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      Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), SAR Interferometry, SAR PolarimetrySAR tomography
A bistatic X-band experiment was successfully performed early November 2007. TerraSAR-X was used as transmitter and DLR's new airborne radar system F-SAR, which was programmed to acquire data in a quasicontinuous mode to avoid echo window... more
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      Signal ProcessingRadar Remote Sensingairborne SARbistatic SAR
This paper analyses the potential of TanDEM-X to acquire highly accurate digital elevation models (DEMs) on a global scale. For this, an appropriate mission concept will be introduced which allows for the generation of a world-wide DEM... more
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This paper presents a new processing algorithm for spotlight SAR data processing. The algorithm performs the range cell migration correction for non-chirped raw data without interpolation by using a novel frequency scaling operation. The... more
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TanDEM-X is a mission proposal for a TerraSAR-X add-on satellite for high-resolution single-pass SAR interferometry. This mission proposal has been selected for a Phase A study within the scope of a Call for Proposals for a next German... more
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This paper introduces the innovative concept of multidimensional waveform encoding for spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The combination of this technique with digital beamforming on receive enables a new generation of SAR... more
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The displaced phase center (DPC) technique will enable a wide-swath synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with high azimuth resolution. In a classic DPC system, the pulse repetition frequency (PRF) has to be chosen such that the SAR carrier... more
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Abstruct-This paper presents a generalized formulation of the extended chirp scaling (ECS) approach for high precision processing of air-and spaceborne SAR data. Based on the original chirp scaling function, the ECS algorithm incorporates... more
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      Synthetic Aperture RadarSynthetic Aperture Radar InterferometrySynthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), SAR Interferometry, SAR Polarimetry
TanDEM-X is a mission proposal for an innovative spaceborne radar interferometer which has been evaluated in a phase A study by a joint DLR and EADS/Astrium team. The mission concept is based on two TerraSAR-X radar satellites flying in... more
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The performance and capabilities of bi-and multistatic spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are analyzed. Such systems can be optimized for a broad range of applications like frequent monitoring, wide swath imaging, single-pass... more
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This paper discusses the capabilities of multistatic SAR satellite configurations for different applications like high resolution DEM generation using multibaseline single-pass crosstrack interferometry, 3-D vegetation mapping and layover... more
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Bi-and multistatic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) operates with distinct transmit and receive antennas which are mounted on separate platforms. Such a spatial separation has several operational advantages which will increase the... more
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This paper first summarizes the state of the art in spaceborne SAR systems and applications. The second part of this paper gives an overview of new concepts, techniques and technologies for future SAR systems, allowing an increase of... more
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This paper introduces and analyses the innovative paradigm of multidimensional waveform encoding for spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The combination of this technique with digital beamforming on receive enables a new class of... more
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This paper introduces the innovative concept of multidimensional waveform encoding for spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR). The combination of this technique with digital beamforming on receive enables a new generation of SAR... more
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Modern synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems are continually developing in the direction of higher spatial resolution. This requires the usage of high range bandwidths combined with long azimuth integration intervals. High-quality SAR... more
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This paper introduces innovative SAR system concepts for the acquisition of high resolution radar images with wide swath coverage from spaceborne platforms. The new concepts rely on the combination of advanced multi-channel SAR front-end... more
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Multi-aperture synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems enable high performance SAR imaging thus meeting the rising demands of future remote sensing applications that conventional SAR cannot fulfill. To provide constant performance even in... more
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Multi-aperture synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems in combination with an appropriate coherent processing of the individual aperture signals enable high resolution wide swath (HRWS) SAR imaging [1]-[8]. An innovative reconstruction... more
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