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An extension of the Ffowcs-Williams and Hawkings integral method suitable for CFD unsteady harmonic solutions and axisymmetrical configurations is presented, wherein the three following steps are conducted. i) A time-domain solution for... more
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This study is focused on developing a process that couples the near-field unsteady flow field data computed by a 3-D Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) code with a Ffowcs Williams -Hawkings (FW-H) formulation for the far-field noise... more
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The present paper describes the use of various high-order schemes in a finite volume formulation for use on structured grids. In particular, WENO and compact upwind schemes as well as central and upwind schemes are investigated. Their... more
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    • Mathematics
This work is about numerical simulations of vortex induced acoustic resonance in a duct, experimentally investigated by Welsh et al. Vortex shedding of low-speed flow over a flat plate excites an acoustic duct mode, leading to a lock-in... more
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    • Fluids
In this paper, various averaging techniques commonly used in turbomachinery applications are analyzed. It is shown how the work average relates to Miller’s mechanical work potential and that it is, in a certain way, consistent with... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringMechanicsTurbine