenden Konzeptionen von Innovationssystemen.

The greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping were estimated to be 2.1% of the global ... more The greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping were estimated to be 2.1% of the global emissions by 2012. In order to decrease them in the future, new measures are being taken but also new alternative power systems employing batteries, hydrogen and fuel cells and the production of alternative fuels are now under development. Currently, several projects are aiming at the implementation of hydrogen and fuel cells in Ro-on/roll-off and passenger (RoPax) ferries. In relation to this, a comparison of hydrogen and fuel cell systems against other technologies such as batteries in terms of costs, system mass and volume is presented in this paper. In addition, an overview of the market potential of RoPax ferries in Europe is given, showing that fuel cells have potential, particularly if their power is scaled up. Finally, we present the first results of the life cycle assessment carried out within the project of HySeas III, which shows that the global warming potential generated by ...

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Purpose The concept of criticality concerns the probability and the possible impacts of shortages... more Purpose The concept of criticality concerns the probability and the possible impacts of shortages in raw-material supply and is usually applied to regional economies or specific industries. With more and more products being highly dependent on potentially critical raw materials, efforts are being made to also incorporate criticality into the framework of life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA). However, there is still some need for methodological development of indicators to measure raw-material criticality in LCSA. Methods We therefore introduce ‘economic product importance’ (EPI) as a novel parameter for the product-specific evaluation of the relevance and significance of a certain raw material for a particular product system. We thereby consider both the actual raw-material flows (life cycle inventories) and the life cycle cost. The EPI thus represents a measure for the material-specific product-system vulnerability (another component being the substitutability). Combining th...

Die Theoriestudie dient als Basis fur die wissenschaftlichen Analysen und die Umsetzungsprojekte ... more Die Theoriestudie dient als Basis fur die wissenschaftlichen Analysen und die Umsetzungsprojekte zur Klimaanpassung in ‚nordwest2050‘ und soll die Entwicklung von erfolgreichen Klimaanpassungsstrategien unterstutzen. Die Theoriestudie greift dabei auf bestehende Theorieansatze zuruck und prazisiert bzw. passt sie im Hinblick auf die Bedingungen der Klimaanpassung an. Bei der Auswahl und Strukturierung der relevanten Theoriearbeiten werden vier grundlegende Bereiche unterschieden: Zielorientierung, Grundlagentheorien, prozessuale Schlusselthemen und Forschungsbezugsrahmen. Im Kapitel Zielorientierung wird Resilienz als Leitkonzept fur ‚nordwest2050‘ beschrieben. Die Grundlagentheorien greifen systemtheoretische und evolutorische Grundlagen auf. Als prozessuale Schlusselthemen fur die erfolgreiche Gestaltung von Klimaanpassungsstrategien werden die Themen Governance, Richtungsgebung in Innovationsprozessen, kulturelle Kompetenzen und Resilienzlernen beschrieben. Im Forschungsbezugsrah...
Das Glossar behandelt zentrale Begriffe im Rahmen der in 'nordwest2050' geplanten Roadmap... more Das Glossar behandelt zentrale Begriffe im Rahmen der in 'nordwest2050' geplanten Roadmap of Change fur eine klimaangepasste und resiliente Metropolregion Bremen-Oldenburg im Nordwesten und dient im Wesentlichen als Grundlage fur ein gemeinsames Verstandnis unter den beteiligten wissenschaftlichen Partnern. Das Glossar richtet sich zudem an die interessierte Fachoffentlichkeit.
This work quantifies, through material flow analysis, the demand and discard of lead and indium i... more This work quantifies, through material flow analysis, the demand and discard of lead and indium in scenarios of future adoption of perovskite solar cells, considering four aspects for the construction of scenarios. These aspects include the type of perovskite solar cell, the future market share, the lifetime of the modules and the absence or presence, respectively, of recycling. The results show that the demand for lead might not be significant compared to the current supply. However, the use of indium in a high market share scenario might go beyond the current supply of this material. The required amount of material may decrease through the use of tandem technologies, a longer product lifetime and end-of-life recycling.

Der nordwest2050-Werkstattbericht Nr. 10 widmet sich der Frage, wie im Rahmen von ‚nordwest2050’ ... more Der nordwest2050-Werkstattbericht Nr. 10 widmet sich der Frage, wie im Rahmen von ‚nordwest2050’ Innovationen in Richtung Klimaanpassung konkret unterstutzt und umgesetzt werden konnen. Dabei werden Ansatze aus dem Technologie-Roadmapping mit Ansatzen zur leitbildorientierten Technik- und Systemgestaltung miteinander verknupft. Zentrales Ergebnis ist ein Leitfaden fur die Erstellung von ‚leitorientierten integrierten Roadmaps‘. Im Bericht werden zunachst die beiden Ansatze ‚Integriertes Roadmapping‘ sowie ‚Leitbildorientierte Technik- und Systemgestaltung‘, ihre konzeptionellen Grundlagen, die bisher vorliegenden empirischen Erkenntnisse und praktischen Erfahrungen vorgestellt und weiterentwickelt. Im zweiten Teil geht es dann um die Moglichkeiten der Zusammenfuhrung dieser Ansatze und die daraus entwickelte Methode „Leitorientiertes integriertes Roadmapping“. Die einzelnen Schritte dieser Methode sowie entscheidende Erfolgsfaktoren werden aufgezeigt und konkrete Handlungsempfehlung...

Estimates for the greenhouse gas emissions caused by maritime transportation account for approx. ... more Estimates for the greenhouse gas emissions caused by maritime transportation account for approx. 870 million tonnes of CO2 tonnes in 2018, increasing the awareness of the public in general and requiring the development of alternative propulsion systems and fuels to reduce them. In this context, the project HySeas III is developing a hydrogen and fuel cell powered roll-on/roll off and passenger ferry intended for the crossing between Kirkwall and Shapinsay in the Orkney Islands in Scotland, a region which currently has an excess of wind and tidal power. In order to explore the environmental aspects of this alternative, a life cycle assessment from cradle to end-of-use using the ReCiPe 2016 method was conducted, contrasting the proposed prototype developed within the project against a conventional diesel ferry and a diesel hybrid ferry. The results show that the use of hydrogen derived fromwind energy and fuel cells for ship propulsion allow the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions o...
Progress in Life Cycle Assessment 2019
Papers by Dr. Urte Brand-Daniels