It is well-known that the permanent terrestrial ice sheets (glaciers and polar caps) contain a lot of information about the recent geological history and in particular about climatic changes. Extrapolating this fact to other ice sheets in... more
Our fundamental understanding of the interior of the Earth comes from seismology, geodesy, geochemistry, geomagnetism, geothermal studies, and petrology. For the Earth, measurements in those disciplines of geophysics have revealed the... more
The comet lander PHILAE (part of the ESA mission ROSETTA) is going to touch down on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in 2014. Landing dynamics depend on the mechanical strength of the surface material: in an extremely soft material, the... more
The investigation of small bodies, comets and asteroids, can contribute substantially to our understanding of the formation and history of the Solar System. In situ observations by landers play an important role in this field.
Being successfully launched on March 2, 2004, ESA's cornerstone mission ''ROSETTA'' (originally planned to be launched in January 2003 to comet Wirtanen) is en route. It will also bring the 100 kg Lander ''Philae'' with a scientific... more
In situ (and sample return) space missions are the most promising tools to investigate the origin and evolution of comet nuclei. We present the instruments and investigations that will be performed with PHILAE (the ROSETTA Lander) on... more
The paper describes the Rosetta Lander named Philae and introduces its complement of scientific instruments. Philae was launched aboard the European Space Agency Rosetta spacecraft on 02 March 2004 and is expected to land and operate on... more
The Philae lander, part of the Rosetta mission to investigate comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, was delivered to the cometary surface in November 2014. Here we report the precise circumstances of the multiple landings of Philae, including... more
An algorithm for correcting instrumental effects in polarization lidar studies is discussed. Cross-talk between the perpendicular and parallel polarization channels and imperfect polarization of the transmitted laser beam are taken into... more
The paper presents the concept, the objectives, the approach used, and the expected performances and accuracies of a radioscience experiment based on a radio link between the Earth and the surface of Mars. This experiment involves... more
ESA's cornerstone mission "ROSETTA" to comet 46PiWirtanen will bring a 100 kg Lander (provided by an international European consortium) with a scientific payload of about 27 kg to the surface of the comet's nucleus. After a first... more
The investigation of small bodies, comets and asteroids, can contribute substantially to our understanding of the formation and history of the Solar System. In-situ observations by Landers play a prominent role in this field. The Rosetta... more
The ExoMars mission is the first ESA led robotic mission in the Aurora Programme and combines technology development with investigations of major scientific interest. ExoMars will launch 2013 (landing 2 years later) with a backup scenario... more
Polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) which do not fit into the standard type IaJlb scheme were measured by the airborne lidar OLEX (Ozone Lidar Experiment) on board the Deutsches Zentrum fiir Luft-und Raumfhart (DLR) Falcon during the... more
The Triple F (Fresh From the Fridge) mission, a Comet Nucleus Sample Return, has been proposed to ESA’s Cosmic Vision program. A sample return from a comet enables us to reach the ultimate goal of cometary research. Since comets are the... more